
How much can I make in a Career in Yoga Teacher Training?

Career in Yoga Teacher Training

A Career in Yoga Teacher Training has always intrigued me. I want to first understand What a Career in Yoga Teacher Training entails before I invest time and effort to figure out How to start a Career in Yoga Teacher Training. It had been a while since I was researching about a Career in Yoga Teacher Training, when I came across: https://www.lifepage.in/career/20180228-0004/Others/Wellness/Career-in-Yoga-Teacher-Training/english 

Sean Goldberg's take!

Sean Goldberg is an experienced professional with 3 years in Yoga Teacher Training. Sean Goldberg has worked in Yoga Teacher Training as Founder in Samasti Yoga, Bali. In Sean Goldberg's own words, this is how Sean Goldberg got into Yoga Teacher Training: "I have done B Sc in Physiotherapy. After working as a physiotherapist for a number of years, I started practising yoga. I also took a Teacher Training course in Yoga (500 hours). I now run a Yoga Teacher Training School by the name of Samasti Yoga in Bali where I use my knowledge of Physiotherapy and Anatomy to train Yoga teachers." This link showed on the first page of search results for Sean Goldberg: https://www.lifepage.in/page/seangoldberg 

Career Video on Yoga Teacher Training

In a video, Sean Goldberg has talked about various aspects of a Career in Yoga Teacher Training. Sean Goldberg started by explaining Yoga Teacher Training as: "Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Yoga Teacher Training Courses aim at providing training to aspirants to make them capable of starting their own classes." It was an amazing video with great information.

It was a welcome change to see the video touch upon Education as theoretical knowledge needed to excel at Yoga Teacher Training, and not merely as Qualifications needed to enter Yoga Teacher Training. Sean Goldberg touches upon these in the Education section of the Video:

  • Yoga
  • Anatomy
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Finance
  • Management

Skills are the most important factor determining success in a particular Career.
Sean Goldberg then explains why these Skills are essential for a Career in Yoga Teacher Training:

  • Practice
  • Interpersonal
  • Marketing
  • Communication
  • Self-knowledge

This Career has an interesting list of Positives.
Sean Goldberg believes that the following are some of the Positives of a Career in Yoga Teacher Training:

  • Self-satisfaction
  • Freedom
  • Helping Others
  • Meeting New People
  • Monetary Potential

It is important that one develops a fair understanding of the Challenges of this Career.
And, Sean Goldberg believes that one needs to prepare for following Challenges of a Career in Yoga Teacher Training:

  • Competition
  • Diverse Nature
  • Working in a Team
  • Meeting Expectations

In the final section of the video Sean Goldberg talks about How a day goes in a Career in Yoga Teacher Training. This video is by far the best video on a Career in Yoga Teacher Training, that I have ever come across. To see the full Talk, one needs to install the LifePage Career Talks App. Here is a direct deep link of the Video: https://lifepage.app.link/20180228-0004 

Similar Career Talks on LifePage

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Career Counseling 2.0

This video on a Career in Yoga Teacher Training was an eye opener and it got me very interested to learn more about the LifePage platform. I think LifePage is doing an amazing job of connecting real professionals with Career seekers. It is truly an amazing innovation in the area of Career Counseling. You can learn more about LifePage on: https://www.lifepage.in