
Top 6 Pre-Employment Test Hacks Used by African Job Consultants in Mumbai

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rosswarnerhr @rosswarnerhr · Jan 6, 2022


Recruitment is a lengthy process and a core function of the HR department. It is a procedure that incorporates everything from identifying, attracting, screening, shortlisting, interviewing, selecting, hiring, & onboarding the right employees. Although it is a prolonged process, pre-employment testing can drastically reduce a recruitment agency's time and effort in evaluating resumes. 

In simple words, pre-employment testing can decrease the time-to-hire and increase the time African job consultants in Mumbai have for other critical hiring tasks.

This blog will shed light on some crucial pre-employment test hacks that African recruitment agencies usually uses to get the most out of their assessment skills.

  • They Ask For Video Responses.

Interviewing a candidate plays a significant role and, of course, is a vital part of the hiring process. Interviews allow recruitment agencies to get a thorough understanding of a candidate's knowledge and experience. Usually, it is easy for candidates to mention skills on a resume, but it is pretty tricky for them to fake when they are on the spot/live. When a consultant asks for video responses for some questions, it can save time and give insights to determine whom they want to invite for a formal interview. 


  • They Opt For a Multi-Measure Assessment.

Generally, African job consultants in Mumbai, like Ross Warner HR, do not test just for one thing. They create a multi-measure assessment to get more meaningful results. By combining different types of tests, a recruitment agency can best predict whether candidates will be successful on the job or not.  


  • They Keep The Assessment Process Short

Keeping the recruitment assessment process shorter is advisable if you do not want to lose the right candidate. If you want to give your candidates a positive experience and not want to lose the top talent, you should undoubtedly keep the assessment process shorter. 


  • They Leverage Existing Internal Tests

Usually, recruitment agencies keep checking with the relevant teams to ensure they are not reinventing the wheel. So, they use the tests that many companies or departments are already using to assess candidates. In this way, they will find some valuable questions to get started.


  • They Brand Their Assessment

A good recruitment consultant always chooses a pre-employment testing platform to ensure it will brand their assessment. Doing so will serve as an extension of their brand and personality. They even include their logo, colors, and well-created video to introduce candidates to their brand. 

  • They Incorporate Proctoring Measure

Of course, some candidates will cheat during an online assessment. That is why African recruitment agencies in India include an online skills assessment platform with anti-cheating measures to protect recruiters from making a wrong hire. Such platforms have features like:


  • Disabling copy-paste during an assessment.
  • Recording the location of the candidate using an IP address.
  • Taking snapshots of candidates using their cameras.
  • Evaluate whether a candidate exits full-screen mode during the assessment.
  • Monitoring and preventing any candidates from registering as a new candidate to take practice tests ahead of their final assessment
  • They are detecting whether a candidate leaves their mouse and assessment window to browse the internet on the other screen or not. 


In a nutshell, if you are searching for the best candidate for your company, you can keep in mind the above-discussed tips while selecting the candidate. It will make your hiring process easy. 

If you want to know more about how  africa job consultants in india hire the candidate, connect with Ross Warner HR – https://www.rosswarnerhr.com/ today!