
What is the Shift?



Have you ever wondered why all the major problems we face in the world - ecological catastrophe, soaring rates of chronic disease, a mental health crisis, huge economic uncertainly, an education system that doesn’t actually prepare you for life, billions of people without food or clean water, and a general lack of purpose or hope - all seem to be escalating simultaneously? 


Doesn’t this suggest that all these seemingly separate issues may actually be symptoms of a singular underlying problem?


More and more people are starting to get a sense that there is something deeply wrong with the mess humanity has found itself in 2020 - usually through their own personal mental health or existential crisis. 


But they still can’t put their finger on what exactly what’s causing these issues.


Certain traditional scientists will tell us ‘that’s human nature, we are biologically a selfish and destructive species’. 'The human race is just a chemical scum’ as the late great Stephen Hawkings said.


While traditional religious leaders will say ‘It’s just God’s wrath unfolding’


However, both of these schools of thought lean on the idea that there is nothing we can do about the catastrophe that awaits, it’s already determined by either God’s Will or our genetic DNA. 


But what if these problems arise from a different source entirely? One that is within our power to change.


Luckily for us - through the latest scientific discoveries and rediscovered ancient wisdom - we are starting to understand exactly where humanity has gone wrong, and how to reverse the damage - becoming more empowered than ever before.


Let's take a look back in history to see how deep change has occurred on this planet before


You see, 250 years ago there was a profound shift in the trajectory of humanity.


Prior to the 18th century, the trajectory humanity was headed in was directly guided by the ideas proposed by religion and royalty. As a result of this, humanity didn’t actually move forward a huge amount, because tradition was valued more than progress.


However, this all changed when, for the first time, the general public had access to uncensored information through cheap printing (books).


We shortly started to reject religion and royalty, through realising how backwards and corrupt the catholic church and greedy kings were. This was called the Age of Enlightenment.


The 1500 year long iron grip that the Kings, Catholic Church and Aristocrats had on the general population was overturned in a mere few generations. A revolution that would have seemed impossible before.


What replaced religion and royalty were the ideals of scientific progress and personal liberty.


At the forefront of this movement for truth was a certain group of scientific theories and philosophies - ideas that have been the roadmap and driving force for the direction/trajectory humanity has been on ever since the Industrial Revolution.


These ideas included:

  • We are separate from and superior to Mother Nature and thus we have the right to take from the planet as we please
  • In order to solve the problems humanity faces as a species, we must seek to build technology/machinery outside of ourselves and nature
  • The universe is fundamentally physical, so materialistic consumption and money should naturally be the main objectives in life
  • We as humans are limited and trapped by our genetic potential and the environment we grew up in, we can’t change past these things
  • The entire universe spawned out of absolute nothingness, for no reason whatsoever and that our existence as humans is just a fortunate (or unfortunate) accident. 
  • All of Nature is a ruthless competition for scarce resources. In order for one person to win, another has to lose. 


These new theories, and thus new era of humanity led to a huge leap forward in almost every aspect of life.


However….. 21st century science is now proving these 250 year old theories to be outdated.


These aren’t just minor errors in our understandings, these are huge errors. Errors that prove that the roadmap humanity has been using to judge all our decisions on for the past 250 years isn't accurate at all.


What this essentially means is that our entire modern world has been built on some very wonky foundations…….  it’s no wonder EVERYTHING’s f*cked!


The new updated theories that have been emerging for the last 100 years paint a very different picture of life, they include:

  • The idea that as human beings, we are not limited by our genetic potential, or by the environment we grew up in, that we can take responsibility for our lives, we are response-able to create and shape our own destiny
  • We ARE nature, and the health of ecosystems worldwide are inseparable from our own physical and mental health - and the more we take from nature in the name progress, the worse our problems become. 
  • These theories suggests that the cure to all our problems, from poverty, health, economics, social, political can be found inwards, through a better understanding of ourselves and nature, not through machinery and technology
  • We are now realising that the fundamental principle of nature is cooperation, and that all the greatest leaps in evolution have come through staggering feats of cooperation between completely different organisms
  • Science now suggests that everything in the universe is interconnected. So for every ecosystem, species or person we help, we are actually helping ourselves in the process
  • We are even starting to question our existing scientific and religious beliefs about the origin of the universe, and our purpose in it. 


What’s needed is another Shift in what human beings worldwide believe to be true, and thus another shift in the trajectory of human civilisation - similar to the one during the Industrial Revolution, but on a much more profound level. A leap in human evolution and consciousness is required.


This modern day Shift, if embraced, will produce a much larger and more profound positive change in the world than ever seen previously.


However, in order to change the course of humanity, a HUGE leap in human understanding, evolution and consciousness is required.



How could a meetup group help this change?



We are now realising that; As human beings, our behaviours and actions are a direct result of our beliefs. If we believe that a deity will strike us down for sinning, we won't sin. If we believe we are above nature or other people, we won't treat them with respect. If we believe that the universe is fundamentally physical, we'll naturally place a high value on materialistic possessions. If we believe all life is just a ruthless competition and dog eat dog world, we won't think twice about putting aside the feelings of others for our own personal gain.


Although each one of us has a unique set of beliefs based on a unique set of life experiences - we all share a collection of beliefs, a narrative if you will. A narrative that is present in nearly every culture on earth - and thus adopted by and reflected in the actions of nearly every person on this planet. 


In the medieval times, our collective narrative was:

  • The kings are divine rulers sent down by God, if we disobeyed and didn't work to serve them, we would be put in hell for all of eternity
  • Anyone that doesn't follow our religion should either be forced to convert to our religion, or killed - as they are the work of the devil.
  • We can't move up in life. God decided our roles before we were born. If we were born a farmer, we are meant to stay a farmer forever. If we are born wealthy, it's God's will that we stayed wealthy and didn't help others move up. Any attempt to move up the ranks would be blasphemy.


People acting from these collection of beliefs naturally led to many ruthless pillaging's by the Catholic Church, very little scientific progress and barely any challenging of the kings and aristocracts, leading to centuries of extreme wealth inequality and poverty.


However, all this changed when cheap printing and thus UNCENSORED INFORMATION became available.


When confronted with new information about science, democracy and the backwards practices of the kings and church, the general public began to question the narrative mentioned above. And after a few generations, a whole new narrative emerged and a new set of beliefs about life had been embodied.


Because a whole new generation of people (Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson for example) had been brought up with these new beliefs, they naturally acted in accordance with them. This led to the American, French and Industrial revolution.


It was this change of beliefs and thus behaviours that organically led to the 250 years of seemingly incredible progress we have just had.


Unfortunately for us, we don't have the luxury of waiting several generations for our belief systems to naturally evolve. In order to save the planet and ourselves, we need to change our behaviours (and thus beliefs) now.


So one aspect of this group is to explore and discuss these emerging ideas that are causing us to question our existing beliefs about life.


This comes in the form of sharing ground-breaking scientific discoveries and debunking  'mainstream' theories.


It also comes In the form of sharing ground-breaking and ancient practices that will supercharge our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.


However, this is just the beginning.


Changing our deeply held beliefs and thus behaviours is no easy feat. Have you ever tried to change a lifelong habit? Going to the gym 5x a week? Eating a much healthier diet? Going from shy to confident? It takes tremendous discipline and internal strength.


Most of us are so disconnected from who we really are and what we actually value that we could never make these changes. Especially the kind of dramatic changes that are needed to shift the trajectory of not only your life, but humanity too!


The other aspect of this group is learning about how we can empower ourselves to change our deep rooted beliefs and behaviours.


This all starts with self-discovery, with discovering your authentic self. Who you'd actually be if culture, the internet and social trends hadn't influenced you from a young age.


Although it all starts with self, having a group of people around you that are going through the same, often painful process, is immensely valuable to make sure you stick with it….. Because it isn't as easy as it seems.