
5 Elements of an Amazing Website

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PMI @PMI · Mar 12, 2022

Web design and development can be a tricky thing, and if your website doesn’t contain certain elements, it will not only lack in design but also effectiveness. If you are working with a web design and development company, you are likely covered, but it is very important to know the 5 elements that can, and most often do, make for an amazing website.


1 – User Friendliness

Your website should be one that is super easy to use. Sure, fancy features on your site might look nice, but to the average person, they will present challenges with navigating on your website. This can lead to a high bounce rate which means people are not sticking around long enough to see what your business has to offer them.


2 – Proper Branding

Another element that can’t be ignored is proper branding. As your business evolves, so too must your website. You want your brand identity to match your website 100%. It does no good to have your brand morph over time and have people go to a website that highlights a completely different branding. It might be the same business, but it will be nothing but confusion for your customers. This is another advantage to working with a company that offers a full array of web development services, as they should be able to shift your website’s identity to match that of your business and brand.


3 – Be Professional

It goes without saying that you want your website to come off as a professional one. Sure, you can use a website template builder and slap together a website to save a few bucks, but your website will then likely come out looking like a canned product. It is far better to invest in your business, and your website, by working with a web design and development company that can offer you a more custom look that comes off screaming professionalism.


4 – Conversion Considered

Every single page on your website should allow your prospective buyers to do something that will lead to conversion. This means every page should have its own way the customer can interact with it, which is crucial as interaction leads to conversion...which is the name of the sales game.


5 – SEO and SEO

Of course, none of the first 4 elements mean much if your website is lacking in the SEO department. SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization,” and if your web pages are not optimized for, well, Google, then it is the equivalent of opening a brick-and-mortar store and then not putting an address on it...nobody would find it. Again, a web design and development company will be able to work with you to ensure your website not only looks great to prospective clients and customers but will also look amazing in the eyes of Google...and Google, make no mistake, is king.