
story time

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icepack @iCepXck · Jun 30, 2021

I know this is a bit of a random story and the details are fuzzy, but i will tell the story the best of my ability. Also less of an entitled story and more of a bizzare story.


When I was around four, my parents went through a nasty divorce that tore the family apart with my GM (Good Mom) taking custody of me and my little brother, who was barely two years old at the time, and my BD (Bad Dad) calling on a parenting plan. It would work like this; week with my GM, then after that week I spend one week with my BD.

At around the time i was five my BD started buying me lots and lots of toys, making him my favorite at the time. All the while him telling lies about how my GM was a bad person - which we will debunk in a bit.


As the years passed by the brainwashing continued until I hated going to my GM's house. I cried and yelled not to go and my GM would find me in tears when I came over. Now this is where it gets interesting ;)


The door rattled, and was being twisted and turned. As a drunken BD enters, me and my brother were still watching cartoons. My BD broke into my GM's house and was breaking things and stealing valuables, and his goal was to reduce the property value which was a pretty shitty and petty thing to do lol. All the while my GM was gone from the home, leaving us alone for 10 minutes whilst she got groceries. My BD saw me and my little brother, who we will call BB (Baby Brother) on the sofa watching PBS Kids. He decided to tell a lie I believed for a stupid amount of time. He told us we were going camping? Yeah, weird I know. And we was going to take us to his house to get marshmallows for it.


Then GM swings the front door open with a hand full of orange juice and bread. The utter shock of horror on her face still haunts me to this day.

What happens is what you would expect, cops were called, restraining order and blah blah blah.

Then I turned 11 and my BD's propaganda was falling apart. Let me explain. My BD had gotten another wife who we will call BDW (Bad Dads Wife) . She was an average parent and had her own child who we will call BBB (Bruh Big Brother). On Christmas Eve she had a heart attack that was linked to a cocaine overdose. A fun fact for ya, my dad does drugs, and not the good ones! She didn't go to jail due to the Good Samaritan law in our state.


So much more happened but i think i can't write anymore since my hands hurt and it's midnight. I will continue this around this week.