
Best FUE Hair Transplant Doctor in Los Angeles


Are you interested in getting a hair restoration surgery but can’t find a suitable specialist in Los Angeles? Read to know why Dr. Kohen is the best doctor in Los Angeles. 

Many people value their hair because it speaks volumes about them and even affects their self-confidence. Thick and dense is what many go for when going for a hair transplant. As much as the type of clinic and the price of the hair restoration procedure matters, the surgeon or doctor plays a big role in achieving your hair restoration dreams. 

Los Angeles: Home for the Best Hair Transplant Doctors 

Los Angeles is known for the best hair restoration clinics. Therefore if you decide to get a hair transplant procedure or any other or other kinds of hair restoration treatment, Los Angeles is the right place to go. Beverly Hills Hair Restoration clinic is among the top best clinics in Los Angeles, providing all advanced types of hair restoration procedures. 

Dr. John Kahen, who is the senior surgeon and founder of Beverly Hills Hair Restoration center is the best FUE hair transplant doctor in Los Angeles. Since he started his career as a hair transplant surgeon, he has transplanted more than 2 million hair follicles. Dr. Kohen is passionate about restoration and instills confidence in people by helping them restore their lost hair. 

Being one of the best hair transplant doctors in Los Angeles, Dr. John Kahen is also innovative. He is the brains behind Robotic FUE (ARTAS), which is an advanced technology used to separate hair follicles into groups and dissect the hair grafts. You should expect the best from him for all types of hair restoration procedures. 

Advanced Hair Restoration Procedures 

Dr. John Kahen and his team of specialist surgeons use advanced hair treatment techniques that guarantee patients desired results. One of them is the Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE. This type of hair restoration procedure is commonly used to restore lost hair in many clinics not only in Los Angeles but also around the world. The procedure involves acquiring or harvesting hair grafts from the patient’s donor site, which is at the back of the scalp and implanting them in the donor area. 

Although FUE hair transplant is a relatively expensive procedure, the work that Dr. Kohen puts into ensuring patients get the desired outcome is quite enormous. Hair transplant at Beverly Hills Hair restoration clinic is done in two major ways: Follicular Unit Extraction and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Both of these methods are effective if done by the best hair transplant doctor in Los Angeles like Dr. John Kahen. In FUE the team doctors at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration clinic use a special hole-punching device that cuts around an individual hair follicle which leaves tiny spots and not scars. 


Beverly Hills Hair Restoration Clinic provides safe and convenient hair restoration procedures such as the FUE hair transplant procedure. That is why it is among the top clinics in Los Angeles.