The New Ethics
North-East Russia and Asia are threaten by the cooling of the climate, southern Asia is dangered by droughts, what is a result of my comprehensive research, which I run independently for 16 years. This climate changes will increase the demand for energy. Nobody can explain the sudden changes in climate and the greenhouse effect caused by carbon dioxide is a fallacy invented by the ignorant scientists. Climate change is perfectly explains in my theory, even those the cyclic cooling caused by the full moon.
98% of the Earth's CO2 is contained in the oceans and only 2% in the atmosphere. Those gravity driven oceanic processes are responsible for the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere and periodic changes in climate.
Permits for CO2 emissions for Poland will cost more than 4.5 mld EUR per year. I need one percent of that sum, to prove on the basis my theory on climate, that permitions to emit CO2 are unfounded. Let's spend the money saved, 45 billion EUR over 10 years, for the needed investments in the Polish power industry. For the 25 years we only have enough available resources of the Polish coal and after this period we are dangered by reducing the supply of electricity and heat by 50%. For Import probably we will not have funds. Available Oil and gas resources on Earth to last for 40 years. Global stocks of nuclear fuel sufficient for 50 years. Meanwhile, our energy needs increase. It is now more favorable to bet on renewable energy - water power, wind and biogas. In Europe, renewable energy has more than 12.8% yield. Currently, energy production, taking into account the future, you should invest more in biogas plants and water plants. The cost of a megawatt biogas plant is currently about 2 - EUR 3.5 mln with the inexhaustible resources of fuel and the cost of nuclear power around 2.5-4.5 million EUR per MW in the near exhaustion of fuel resources. In addition, biogas plants purify the environment, ensure the conditions for agricultural development (fuel supply), which stimulates the economy. Agricultural development increases the amount of energy required to increase employment in rural areas (in the meantime the Polish countryside is dying and we need 15 mln of peasant migrants) and increased water supply. This forces the creation of reservoirs, the development of which will result from the construction of small hydro. The small hydro megawatt cost of approximately EUR 2.5 million. Wind turbines are cheap but not very productive and also often need to be regenerated. Local small hydropower will reduce transmission costs now amounting to 15% of energy prices.
It should also work on technology for energy yield of the underground off-balance sheet deposits of energy resources, without requiring the construction of mines, which requires research.
All this is not enough, because of the current rules of social unbridled consumption of raw materials and energy resources. Nothing of that consumption is limiting and yet there is a risk unpredictable consequences of the global economic system collapse due to a deficiency of energy.
We must work towards a global ethical system based on the universal principle of saving any energy. This will reduce the energy needs of our civilization and protect its existence. The principle of conservation of all energy is derived from all ethical systems existing on the planet and synthesizes the thoughts of all religious systems developers. Let's do not raise the conflicts, let's saveing social energy. Let's maintain an efficient society in action. Let's safe all kind of energies. This applies throughout the universe.
Here's what it says about the need for a new ethical system-a new religion, Buddhist, Daisaku Ikeda:
"I am convinced that only a new religion will be able to embrace a leadership role in the civilization that combines science and philosophy at a higher level. But religion, we need, will have to inspire the spirit of scientific and philosophical humanity and will have to cope with the needs of the new era. This must be a religion that manages to transcend the differences between East and West and-linking all of humanity in a single organism - save the West from its current crisis, and East from its current difficulties. The discovery of this kind of religion is the most important task that now faces humanity".
Another problem is ensuring the continuity of civilization by the succession of generations, providing the vital energy for our civilization. Civilized societes, the most developed countries are aging, dying. This is a big business problem because the more expensive labor (their products become uncompetitive) and the demand dies down. Who will take over the succession after them? Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz said:
Europe is based on the foundation on the freedom. If European countries want to delete this foundation, Europe's building will be in ruin, because freedom will move its headquarters elsewhere.
The growth of world population occurred in developing countries and this raises social issues that we see recently in North Africa-riots and revolutions. There is an excess of young men which do not have opportunities for a decent life. The only advice is for us to open borders and allowing the free movement of people from poorer countries to richer and more civilized. Europe can restore their former liberty to settle and open borders. For to it brought success and not chaos and problems, you should step up efforts to develop a universal system of religious ethics, which will break the barrier of civilization and religious divide different peoples.
So we see that the need for development of a universal ethical system of the world due to many reasons. This new system will eliminate the source of ethical and religious conflicts will contribute to easy adaptation migrants, the poor less-educated immigrants, in the rich countries which are members of the G-20. Influx of poor people in rich countries can populated the countries which desire a new impetus for development-give them new energy. This will provide cheap labor and increased demand for economies that are currently unused capacity. Thus we see that salvation for the world of our civilization is essentially a new system of ethics and religion based on the principle of saving of all energy - the most important principle of the Universe.
In principle, any energy saving is apparent the need to respect all life. This results in a requirement for an ethical approach to all aspects of life.
It should base on the development of our civilization on base of the humanitarian agriculture with using solar energy. In modern agriculture will find employment hundreds milions of migrants in flowing into the ground of Europe. This will ensure the harmonious development of our economies because according to World Bank, investments in agriculture, provide five times more efficient in the removal of poverty than investments in other sectors of the economy. Food plants production requires eight times less energy and raw materials than production of meat. The principle of conservation of energy will therefore help to eliminate the biggest problem of our civilization-I have to kill other creatures to live. If we become vegetarians will live more ethically-will save the Earth's energy resources for future generations. They will recreate our world and we will be born again.
Warszawa, May 2011 Bogdan Góralski