
Balance your world with an ion energy band


When people feel exhausted, stressed, with annoying discomforts and of strange origin, it can be a symptom of an energy imbalance. Despite not being visible, the energy is in the environment, influencing the entire field that surrounds the person in a negative way.

To avoid these unpleasant effects, the use of an ion energy band is recommended. This bracelet made with soft silicone and with a design of extraordinary elegance is able to harmonize the ions and provide a very significant improvement in health.

Made of steel, titanium, tungsten, and tourmaline, it can be said that it is a wonderful jewel that increases the physical benefits and clarifies, to a great extent, the mind, enhancing abilities and aptitudes.


By using the Ion energy provided by the bracelet, the anions are increased and oxygen is transferred more easily in the body. In ancient times, it was shown that the air was charged with particles, which were recognized as ions charged with positive or negative electricity.

Subsequently, it was discovered that the most harmful to humans are positive ions. On the contrary, those with a negative charge are those who provide the greatest health benefits.

The positive ions come from the ultraviolet rays of the sun, radioactive material, fires in the forests and from the gas called radon. Those with a negative charge are susceptible to changes in the atmosphere, changes in the air force, temperature, and when the water evaporates.

When we breathe pure air we introduce negative ions to the body, which help to keep the blood clean, benefit the nerves, provide better rest and favor the digestive processes, eliminating stress.

With the use of the ion energy band, a very useful relationship will be maintained for the regulation of blood pressure, the dilatation of the blood vessels, strengthening of the bones, improves the functioning of the heart and the respiratory system, tranquilizes the nerves, promoting a healthy growth

The composition of the bracelet with the negative ions weakens the radicals that are free, promotes the growth of the cells and stimulates the immune system. They also offer protection against electromagnetic environments.

Another advantage provided by the constant use of the bracelet is the stimulation of mood of the person, avoiding the depressions that arise in winter, thanks to the supply of negative ions, which increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and energy in general.

The bracelets contain up to 3000 anions in each CC and come in colors and current designs of extraordinary beauty, for all tastes and occasions. The models are reversible and waterproof, with several measures and with the logo on the front and back.

If you want to balance the effect produced by electronic devices and the different materials that exist in nature in the body, you should start using this beautiful and functional bracelet.

For more important details, visit the website http://www.ionenergy.in/.