
Nissan Transponder key – Replacement And Remote Programming


The Nissan brand is known for making  stylish cars. These cars are not only known for their aesthetic appeal but also for their innovative technology and latest performance technology.  Its smooth performance and looks are the few reasons for which Nissan vehicles became popular. 


Cars with locks on the doors are prone to theft. Car doors can also be opened with other devices without the original key. Thieves have also become more sophisticated over time, and are constantly finding new ways to compromise the mechanisms of vehicle doors and other parts they protect.


Nissan Transponder Keys 


The transponder key or chipped key is a type of key equipped with an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chip placed inside its plastic head. This technology prevents car theft by making the hot-wiring ineffective. The “Transponder” means - ‘transmitter and responder' and has been commonly used in the car’s ignition key since the mid-1990s. These keys were first introduced to prevent rising car theft and these transponder car keys make sure each car has a unique code to initiate ignition.




The biggest benefit of these transponder car keys is the way these car keys handle other vehicle tasks along with accessing or locking vehicle doors. For example, most remote control keys will also activate the car alarm when the vehicle is locked. This protects against thieves and eliminates the need for owners to turn on the alarm system separately. The transponder keys can’t be duplicated easily by the traditional old corner key cutter. Using this type of key is very easy. A very simple user interface allows you to open the door or start the vehicle by pushing a button.


Why choose Keys4Cars? 


Keys4Cars have purchased the latest advanced transponder programming technology and specialize in replacing Nissan transponder keys and remotes for all Nissan vehicles running on the roads these days. If you have lost your Nissan remote control, get in touch with us now. We have some of the best and latest programming techniques in New Zealand where some of our competitors haven't kept up and might point you towards the dealerships. Here, we run a fully mobile workshop where we cut and program all types of Nissan keys on site. We will provide you with better, smarter, and quicker service than the alternatives. 


Call us now, we are ready to help you at your spot and can provide you with a fixed price quotation. Being a competent and experienced locksmith service in Tauranga, the company is equipped with the latest automotive technology and quality products & equipment to deliver you swift service and save your precious time and resources.