
Vision Statement Generator Details

What is a "mission statement"?


A mission statement describes the purpose of your company, what it does for others, why it does it, and what it stands out from other companies. You can check Vision Statement Generator.


Six Tips for Writing a Great Mission Statement


1- Be specific: Avoid making general statements that don't apply to your company.

2- Stay focused on the future: Your mission should be the high-level goal of the next two to three years.

3- Provide direction: Your mission statement should be easy to understand by all employees of your company. It will allow you to prioritize your work.

4- Make it unique: Define the uniqueness of your company and why it matters.

5- Be concise: Clarify the essence of your business. The more information you have, the more difficult it will be to recall.

6- Make it a reflection of your company values: Talk about the core values of your company and how your customers are impacted by them.


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