
The rise and fall of ancient empires has actually established parallel also to the establishment and destruction of sophisticated fruit tree orchards. Ancient fruit trees such as olive tree orchards increased the wealth and health of nations by feeding the populations, providing healthy olive oil to light lamps in ancient houses during the night, as food and a cooking medium, and for the function of blessing Kings and Queens. Olive trees might not produce constant crops unless the garden enthusiasts growing them could provide a secure, serene growing environment. The original plantings of olive trees were slow growing and could not produce a satisfactory crop of fruit, until the trees matured to bear crops in 10 to 15 years. It was well known by ancient warrior conquerors and Kings, that hostile countries could be reduced the effects of for many years, if the fruit orchards were destroyed. The ancient Greek soldiers either taken the enemy orchards for their own future use, or they destroyed the trees, if they planned to carry on to avoid the beat nations from rebuilding agriculturally and to later on return as a danger in the future. The http://fast-tree-services.strikingly.com Romans battled the citizens of Carthage in North Africa, beating them sometimes, just to experience a resurgence of Carthage intrusions and attacks. Lastly the Romans destroyed every structure in the city of Carthage, leaving no stone atop another and spread out salt to poison the farming land to prevent any possible rebuilding, because food might not be produced on salt contaminated land.

Two centuries later, Israel damaged 50,000 olive trees in Palestine, likewise situated in North Africa like the city of Carthage, to avoid the Palestinian country from delighting in the fruit and wealth of the olive orchards.



The Hebrew Bible, in the book of Genesis, records that the first fruits eaten by Adam and Eve remained in the Garden of Eden; however, they were forbidden to eat the fruit from the tree in the center of the garden, that was growing on the tree of knowledge about good and wicked, however they ate the fruit anyhow. Many Bible translators suspect that this fruit was the apple, but other botanists say that the fruit of the apple was not known then-- that the quince was the most likely prohibited fruit, the most ancient relative of the apple. After consuming this questionable fruit, Adam and Eve were expelled from their paradise in the world, and after recognizing their nakedness, they covered their bodies with leaves from the fig tree. King Solomon of Israel spoke poetically and in tunes about his gardens growing lushly with fruits of the Earth. Figs and fig trees are typically mentioned in Hebrew Scriptures, many profoundly when Jesus cursed a barren fig tree that instantly became dead, when it didn't offer figs to eat as he went by.

Ezekiel 47-12: "All kinds of fruit trees will grow along the river banks, the leaves will never turn brown and fall, and there will constantly be fruit. There will be a new crop monthly- without stop working! For they are watered by the river streaming from the Temple. The fruit will be for food and the leaves for medication."

Olive oil was utilized to anoint the Kings of Israel. Olive trees are frequently discussed in the Scriptures-- the most remarkable story, the Mount Olive trees, below which Jesus hoped before his arrest in the garden of Gethsemane that led to his conviction by the Governor Pilate, and the resulting notorious crucifixion by the Romans. Pomegranates were popular and revered by the Israelites who carved pictures of the pomegranate fruit, that were utilized to embellish pillars at the Temple in Jerusalem. Maybe the most popular fruit of the Bible was the grape that grew in vineyards and was highly treasured to consume fresh, to dry as raisins and to ferment into wine and further into vinegar. Many referrals are made in the Bible to grapes, the products of grapes and the wealth offered them from the grape vineyards to the homeowner. Lots of tropical fruit trees such as citrus trees, jujube trees, banana trees, and loquat trees probably originated from Asian origins such as China and India. It is also probable that the stone-fruits, such as peach trees, cherry trees, apricot trees, nectarine trees (smooth skin peach), and plum trees containing a big seed in the center, originated in the Orient. Lots of botanists speculate that the fruits of mulberry trees, fig trees, pomegranate trees, and crabapples might have come from the mid-East areas.

There is little doubt that Asian persimmons came from China and was infected the Japanese mainland.

Numerous fruits are belonging to America and after the discovery of mayhaw trees, red mulberry trees, guava trees, pawpaw trees, Chickasaw plum trees, and Ogeechee lime trees, significant efforts have been made to improve these fruits by the selection of exceptional cultivars and implanting them onto different cold durable rootstocks.

To those interested in the nature of fruit trees, it is clear that numerous fruits exist today, since those ancient gardeners chosen the seed of favorable fruits and planted the seed slowly resulting in fruit improvements. A few of these fruit trees could be increased by vegetative rooting of twigs and branches or by increasing several trunked plants by department and replanting them in gardens for growing. Some fruit trees might not be increased by rooting or department and the planting of the seed provided unforeseeable results. Some delicious sweet peaches with large juicy fruits may produce seed that when planted, the trees would produce a large assortment of tastes, shapes, and sizes; some bitter or sour, some irregularly shaped, some big or small. This unforeseeable result of planting seed of exceptional fruit trees was lastly conquered by the art of grafting, which was popular and practiced as evidenced by the ancient Romans' historical accounts.

By analyzing the historical record of fruit trees in the Hebrew Bible, we discover that fruit trees fed the first earthly males and female in a worthwhile garden of paradise at the website and birth place of civilization-- the Tigris and Euphrates Valleys near the modern-day nation of Iraq. For an extended period of history, guy was expelled from his earthly paradise, but today a gardener can buy his own dream list of fruit trees, and experience his own man-made heaven below the ageless, ancient, delightful sky.