
The Postil: Pierre de Gaulle, the Grandson of Charles de Gaulle on Russia and Scheerpost BAUD , etc


Ukraine, Trapped in a Spiral of War: Pierre de Gaulle 
July 1, 2022 Pierre de Gaulle

Pierre de Gaulle on Charles de Gaullen pojanpoika, joten tekstillä on jonkinmoista arvoa:

(alla otteita puheesta  kesäkuun 14, 2022  Venäjän Suurlähetystössä Pariisissa

[Good Day! On behalf of the French people, I warmly greet the Russian people and its leaders and President Vladimir Putin].

France and Russia are close to each other, but are also united by the awareness of their common interests and destinies.

I have come here to affirm once again, loud and clear, that it is in France’s interest to maintain good relations with Russia and to say that we must work together in order to help the union and security of our continent, as well as the balance, progress and peace of the entire world.


Today, everyone recognizes the responsibility of the United States in the current conflict, the disastrous role of NATO, which is constantly expanding, and the reckless policy of the Ukrainian government. The latter, strengthened by beautiful promises and fed by American and European illusions, has led a very condemnable policy towards the Russian-speaking populations of Donbass, multiplying discrimination, plundering, embargoes and bombings. Unfortunately, the West has allowed Zelensky, his oligarchs and the neo-Nazi military groups to be trapped in a spiral of war.

Europe, and of course France, have everything to lose, if they entrap themselves into this military and ideological escalation desired by the United States and NATO. As Charles de Gaulle said, “America is not part of Europe. I believe I discovered that on the map.”


Enää ei ole jäljellä kuin Suomen valhemedia, valhepoliitikot ja valhehallitus joka ei myönnä Ukrainan neo-nazi ongelmaa!!

Pierre de Gaullen sanoma on yksinkertainen, sota on lopetettava ja yhteistyö Venäjän kanssa aloitettava uudelleen.

(Charles de Gaulle)
He loved Russia. My family and I love Russia and its people. The Russian people, whose property rights are so unjustly violated around the world. It reminds me of the worst moments of the occupation and the Vichy regime in France. And are Russian artists and sportsmen also responsible?

This systematic and blind policy of confiscation and discrimination of the entire Russian people is scandalous and shocks me greatly.

Allow me to quote General de Gaulle once again: “In France, we have never considered Russia as an enemy. I am for the development of Franco-Russian friendship; and I have never sent and I will never send arms to people who would have fought against Soviet Russia.”


 Punaisen Ristin vierailuvide Yelenovkan vankilaan: (Toukokuu 19, 2022)

Venäjä/Separatistit ovat ilmeisesti kutsuneet Punaisen Ristin edustajan tarkistamaan sotavankien olot, ja tähänkö vankilaan Venäjä/separatistit nyt hyökkäsivät?? Eihän tätä shittiä usko kuin Suomen poliitikot ja valhemedian toimittajat??

Jostain syystä videolla ei ole ääntä??  Telegrammiin myös linkki varalta että Twitter video poistetaan!!

Russians With Attitude @RWApodcast
 · May 19 2022 Representatives of the Red Cross have visited the jail in Yelenovka (DPR) where Ukrainian POWs from Azovstal are being held.
https://twitter.com/i/status/1527163884762701824      19 toukokuuta 2022

Jos video sensuroidaan Youtubesta:  American Nazi-friend Joseph Biden voi pyytää videon poistamista.

Ehkä se löytyy täältäkin:







Tässä tämä koko Jacques Baudin järkyttävän hyvä analyysi, osia siitä on saattanut olla esim. MV-lehdessä, mutta täällä pitkä analyysi kokonaisuudessaan.  Ehdottomasti  kannattaa lukea myös kommentit > 200




"We have to go back to March 24, 2021. On that day, Volodymyr Zelensky issued a decree for the reconquest of Crimea and began to deploy his forces towards the south of the country. Simultaneously, several NATO exercises were conducted between the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea, accompanied by a significant increase in reconnaissance flights along the Russian border"


Eli Suomen armeija ja presidentti  oli täysin tietoinen, sillä Suomen joukot todennäk. harjoittelivat Naton mukana Itämerellä!!!!


"At the same time, there are reports of acts of sabotage in the Donbass. On January 18, Donbass fighters intercept saboteurs equipped with Western equipment and speaking Polish seeking to create chemical incidents in Gorlivka . They could be CIA mercenaries , led or “advised” by Americans and made up of Ukrainian or European fighters, to carry out sabotage actions in the Donbass Republics."



Ja Slovenia myy venäläisille viisumeita?? Kun Suomen natsimieliset yrittävät kieltää jopa venäläisten matkustamisenkin Suomeen:




Notes from Nowhere



https://www.naomiallen.blog/atrocity-propaganda/   (Bucha)



https://www.naomiallen.blog/2437-2/  (Ukrainian Nazis who they are)
















Russia Ukraine: Putin compares Donbas war zone to genocide


Ukraine tensions: US trying to draw Russia into war, Putin says








Redcross org

Ukraine: How the Red Cross is Helping

Assistance Provided

In the last 12 months, the ICRC supported communities on both sides of the line of contact:
Around 35,000 people received solid fuel or cash assistance to help heat their houses this winter.  

Around 37,000 people along the line of contact were supported with food and hygiene items. 

Over 50 hospitals and 60 primary healthcare facilities on both sides of the line of contact received medical 
equipment to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and emergency preparedness. 

Water stations on either side of the line have been repaired, providing water to around 872,000 people.
Over 22,000 people increased their knowledge of mine risks during educational sessions and thousands of mine warning signs were donated to mark hazardous areas. 

Around 5,600 households received support to repair their damaged homes



RT. comment:

Елена Лебедева 
You won't believe it, but Russia doesn't need the current Ukraine. 
For 30 years,Ukraine turned into a Nazi state, with all the attributes 
- torchlight processions in Kiev and other cities, the non-jurisdiction of those who profess Nazism, 
celebrations of the founding dates of the Ukrainian Waffen SS division "Galicia", sabotage battalions 
"Nachtigal" and "Roland", the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and Organizations of Ukrainian Nationalists. 
None of those Bandera members who burned people alive in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa were punished. 
Bandera and Shukhevych are officially recognized as heroes of Ukraine. Bandera's birthday is a public holiday 
that is celebrated throughout the country. By the way, Ukrainians have adopted the slogan of Nazi Germany. 
They only replaced the word Germany with the word Ukraine. This slogan sounds like this: 
Ukraine is above all. About Zelensky. How the clown became king. Oh, wrong. 
The clown became the whole President of Ukraine. youtu---be-----/H5ANCC5CowU







Eerste Nederlandse journalist in Azov staalfabriek Marioepol, DPR

https://work.vk.com/video385287235_456239824  (English subs)





Consortium News
May 25, 2022

Nuland-Pyatt Tape Removed From YouTube After 8 Years 






 MAR 8, 2022

Paper presented at the virtual 10th World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies, Concordia University, Montreal, August 3-8, 2021
Updated November 29, 2021



This study examines evidence revealed by the ongoing trial and government investigations
concerning the Maidan massacre in Ukraine. The massacre of the protesters and the police
during the “Euromaidan” mass protests in February 2014 contributed to the overthrow of the
Ukrainian government and ultimately to a start of the civil war in Donbas

This paper analyzes several hundred hours of video recordings of the Maidan massacre trials and information
concerning investigations of this massacre in over 2,500 court decisions from the official court
decisions database in Ukraine. It examines trial and investigation testimonies of wounded
protesters, relatives of the killed protesters, prosecution and defense witnesses, and top officials
of the Yanukovych government. The study also analyzes results of forensic ballistic and medical
examinations and investigative experiments, and videos and photos of the Maidan massacre
made public during the trial. It includes several online video appendixes







Shishimarin said at the hearing that as the Russian army retreated from the region, he and several other soldiers had hijacked a Volkswagen  car to catch up with the rest of their forces, per AFP





Kim Dotcom: 

Over 14,000 civilians of Russian ethnicity in the Donbass were killed by US trained Ukrainian forces and the

openly boasts that they have armed and trained the Ukrainians for 8 YEARS.


fake news by Der Spiegel  revealed by  IforumKenya:


Compare the edited videos, with the complete un-edited video.

Quote Tweet

Harun Kimani

6 May
"Germany's Der Spiegel removes clip in which Azovstal evacuee criticized 
it was taken down “because of discrepancies in content that were
subsequently discovered"...
Der Spiegel said they were still in the process of
clarifying this issue.



President Biden

United States government official
 · May 19 2022
I applaud Congress for passing the security package I requested and for sending a clear bipartisan message to 
the world that the U.S. stands with Ukraine. This package will allow us to send even more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine as they defend their democracy and freedom.




Silminnäkijä Ukrainan nazi-pataljoonista:




Greek refugee from Mariupol: “Ukrainian soldiers stopped and threatened us, Russian soldiers calmed us down” (VIDEO)



Lapset ihmiskilpinä:

It was so scary when they used us as a shield”: A girl from #Mariupol describes how the #Azovstal were firing at residential buildings #NaziUkraine #notonyourtv



 · May 12
🚨War Crimes – Adrien Boquet, former French Special Forces, is a writer who spent 3 weeks in #Ukraine for a humanitarian mission 
and witnessed war crimes (human shields, #Azov kneecapping of Russian POWs, etc.)

"All were committed by the Ukrainian army."


Video thumb




#Mariupol: A civilian tells how the 🇺🇦 Army held the whole town hostage and blocked check points to prevent people from leaving and how they shelled civilian areas where there was no presence of 🇷🇺 troops. 

Source 📹: https://t.me/UkraineHumanRightsAbuses/3321


Chris•Honda @chris681924712

·The massacre of civilians that happened in Bucha, Ukraine was done by the Ukrainian army. 
French national investigation team found out the truth Only Ukrainian army uses banned cluster munitions




·Life is slowly returning to normal in #Mariupol 
#Russian aid convoys, medical, and emergency services are working in the city. 
Transit service has started again. 
#Russian #RussiaUkraineWar 
#Russia #Ukraine #Donbass 
#Donbassinsider #Ukrainian #RussianArmy  (#UkroNazis)



·#BuchaMassacre is a result of #Ukraine ofensive. Oficial statements from the #UN should surface & 
there should be consequencess on #ukraine

The #US mentality, & their superiority complex destabilise the world.



Fue el ejército ucraniano quien cometió la matanza de Bucha






Ukraine 2014: Atrocities by the Obama/Biden Administration Revealed


1.  What you are not being told

2.  Geoffre Pyatt

3.  Israeli mercenaries

4.  Dmitriy Yarosh

5.  Paid protesters

6.  Snipers massacre research paper

7.  Italian interview with the snipers

8.  Leaked phone call Victoria Nuland

9.  Genocide in Eastern Ukraine

10.  Ukrainian don’t accept the new government

11.  US-NATO backs neo-Nazis in Ukraine

12.  Odessa Massacre

13.  Korsun massacre



The protection afforded against the Omicron coronavirus variant fades quickly after a second and third dose of Pfizer–BioNtech’s COVID-19 vaccine, according to a peer-reviewed study 
published in the JAMA Network.





MH17 Turnabout: Ukraine’s Guilt Now Proven
Finally, a clear and convincing — and unrefuted — case can now be presented to the public, as to precisely whom the guilty party was, that downed the MH17 Malaysian airliner over Ukraine on 17 July 2014, and why it was done. The complete case, which will be fully documented here, displays unequivocally who needed the MH17 murders (of 298 persons) to be perpetrated. This mass-murder was done for one leader’s very pressing obsession. For him, it simply had to be done, and done at that precise time


Days 3 and 4: Identification of the missile (pleadings on 11 and 16 March 2022)
On the third and fourth days of the pleadings Counsel for the Defence argued that the investigation by the Prosecution was 
too incomplete and inadequate to conclude that a BUK missile had caused the explosion at the MH17 aircraft.

The questions put to the NFI focused too much on the BUK missile scenario, the investigators lacked sufficient expertise,  and the damage pattern on the pieces of wreckage was said not to rule out a different missile system. In addition, according to the Defence, 
the different missile parts found at the crash site and in pieces of wreckage, such as a green lump from the groove of the cockpit window,  a lump from the truss, splinters and a tubular part, do not appear to be from the same type of missile and thus are not from the missile that  the Prosecution submits caused an explosion at flight MH17 either. Moreover, no relation to the crash of flight MH17 can be determined conclusively for 
some of these parts.


Day 9: Alternative scenario (pleadings on 25 March 2022)
If it cannot be proven that flight MH17 was taken down by the BUK missile that the Prosecution envisages and is said to have been launched from 
the farm field near Pervomaiskyi, then acquittal should result. This does not require determining the actual course of events. Should the court,  however, find the evidence sufficient to assume that the events were as the Prosecution has argued, then, according to the Defence on Day 9,  it matters whether a different scenario is possible as well. The Defence then explained that and why the scenario that flight MH17 was unintentionally 
hit by a BUK missile fired by Ukrainian armed forces from the surroundings (south) of Zaroshchenske is credible and plausible  and is not inconsistent with the evidence available either. According to the Defence, the outcome of this criminal trial should be acquittal for this reason as well































Tämähän leviää kuin seksitaudit kesällä: Täällä koko käännös enkuksi:


G: kingveganismusonedralsan LYRICS - english translation Intro: [Sample Olaf Scholz: "We will invest more than 2 percent of the GDP in our defense year after year from now on."] [Sample Wladimir Klitschko: "This has been holocaust with Russian missiles."] 1st verse The Russian wants war again? He can have it, there you go! I don't know any parties anymore, only transatlanticists One people, one NATO, one union of values It ranges from Annalena Baerbock to the Azov battalion We must win the war in order to make peace The killing must stop - so we supply weapons! .... 


Sample Annalena Baerbock: "And my own grandfather fought, like, in the winter of '45 at this river, at this border."   Tässä tämä Baerbockin uskomaton typeryys Kiovan  käynnin yhteydessä:  Isoisäni taisteli talvella -45 tämän joen varrella, tässä rajalla (olikohan Dnipr???) 


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