Hinduism is known to be one of the ancient most religions in the world and even the most celebrated. It has about 1.2 billion followers and devotees all over the world and a very common and prominent way of worshiping when it comes to Hinduism is by doing puja or upasana daily. Every clture and tradition has different ways of doing this puja. It actually even depends from person to person and it also depends from culture to culture. Not every deity in the religion is always worshiped in the same way. It all depends on the motive, time and the occasion too sometimes. There are some proper rituals, mantras and structure that is brought in place when the puja happens and it is also important that it be done in a specific manner.
When the pandemic had just hit and the entire country went into lockdown, it wasn’t at all possible for the devotees to visit the temple and do the puja the way they want. Suppose they wanted to do a maha mrityunjaya puja at a Shiva temple, that to wasn’t going to be possible at all. So, what could have been done then?
At such a time, the online puja booking made things possible for the devotees to connect with their favourite deity and offer their puja at their feet. Through the online puja, one could also offer prayers and get receipt of the same. What happens in an online puja is that once the devotee has done the said booking, and paid the booking amount, the slot of the day and time is fixed and the puja will be performed by some qualified pandits so that the puja that you intended on doing, fulfills its destiny.
There are not many temples that actually provide this service right now, but are getting there. The Somnath darshan temple in Gujarat offers this service to its devotees. Not just that, it also has tie ups with some internet platforms that helps the devotees book a pilgrim to this site. The Somnath temple is one of many temples that provides online puja booking option and also helps the devotees in offering their prayers for lord Shiva.
However, it is important that you make sure that the online platform that you are selecting for the same is legitimate and at the same time genuine in their pricing too. Sometimes, the price tag that is put on various pujas turn out to be fraudulent. So how do you make sure that the platform you choose is good. Well, you can read the reviews online, if any is available or you could also ask around if anyone has used it. You could also directly contact the organizers and look at the pricing that has been put up by other websites for the online puja services that you are looking for.
More often than not, these websites are genuine, but it is always better to be careful, isn’t it? So, go ahead with online puja booking, but also be careful.