
استخدام النحاس لمحصول أفضل وأكثر وفي مدة قصيرة

مجموعة من الروابط لأبحاث وبالأدلة والتجارب العلمية المثبتة عن فائدة استخدام أسلاك وأنابيب النحاس وكذلك المغناطيس بهدف الحصول على محصول كثير وصحي وبوقت قياسي وبحجم كبير بل ولأكثر من موسم في السنة الواحدة

هذه الصفحة تجميع للعديد من الروابط لأبحاث وتجارب يفصل بين كل فقرة/ وموضوع أسطر، عليك الدخول لكل موضوع في رابطه الأساسي لأن ما وضعته هنا هو مقدمة المواضيع والمقاطع فقط كنبذة تعريفيه عن كل رابط

ملاحظة: بعض الروابط بلغات مختلفة وكل ما عليكم حين فتحها هو إختيار الترجمة سواء من روابط المقالات أو الفيديوهات


Electroculture and Pyramid:





طريقة سهلة لفهم كيفية وضع النحاس👇




Electroculture is a form of culture that uses atmospheric and ground electricity, cosmic radiation, and the natural magnetic field to stimulate plant growth.  

Doctor Serge V King is one of the greatest specialists in the world of pyramids and other structures capable of emitting “waves of form or force”, whether positive or negative. Here he writes in the introduction to his book;

Pyramid Energy Handbook, a list of what the pyramid is likely to accomplish:






    • energize seeds
    • fertilize hectares of land
    • preserve food
    • help the health of animals, chickens, ...
    • energize water, wine, food
    • meditation aid
    • stimulate elimination and purification
    • increase the vitality of a place
    • generate electricity
    • neutralize radioactivity
    • transmute elements
    • generate negative ions
    • generate frequencies
    • communication tool
    • health and well-being 









Biological wave capacitors, also called Cosmo-Telluric capacitors, are placed in the ground at a depth of 30 to 40 centimeters, in order to produce several synergistic effects, they integrate in their constitution:

- The remarkable work of Don José Carmen in Mexico on Cosmo-Telluric agriculture.

- Nikola TESLA's discoveries on magnetism and very very high frequencies.

- The absolutely fundamental experiences of Marcel VIOLET, French scientist, on the use of vitalized water in agriculture.





In 1957, Prof. OWSchumann (University of Munich) discovered the Terrestrial Magnetic Transverse Waves today known as Schumann Waves or Schumann Resonance. It is a natural and permanent atmospheric phenomenon which propagates around the Earth in the form of a Radioelectric Wave In the 1950s, Russians and Americans became interested in TESLA's work and quickly realized that powerful Ionizing wave emissions have the power to alter the climate. They just need to activate the Electrons that make up the different layers of the atmosphere until their density changes. The HAARP climate modification system is already here.

But these waves also participate in the regulation of our internal clock. We now know that there is a harmonic relationship between the Earth and our body-mind. The low frequency isoelectric field of the Earth, the Earth's magnetic field and the electrostatic field of our body are closely intertwined. Thus, our internal rhythms interact with the external rhythms thus influencing our balance, health, mental concentration, regulating our internal clocks and acting on the Sleep / Dream / Wake / Hormonal Secretion patterns. This natural vibration is not a fixed value but fluctuates depending on the geographical location, lightning, solar flares, atmospheric ionization and diurnal cycles. It emits a wave of 7.5 cycles per second that is to say of

example of an oscillating circuit : Make a circle of copper wire whose ends are not closed.

Place them, using small stakes around the plants with the opening facing north.

It is a technique that strengthens the vitality of plants, especially for the weakest.

If the wire used is not insulated with a plastic layer, it must not touch the plant.






DECEMBER 19, 2017 MAY 16, 2018




شاهد هذا المزارع كيف حصل في مساحة صغيرة على محصول كثير وصحي ودون هرمونات بعدما وضع هرم من أنابيب النحاس فوق كوخ زراعي صغير

Food Security & Food Quality: Pyramid Greenhouse

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Pinterest link



Electroculture and Magnetoculture ,
 Energy Gardening and Electro-Agriculture
Fertility using the natural forces of electricity, magnetism and subtle energies.
Energies to fertilize soils and protect crops.
Drastically reduce the use of chemical or even organic fertilizers and pesticides.
Electroculture techniques allow abundant and higher quality harvests.










Electroculture – Basics





An ultra practical article where we talk about copper wire, antenna and electro-osmosis. Watch out for the juice.





The Next Bigly Thing: ElectroCulture






What if we tried electro-culture?



From a global point of view, electroculture consists of the use, channeling and propagation of electric and magnetic flows naturally present, everywhere, around us. This in order to promote, for example, the growth of plant life.

The first traces of the use of natural electric currents go back to the Egyptians. In Europe, there is little or no information about the practice of this type before the 17th century. Since then, a number of experiments on more or less large scales have seen the light of day. Whether in Great Britain, Russia, the United States, France, Belgium, Japan, India ... the results are there, comforting researchers, whether they are recognized scientists or experienced amateurs.

Many questions surround this controversial subject. What do we mean by energy? What are the methods, the practices? Is this yet another revolutionary method out of nowhere, promising unimaginable returns? How, for example, simple copper rods associated with zinc, iron wires buried in the ground, magnets oriented along a specific axis, have the power to stimulate the growth of seeds, plants, to encourage many processes alive?




PDF file of

DUDGEON, E. : Growing Crops & Plants by Electricity




مهم جدا

رابط فيه العديد من الروابط لشرح السر خلف استخدام أنابيب النحاس في تعزيز كثرة وجودة وحجم الثمر وبدون هرمونات وكيماويات بل فقط بتحويل الطاقة نحو المزروعات والحصول على منتج مكثف وصحي وكبير وبوقت قياسي 








إنقاذ النحل بذبذبات الكهرباء



Search in google this title:

History of Electroculture presented with Yannick Van Doorne, Loic Etcheberry and Andrea Donnoli


Telluric fertilizer

€500,00 €350,00

Telluric fertilizer

Modern reconstruction of Justin Etienne Christofleau’s latest patent

It is buried South-North







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History of Electroculture presented with Yannick Van Doorne, Loic Etcheberry and Andrea Donnoli


The making of a copper pyramid

صناعة هرم من أنابيب النحاس

Fabriquer une pyramide en baguettes au cuivre - How to build a  copper pyramid

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شاهد ماذا يحصل للنباتات حين تضع مغناطيس حولها


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Electroculture magnetic fertilization with a magnetic cylinder antenna with a galvanized steel wire

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Energies of the pyramids. Pyramid Energy
The effects of pyramids
for agriculture, garden and well-being






Basil (Ocimum basilicum) seeds were treated for different exposure times with a non-equilibrium plasma produced by a volume dielectric barrier discharge in humid air at atmospheric pressure.

Plasma treatment did not change the seed structure and morphology, as visualized by high-resolution computed x-ray microtomography. A faster and higher germination rate was observed with plasma treatment of 1 and 3 min. Plantlets grown in sand, after both 2 and 3 weeks, showed a more developed root apparatus and better biometric parameters, compared to plants developing from non-treated seeds.

After the plasma treatment, internal redistribution of macro and micronutrients was observed by using micro x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. In particular P, K and Mg concentrated in the radicle, moving from the endosperm and cotyledons, while Zn, initially concentrated in specific tissues of the cotyledon, appeared more homogeneously distributed inside the whole seed after the plasma treatment. Significant variations in electrical impedance spectra were also observed after plasma treatment.

This element redistribution in the seed was caused by the intense electrical field generated by the volume dielectric barrier discharge plasma, causing a movement of important micro and macronutrients from the storage regions of the seed towards the radicle tissues. This ion movement could explain the observed faster germination of the plasma-treated seeds. Indeed, such movement of ions is similar to what is generally observed in seed tissues during germination. The plasma treatment therefore somehow anticipates and implements the mobilization of key nutrients towards the radicle, resulting in faster and higher germination of the seeds as well as improved characteristics of the basil plantlet, especially at the root level.



Magnetic field effects on plant growth, development, and evolution


This review describes the effects of altering magnetic field (MF) conditions on plants by considering plant responses to MF values either lower or higher than those of the GMF. The possible role of GMF on plant evolution and the nature of the magnetoreceptor is also discussed.


A magnetic field (MF) is an inescapable environmental factor for plants on the Earth. During the evolution process, all living organisms experienced the action of the Earth's MF (geomagnetic, GMF), which is a natural component of their environment. GMF is steadily acting on living systems, and is known to influence many biological processes. There are significant local differences in the strength and direction of the earth's magnetic (geomagnetic) field. At the surface of the earth, the vertical component is maximal at the magnetic pole, amounting to about 67 μT and is zero at the magnetic equator. The horizontal component is maximal at the magnetic equator, about 33 μT, and is zero at the magnetic poles (Kobayashi et al., 2004). A MF is usually measured in terms of its magnetic induction B whose unit is given in Tesla (T), The dimension of the “magnetic flux” (φ) in SI units is Weber (Wb) (φ = Tm2 = Wb).

The MF strength at the Earth's surface ranges from less than 30 μT in an area including most of South America and South Africa (the so called south Atlantic anomaly) to almost 70 μT around the magnetic poles in northern Canada and south of Australia, and in part of Siberia (Occhipinti et al., 2014). Most of the MF observed at the Earth's surface has an internal origin. It is mainly produced by the dynamo action of turbulent flows in the fluid metallic outer core of the planet, while little is due to external MFs located in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere (Qamili et al., 2013). It is the presence of the GMF that, through the magnetosphere, protects the Earth, together with its biosphere, from the solar wind deflecting most of its charged particles (Occhipinti et al., 2014).

The literature describing the effects of weak MFs on living systems contains a plethora of contradictory reports, few successful independent replication studies and a dearth of plausible biophysical interaction mechanisms. Most such investigations have been unsystematic, devoid of testable theoretical predictions and, ultimately, unconvincing (Harris et al., 2009). The progress and status of research on the effect of MF on plant life have been reviewed in the past years (Phirke et al., 1996Abe et al., 1997Volpe, 2003Belyavskaya, 2004Bittl and Weber, 2005Galland and Pazur, 2005Minorsky, 2007Vanderstraeten and Burda, 2012Occhipinti et al., 2014).



شاهد هذا المزارع كيف حصل في مساحة صغيرة على محصول كثير وصحي ودون هرمونات بعدما وضع هرم من أنابيب النحاس فوق كوخ زراعي صغير

Food Security & Food Quality: Pyramid Greenhouse

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Elham Zaid Alhulaibah