
Rent vs. Buy A Home, Which is a better Investment?

When it comes to living situations, there are many choices out there. Renting a home seems like the obvious choice for me (also because I’m still in college and have no money). However, buying a home could be a better investment in the future because you are working to get something that is yours and not someone else’s. So which is better?


In the short term renting is better because you do not have to worry about paying property taxes and other costs that come with owning a house. The only thing you have to worry about are your monthly rent payments. This takes off a huge load of stress from having to pay for all the other things that come with owning a home. In addition, if there is any damage done to the house you simply call your landlord and they will fix it for you rather than having to fix it on your own or hire someone to do it for you.


Rent vs. Buy A Home, Which is a better Investment?


When it comes to renting vs. buying a home, there are many factors to consider. Much of the decision will depend on your income and the amount of money you have saved up for a down payment. If you are ready to start saving for your first home, here are some pros and cons to buying a house vs. renting an apartment.


Pros of Buying a House


Owning a home is usually considered the American Dream. You can make modifications without approval from your landlord or building management. You might be able to deduct mortgage interest and property taxes on your federal tax return if you itemise deductions, which could increase your tax refund. If you have enough equity in your home, you might also be able to mortgage it to pay for other major expenses such as college tuition or medical bills. Some people prefer having their own yard and pool as opposed to sharing common areas with their neighbours in an apartment complex.


Cons of Buying a House


The initial cost of buying a house is typically higher than renting an apartment. You need to save money for a down payment, closing costs, and other expenses such as moving costs and new furniture. As time goes on, the value of your.




However, in the long run buying a home may be better than renting one. When renting, you are essentially paying money towards something that will never be yours (unless paying rent goes towards owning that house which is more likely not going to happen). On the other hand buying a home means paying off a mortgage but once it’s paid off everything after.


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