
Daily Breaking Alternative News 25 May 2018

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Trump In 'Mine’s Bigger Than Yours’ Boast
After Cancelling Kim Summit

The North Korea Summit That Wasn’t

Trump Pulls Out Of Summit

N Korea Completes Dismantling Of Nuke Test Site


Jerry Kushner Gets Permanent Top Secret Security
Clearance Back - Gosh, What A Surprise

Blockbuster - Bin Ladin And The Deeps State
...Published In Russia

FBI, CIA Restarted Cold War To Protect Themselves

Rank And File FBI Agents ‘Sickened' By Comey And
McCabe Want To 'Come Forward And Testify'

FBI Spy To Trump Campaign Was Paid $1M

Same Media Excuses Bob Mueller Abused Ken Starr

Trump Lawyer Received $400,000 'Secret Payment' To
Arrange Meeting Between Ukraine’s Porky And Trump

Ex Trump Aide Alleges 2nd Informant Approached Him - Vid

Ex AG Holder Urges DOJ-FBI To Unconstitutionally Defy
Trump (Protect Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Obama, Himself

Bannon Says Rosenstein Could Be Fired 'Very Shortly'


Idiot Sessions Thinks Cops Following The Constitution
Leads To Violent Crime Increases

Farage Questions Markie Zuckerberg On Censorship

Zuckerberg Set Up Fraud Scheme To ‘Weaponize’ Data

Big Democrat Tsunami Looking More Like A Ripple

Roberts - Putin’s Peace Efforts Coming To Naught

Trump-US Begins Deploying Troops, Equipment
To Eastern Europe

US Disrupts Russian Bot Net Of 500,000 Hacked Routers

UK’s £850 Million Missile System Enters Service

Pentagon Report Raises Alarm That US Industry
Can’t Support War Much Longer

Elon Musk Goes Full Conspiracy Theorist, Blames Big Oil
For Tesla Cars' Negative Media Coverage


Elon Musk's ‘Pravda’ To Rate Credibility
Of Journalists And Publications

Mysterious Booms Across PA Triggers FBI Investigation

US Will Blow $700b On Obamacare Subsidies In 2018

Freight Companies Scramble To Hike Wages As
Trucker Shortage Intensifies

Under Obama, US Twice Invited China To Take Part
In Major Pacific Exercises, Now Pentagon Says No

Beijing Warns New Stealth Fighters Will Conduct
Patrols In Taiwan's Airspace

China to Get 10 Russian Su-35 Fighter Jets
This Year As Part Of Of $2.5 Billion Deal

Emerging China-Iran-Pak Alliance Is Directed
Decidedly Against The United States

Yulia Skripal's Scripted Public Remarks

Does Trump Regime Intend Full-Scale War On Syria?


Russian Tycoon Abramovich Goes To Israel
...To Apply For Citizenship

Protesters Attack Neocon Nikki Over Palestine - Vid

US Amb David Friedman Poses With Photo Image
Showing Jewish Temple Replacing Al Aqsa

PA Requests ICC Probe Israeli Crimes
In The Occupied Territories

Israel Axes Law Letting Bibi Declare War On His Own

Lieberman Reveals ‘Action Plan’ To Protect Jews In North

Israel Mulling 2,500 More, New ‘Settler' Units In W Bank

Trump May Soon OK Israel’s Theft Of Golan Heights

Why Pompeo’s Speech On Iran Is Outrageous

Iran Lists 7 Conditions To Remain In Nuclear Deal


Saudis Release Photo Of Crown Prince MBS
To Deny Rumors Of His Death

Yemenis Fire Missile At Jizan Port In South Saudi Arabia

Saudi Air Defense Systems Intercept
Houthi Missile Over Jizan Province

Turkish Fighter Jets Violate Greek Airspace
56 Times In A Single Day

Doom - College Students Slutting It Up

Doom - The Social Justice Warrior/Math Teacher

Colleges Bend Rules For More Students

Over 1,000 Underage Girls Forced Into Sex
Slavery By Muslim Traffickers

Soros To Give Millions To Pro-EU Group To Stop Brexit

Crowdfunding Campaign Aims To Take Down Brexit Bullies


Gazprom Agrees To Reduce Natural Gas
Prices For Eastern & Central Europe

Russia-China Trade To Continue Booming
While US Faces Risk Of Recession

Russia, Saudis Share View On World Oil Market

Merkel - Germany Committed To Iran Nuclear Deal

US Sanctions Iran Airlines Risking More Euro Anger

China Is Winning The 'Trade War' Without Firing A Shot

Russia's Far East Attracts Nearly One Third
Of All National Investments

Russia Can’t & Won’t Be Cut Off By Intl Community

He Did It Again - Putin Gives Flowers
To French First Lady - Vid

Zimbabwe - Northing To Go Back To


China To Launch Yuan-Backed Metals Futures
In London To Challenge US Dollar

Using Yuan For China-Germany Trade
''Would Dull US Sanctions'

Russia Ready To Ditch Dollar In Favor
Of Euro In Foreign Trade

Russian Gold Reserves Surge Above 1900 Tons
- 5th Largest In The World

Seeking Alternatives To US Dollar Dominance
In Global Finance On Day One Of SPIEF 2018

Trump Led US To Largest Debt In World History
Dollar Losing Status At Number 1 Currency - Rogers

Argentine Bank To Use Bitcoin For
Cross-Border Transactions

NO Amount Of Alcohol, Sausage Or Bacon
Is Safe According To Cancer Experts

The Royal Wedding Special

Smoking Weed While Taking Antibiotics?


Things Every Heart Patient Should Consider

Trump-Pentagon Launch New Airstrike On Syria

"Flood Is Coming": New Comey-McCabe Emails Suggest
CNN And FBI Coordination Over Steele Dossier

Twitter Ablaze - Comey Strikes At Trump ‘Lying' About FBI

Trump Warns Comey On Clinton Case

Trump Escalates Attacks On FBI

FBI Mole Stefan Halper A Crown Agent

Brennan's Plot To Infiltrate The Trump Campaign Exposed

Trump Gloats - 'Look How Things Turned Around On
The Criminal Deep State’ (The Last Laugh?)

Second Trump Campaign Spy Was From NSA,
Offered Hillary's Emails - Caputo

Israeli Intel Firm Inked Cooperation Deal With
Cambridge Analytica – Reports

Ron Paul - Haspel Is Not The Problem...The CIA Is


2 In 3 Americans Credit Trump For 'Great Economy’
(What ‘Great Economy?)

US Fiscal Outlook ’NOT GOOD’ As Ballooning Debt
Threatens Entire Economy – Goldman Sachs

Inflation Is Coming To The US Economy On
An 18 Wheel Flatbed Tractor-Trailer

Ryan Losing Grip On House GOP Conference

One Teen And Three FBI Operatives

US Warns Staff In China - Beware Of Unusual Sounds

Alleged Sonic Attack On US Diplomat In China
Similar To One In Cuba - Pompeo

US Uninvites China From World's Largest Naval Exercise

China Reveals Major Jet Fighter Stealth Upgrade

Stunning Video Of Russian Sub Firing Fours ICBMs


Why Invading Russia Would Be Military Insanity

NFL Teams To Be Fined If Players Kneel During Anthem

New No-Kneelin NFL Rule Causing Major Reactions

Insane Portland ME Open Police Officer Jobs To
NON-Citizens - Somalis, Muslims Can Kill You At Will

Victims Of CIA MK-Ultra Brainwashing Plan Big Suit

US Officials Warn They Can't Get Kaspersky
Software Off Gov't Networks

Raising Taxes On The Poor Is A Good Thing - Bloomberg

How The Feds Use Transportation Funds To Spy On You

Customers Rage As Starbucks Turns Into Homeless Shelter

Fed Finds 22% Of American Adults Can't Pay
Their Monthly Bills; 41% Have Less Than $400 In Cash


Elon Musk Complains Of ‘Holier-Than-Thou
Hypocrisy' Of The Media

Musk Says He’s Going To Begin A Site For Users
To Rate Journalists, Stories And Publications

Life Without Amazon - The 'Dizzying And Disorienting’
Experience Of Being Banned By Bezos

Amazon Selling Facial Recognition Technology

Silicon Valley's Biggest Ever Tech Bubble About To Burst

Devvy - My Body Is Not Your Body

Alaska Jail Fed Pork To Muslim Inmates...

Explosive Lawsuit Against Monsanto

Bizarre Facebook Strategy For Fighting Revenge Porn

Zuckerberg Played Parliament For Fools


Russian Dirty Money Undermining UK Security?

Russia Concerned Over Yulia Skripal’s Treatment
After Release Of Her First Interview

Zionist Trump Demands On Iran Clearly Unacceptable – Moscow

Pompeo Claims Iran Conducts Assassinations In Europe
...The Pot Will Forever Call The Kettle Black

US Tries To Bully World Into Attacking Iran

Syria - Iran, Hezbollah Presence Not Up For Discussion

Assad-Invited Foreign Forces Not Leaving Syria

Elements Of Trump's No-Peace Peace Plan?

Another False Flag CW Attack Coming To Syria?

Israel Warns Damascus Not To Dare Try To
Protect Itself Against Israeli Jet Inside Syria


The Story Of Eli Cohen, The Israeli Superspy
Who Almost Became Syria's President

Netanyahu Orders Cabinet Meet In Secret
Underground Bunker - Fears Leaks On Syria, Iran

Israeli Hit Boat At Gaza Port Preparing To Meet Aid Flotilla

IDF - Israeli Air Force Hits Hamas Underground
And Naval Targets In Gaza Strip

Tel Aviv Will Be Bombarded If Israeli Aggression
On Gaza Continues - Islamic Jihad

Top EU Official Warns Israel Not To Disparage Europe

Israeli Intel Firm Inked Cooperation Deal
With Cambridge Analytica

Israel Could Use US Warplanes To Hit
Iran Nuclear Site

Image Of Jewish Temple Photoshopped Over Jerusalem
Mosque Embroils US Embassy In Controversy

British Diplomats To Use US Embassy In Jerusalem
Despite Opposing Relocation


100s Of White South African Farmers Apply
To Australia For Humanitarian Rescue

US Unlikely To Leave VZ Alone

French Minister Orders Evac Of Paris Migrant Camp

Giant Macron Effigy With Bullet Hole In Head
Burned In Paris Protest - Vid

Germany 'Asylum-For-Cash' Scandal Exposed

Guns & 57,000 Ammo Rds Stolen From German Military

Albanian Mafia Fueling Violent Crime Surge In London

Private Security Firms Patrolling London Streets
Prompts Met Warning - Vid

UK Legally Bound To Pay £39b Brexit ‘Divorce Bill’

‘Halal’ Bitcoin Accepted At London Mosque


Putin To Visit China On June 8-10

Congress Did Huge Bipartisan Solid For Wall St

Russia-Japan Economic Ties Gain Huge Momentum

Russia & France To Talk Nuclear Partnership
In Third Party Countries

BP Suspends Work On North Sea Gas
Field Shared With Iran

The Shale Oil Ponzi Scheme Explained

Bank Of England Issues Working Paper On
Central Bank Digital Currencies

Australia’s China Syndrome

WHO Warns Ebola Outbreak In Congo May
Spread To Neighboring Countries (gosh)

What You Should Know About
The Nipah Virus Outbreak


No Place For Sharia Law On Finland

MH370 - Search By Private US Firm Ends Next Week

White House lawn has developed a mysterious sinkhole

Socially Untamed Black Teens Caught On Cell Phone
Video Jumping WHITE Las Vegas Mother

Half Toronto Tenants Paying ‘Unaffordable’ Rent

Horror Airport Where Passengers Pray To Survive

How To Set Up An ‘Underground' Print Station

Asian Tiger Mosquito On The Move

What Happens If You Drive Into A Tornado?

Inside Saddam's Gold-Encrusted Superyacht


Our Aquatic Universe

Rethinking Mental Trauma

Robots Growing Human Organs Hold Promise
For Life-Saving Research

Second Spy Tried To Infiltrate Trump Campaign
Says Former Adviser - 'This Is Just The Beginning'

After Spying On Trump Campaign, Stefan Halper
Tried To Infiltrate The State Department

Trump Hotel Shootout - FL Police Release
Footage Of Gun Attack - Vid

'Master Of The Deal’ Trump Has Nothing To Show
Trump WH Is A Chaotic Clown Car Filled With Bozos

Trump’s Latest FBI Attack Stuns, Saddens DOJ
Officials - It’s Like We’re in Venezuela

The Mind-Boggling Corruption Of Trump Inc

US Looney Tunes Foreign Policies

Trump Escalates US Hostility Toward Venezuela

Ex-Illuminati Insider Ronald Bernard Reveals More - Vid

Child Mass Gravesite Found At Vancouver University


Did Fracking Cause The Hawaii Volcano Eruption?

Big Lawsuit Claims Monsanto Hid Roundup Cancer
Danger For Decades

White SA Farmers Seek Refuge From Genocide In Oz

Holy Grail Of Shipwrecks Found - Spanish Galleon
With 17 Billion In Treasure Sank 300 Years Ago

Zionist Facebook Serves NATO’s Agenda

Zuckerberg To EU Parliament - In 2016, We Were
Too Slow To Identify Russian Meddling

Huma’s Hillary Email Returns To Haunt...

Truth About Hitler's 1939 Pact With Stalin

Russian Sub Test-Fires Volley Of 4 ICBMs Across Eurasia

Real Russian Bots - Syria-Tested Ground Drones
T Enter Service Before Year’s End


How Russia And China Gained A Strategic Advantage
In Hypersonic Technology

Pompeo - Iran Turned Syria Into A Killing Field
...In Reality, Trump And The Pentagon Did

Zionist Dupe Pompeo Threatens to Impose The
'Strongest Sanctions In History' On Iran

Pompeo Threatens Toughest Ever Actions On Iran

Reactions To Pompeo's Ultimatums To Iran

Israel Launches First F-35 Airstrikes

Israel Demands The Right To Brutalize
Palestinians With Impunity

Israelis Brag Syria Fired Over '100 Missiles At Our Planes’

Israel Releases Pal Protesters As Footage Goes Viral - Vid

New Visa Rules Cut Off Refugees In Israel
From Bank Accounts - Reports


Israeli Tanks Target Hamas Observation Post
In Southern Gaza Strip

Israel Protests Over 'Antisemitic' Dutch Parody
Of Eurovision Song

Netanyahu Mocked on Twitter After Naming Iran
As Three Threats To Mideast Peace

Saudi Royal Urges Coup To Dump King Salman

Pentagon Spends $1 Billion To Buy More War Robots

UK Faces £6 Billion Funding Gap For Nuclear Subs

UK Worried Over Germany’s Russian Gas Reliance

82% Of Germans Believe US Is Unreliable Partner

Baltic States Ask US For More Troops On Their Soil

One Dead, Two Hurt As Public Bus Runs Over
Kiev-Placed Landmine In Donbass


The Bayer-Monsanto Merger - Empowering
A Life-Destroying Cartel

‘Everyone Has A Duty To Defend Sweden’
4.8 Million Homes To Get War Prepper Manual

Dumb Sweden Puts Out Emergency
War Pamphlet Amid Russia Fears

'Historic Moment' As Sweden Remilitarizes Its
Largest Baltic Island Amid 'Unpredictability'

Swedish Journalist Probed For 'Hate Speech’
Over Sharia-Mocking Cartoons

Climate Engineers Cool Eastern US As World Burns

Condoms Required At Boy Scouts 24th Jamboree

Man Killed After Tesla Model S Crashes Into Pond

Tesla’s Once-Affordable $35,000 Model 3
...May Now Cost You $78,000

Braking Point - Elon Musk’s Tesla Model 3 Staggers From One Crisis To The Next


Consumer Authority Rejects Tesla Model 3

Muslims Stab 4 More In London's 5-Day Knife Frenzy
...Latest Victim Killed In Broad Daylight

German Court Refuses To Jail Puigdemont

Russia’s State Duma Passes Law On Counter-Sanctions
Against US, Other Unfriendly States

Russia, Japan Threaten To Levy Sanctions On US Exports

China Unexpectedly Slashes Auto Tariffs After
Trump Trade Truce

The US Is Shackled By Historic Debt

When 43% Of Americans Can't Pay For Food And Rent
We Can Say Economic Collapse Is Here

Learning From America's Forgotten Default

China To Drop All Child Limits


German-Russian Pipeline Takes Shape
Despite US Protests

Oz Archbishop Guilty Of Hiding Child Sex Abuses

What Good Is Religion?

Hawaii Losing Most Iconic Tree To Disease

4 New Sinkholes Open Up At The Villages In FL

Indian Worker Skips Work To Go To 5th Dimension

Colloidal Silver - Myths, Truths About Side Effects

Confirmed Cases Of Ebola Reportedly
Rise To 28 In DR Congo Outbreak

Link Between Digestive Bacteria And MS

Link Between Procrastination And Health


Rare Brain-Damaging Virus Spread By
Fruit Bats Kills Ten In India

Indonesia’s Most Active Volcano Rumbles

Geishas, Samurai Warriors And Fiery Dragons

Watch! Awesome Live Link To
Hawaii Volcano Lava Eruption

Did Fracking Cause The Hawaii Volcano Eruption?

Hawaii Power Plant Shut Down As Lava Nears Wells

Kilauea's Lava Is Changing—Here's What That Means

Adolf Hitler ‘Definitely' Died In WWII, New Research (!)

If Hitler Died In April 1945, How Is He Having Dinner With
The Eichorns In Their Argentina Eden Hotel In 1947 ?! - Pics

UK News Story About Terrible Tim’s ‘Bomb-Making’
Flat And The Government, Military Raid On It (!)

The Massive Destruction Done To Tim Rafat’s Flat
By The British Government - pdf Photos

Trump Erupts In Angry Tweetstorm - 'When Does This
Witch Hunt STOP’? Slams Hillary, Podesta

DOJ To Probe Trump Campaign For ‘Infiltration’ By FBI

Say Hello To The FBI Mole Inside The Trump Campaign

FBI Informant Halper Paid Over $1 Million By Obama
Admin; Spied On Trump Aide After Election

'The Stakes Here Go Beyond Trump's Future'
WSJ Editors Demand Truth About FBI Spying

How The FBI And CIA Restarted The Cold War
To Protect Themselves


Trump's Big Defense-Spending Plans Still
Aren't Enough For This Beltway Think Tank

Will Pentagon Audit Lead To Missing Money?

Trump Threatens Sanctions For Nord Stream 2

40% Of US Citizens ABOVE Poverty Line
Struggle To Make Ends Meet

Obamas Team Up With Netflix

UK 'Plastic Tax' To Spur Reintroduction
Of Recyclable Materials Into Society

Protests Against GMO, Toxic Pesticides
Erupt in Several Countries - Photo

Scientists Turn To Technology As Declining Bee
Numbers Threaten World Food Security

Robots Can Now Grow Human Organs - Morgellons,
BioMed Nano Tech Will Be Infused Into Everyone

Hawaii Faces New Threat Of Fumes From Lava


Vanuatu To Permanently Evacuate Volcanic Island

AZ Preps For Post Quake Flow Of 400,000 From CA

Storage Tanks For Deadly Radioactive Fukushima Water
Very 'Close To Capacity’ (They’ll Just Dump It In Pacific)

Br Nathanael - How Jews Celebrate Murder

Disturbing Developments In Ukraine

Iran Deal - Why EU Is Likely To Give In
And Play By Trump's Rules

If A Bouquet Is An Affront, Putin Is A Serial Offender - Pics

‘Flowers In Russia Are A Sign Of Good Manners'

Russians Say Putin, Military Power And A
Unique Spirit Make Them A Glorious Nation

Putin And Modi Discuss Strategic Partnership - Lavrov


Moscow Wants Deeper Strategic Partnership With BRICS

Russian-Made Smartphones Using
Domestic OS To Go On Sale In 2019

World's First Floating Nuclear Power Plant
Reaches Russia’s Arctic On First Mission

‘Isolated’ Russia Welcomes Investment Funds
Worth Over $13 Trillion At St. Petersburg Forum

Russia To Explore Crimean Shelf For Big Gas Deposits

Russia's Nuclear Underwater Drone Could
Trigger 300 Foot Tall Tsunamis

Russia's Navy Establishes Permanent
Presence In Mediterranean Sea

Russia To Build Six More Borei-A Strategic Nuclear Subs

Now Facebook Serves NATO's Needs

Is Wikipedia An Establishment Psyop?