
Facts I got from over 253 hours of research about 911 and how John F Kennedy wanted to tell us about  federal bank reserves, CIA, and "secret" societies which later he was assassinated:

CIA is manipulating and TRICKING the US soldiers to go to wars that are ONLY beneficial to certain powerful people such as WW2 with Germany OR Iraq invasion. The HIGH terrorisms and treasons committed by these people shown in the video and CIA. 911 was JUST LIKE another false flag attack like when they got billions of money from Germany to build their "holy" land. An Israel Mossad agent was revealed as ISIS leader https://justpaste.it/62cux


How 9/11 "official" story contradicts itself:

  • Majority of people tend to think they wouldn't kill their own people but that is not the case. For example Operation Northwoods (search it up) was an operation for CIA to murder some of US citizens in various cities and other fake terrorists attacks against the military in order to have an excuse to invade Cuba but JFK declined the offer which in the following year he was assassinated. During 911 the Pentagon had 85 surveillance cameras around the building. The footage was released 14 years later in 2015 ! which it was after high demands of people requesting for at least one footage and the so called "object" in a decreased speed to 0.25 while holding space on 1:32 on the right corner of that video) you'll see a really pointy nose and a narrow, thin body that does not even look close to a 757 Boeing, a 757 Boeing has a much more thick, longer, and wider nose whereas in the footage it's the complete opposite (if you slow it down to 0.25 and hold space on 1:32 on the right) with 0.25 speed shows the nose of an object with a really pointy angle and really thin body that does not even look close to a Boeing 757 plane. This is what also the comments were saying as well. The 757 nose is slightly narrowed with a thick nose and body whereas the footage with the slowed speed shows the object has a a really pointy nose with a sharp angle and really thin body that doesn’t even look close to a Boeing 757 plane. Also the footage was only 30 FPS and that was the only footage over 85 cameras they had. Video  (slow it down to 0.25 and hold space especially on 1:32 on the left):
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  • Larry Silverstein was the owner of twin towers who had Jewish dual Israel citizenship and made around 12.1 billion dollars due to the extreme "terrorist" insurance right before the event and him, his daughter and his son managed not to be available in the building and 2.4 trillion dollars somehow went "missing" in the Pentagon and nobody could find Donald Rumsfeld in the white house at that day and NO investigation was done.
  • For the WTC 7 building, there is a footage from YouTube where the reporter from BBC says and claims on live the building is down while the building is COMPLETELY fine with no fire, with no collisions nor one single fume. Here is the footage:

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Robert F Kennedy, JFK's brother was later assassinated for speaking about these people and "secret" societies betray us and just like his brother JFK he was killed.

Bobby Kennedy | Rowland Scherman

  • The interesting thing is news reporters don't tend to make statements out of their own thoughts, they have a script right in front of them as they speak which is extremely weird and ridiculous if she said the building had collapsed before the building actually collapsed. BBC said they didn't get their info from anywhere but some people say they got it from firefighters although they admitted themselves they got it from a Reuters feed.


CIA destroyed majority of debris and evidence about 911: 

  • Another thing for WTCs, the CIA had sent over 80% of steel beam debris to China before the criminal investigation. 130,000 tons of debris, most of it apparently steel, had been removed. According to FEMA, more than 350,000 tons of steel were extracted from Ground Zero and barged or trucked to salvage yards where it was cut up for recycling. Four salvage yards were contracted to process the steel and only 150 steel beams were investigated, moreover it is not clear who made the decision to save these particular pieces. FEMA's BPAT, who wrote the WTC Building Performance Study, were not given access to Ground Zero. Apparently, they were not even allowed to collect steel samples from the salvage yards. Not to mention nowhere in NFPA 921 does one find an exemption allowing the destruction of evidence for buildings over 10 stories tall. The funny thing is 50,000 tons of the scrap steel from the ruins of the building were sold at no more than US$120 each ton. 



  • The "official" news had mentioned the wings were "disintegrated” during the plane hitting the pentagon. The wings would not "disintegrate". Since matter cannot be destroyed, only transformed. The only exception is nuclear reactions, where matter can be transformed into energy, but this is not the case here. In summary, all the atoms from the wing still exist, if you had the patience to put them all together, you could reconstruct it. Not to mention wings of an airplane are made out of aluminum alloy but even if it's not an aluminum alloy (which is not the case) the melting point would be about 1215 ° F and the vaporizing point is about 2425 ° C but again the wings are made out of aluminum alloy which would resist even more heat from the jet fuel. Therefore, there would still be molten aluminum from the impact by the time firefighters arrived. 
  • As mentioned, almost all of the steel beams and debris except only 150 of them were investigated. What exactly was their reason for doing that? It wasn't because they " had no part to play" the "official" claims were because they have computer simulations so they don't "need" to investigate all of the steel beams but that's not how it works, if anyone had seen videos relating to 911 and the "computer simulations" in which had been claiming they are based on "physics" and "engineering", the funny thing is, they have never mentioned what formula, theory, or even a physics law they used for the "simulation" I can show you one of the videos, as soon as the man behind the computer mentioned "physics", he was opening word and Google slides. Especially from 2:13: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzInIjD6nKw
  • This is jokes. I hope everyone knows that a "simulation" is not even enough evidence you might ask why not? well for a "simulation" you could make it however you want it to be and could chose what will happen next what was at least necessary was a program not only a simulation. A program in which they had applied the "physics" theory they claimed they were using (but never mentioned which) and add all of their "evidence" into the program, therefore it will act accordingly.


      • For the wings of the object that hit the Pentagon, certain people who think that there would be "no" debris left love to bring this video about the Phantom F4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4CX-9lkRMQ\
      • This video shows a Phantom F4 hitting the nuclear resistant concrete and if you had the patience you could still find the debris of the plane after the hit (although they didn't show the plane wreckage after the hit) not to mention the "official" news claims were because "jet fuel" burned the wings NOT because it was due to the hit and even if it was due to the hit (in which they didn't claim such thing) it would still not disintegrate because the video of Phantom F4 hitting the concrete is supposed to withstand nuclear reaction, a nation's nuclear reactor construction to ensure that they would withstand such an impact but this was not the case for the Pentagon. That specific wall's purpose was to withstand even a nuclear reaction.
      • You might want to check this:
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How ISIS and and other terrorist groups were funded and created: 

This Mossad agent terrorist murders 21 Christians by the name of ISIS and blame it on other religions. Why isn't this on mainstream media?

Abbs Winston on Twitter: "SURPRISE 🇮🇱Mossad Agent that lead the most Notorious Daesh ("ISIS") Terrorist was arrested by the Libyan Authorities https://t.co/9NegxSpv4D… https://t.co/mIBu9Fv4Pf"ISIS Commander gets captured in Libya;... - Pakistan Defence | Facebook



These were MOOSAD AGENTS who CHNAGE their name to something else.


How these Mossad agents hide their identity and appearance to be terrorists leader


ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi is a Jewish Mossad - altCensored


  • Based on a CIA whistleblower's allegation named Alan Parrot, he has mentioned that when the Navy SEAL team six where 6 members were supposedly killed by an "accident" was not an "accident and it was actually ordered by Clinton family along with Obama's administration and Biden since the SEAL team six have realized that Osama Bin Laden was already dead and they have killed someone who looked "similar" to him. He also mentioned that when the US gave 153 billion dollars to Iran, it was actually because they have blackmailed them since they knew that Osama was even never alive to even begin with. Not to mention Alan Parrot also motioned that George Bush was trying to "protect" Osama by "placing" him in a "secure" place and one of the places were supposedly Iran based on the CIA whistleblower.
  • Osama was actually from Saudi Arabia then he later escaped to Pakistan but then CIA invaded Iraq for "weapons of mass destruction" which was never proven and I already explained this above with multiple links and sources.
  • For Alan Parrot's allegation these are some of the two of the videos that are somehow still on Youtube and I have no idea how Youtube did not censor this to this day:


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You could also watch this for more information:

If Osama was never alive to begin with then this contradicts the entire "official" stories about 911 since CIA and Bush mentioned it was him who did that !

911 was very good for Israel in order for the US to send their soldiers to have an excuse to fight Israel's "enemies" which were basically countries around Israel that were developing their economy and Israel saw this as a threat. Holocaust was also very beneficial for them to build their "holy" land by getting billions of dollars and some of them still get thousands of dollars each month by Germany.


Finally, finish this with this video about multiple witnesses of hearing a "rumble" and an "explosion" right at the same time the planes were hit in which this then corresponds to them already having multiple bombs in Trade Centre. An example for one of the witnesses were William Rodriguez but the "official" news have never invited him but they have invited all of the so called "witnesses" that were in their favor. 



YouTube have censored EVERY single one of the videos about 911 that had good points of how CIA was actually involved in 911. Many authors have wrote about 911 and also Jesse Ventura who was a Navy SEAL and both of his grandparents have helped the US during world war 2 but he wrote a book explaining 911. He also doesn’t show up in "official" news anymore because he is restricted to show up there anymore since he was leaving every news reporter including BBC speechless. 


We are NEVER taught about Ukraine famine because of Soviet's communism and almost 4 million killed, we are never taught about many other false flags in history.

Or maybe about this photo of Hitler with a Jewish girl

Astonishing photo of Adolf Hitler smiling and hugging Jewish girl | Daily  Mail Online


Learn what is never mentioned in history and connect the dots.

ALL of these are HIGH treasons and the so called "official" news is one of the biggest hoax in modern history and everyone involved in these should be hanged.


If I get any more information I will update everyone.

PS, Undercover agent