
Official Presidential Advisory Board State of the Nation Survey


Survey ID : 17346262

1) Do you believe America is headed in the right direction under President Trump’s leadership?


2) Do you believe you’ve benefited from President Trump’s historic tax cuts in 2017?


3) Do you believe the economy has strengthened since President Trump took office?


4) Do you believe President Trump is prioritizing the safety of our Nation by securing our borders?


5) Do you believe we need to finish the Southern Border Wall?


6) Do you believe President Trump will continue prioritizing American Citizens over Illegal Aliens?


7) Do you believe the mainstream media has given President Trump, and other Republicans in Congress, unfair and biased coverage?


8) Do you believe the mainstream media favors Democrats?


9) Do you believe the mainstream media needs to be held accountable for its biased reporting?


10) Do you believe Chuck and Nancy prioritize their political agendas over what is best for America?


11) Do you support President Trump’s efforts to denuclearize North Korea?


12) Do you support President Trump’s appointment of Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court?


13) Do you believe President Trump should appoint another conservative to the U.S. Supreme Court should there be a vacancy during his presidency?


14) Do you believe the Democrats should call off the witch hunts on President Trump, his family, and his administration?


Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Questions 1, 2, 4, 5, & 6. Y is Trump not issuing hunting licenses so American gun owners can go do their target practice at the border? Instead of WA$TING bazillions on a fake half non-wall the goblins will just go around, he could be making a PROFIT while sealing the border against criminal troll invaders.

In sane regimes of the past borders were lined with the heads of the demons on poles with the decapitated bodies burning in between so the stench of death warns off potential threats. Trump's 'wall talk' is nothing more than that = micro-measures & boasting, but the flood of raw sewage is only INCREASING! He could also issue hunting licenses so citizen gun owners go drain the sewer throughout the USA & GET THE GOBLINS OUT! =D Remember: "Must Be This Hot To Enter":

Question 11: All nations SHOULD have nukes to DEFEND themselves against the (((USA)))! = the 1 'rogue terrorist regime' that goes around mass murdering endless bazillions of random foreigners who were not attacking or threatening us! Stay the frak out of Syria, Lybia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. The only reason ISIS / Al-CIA-da exist is because 'jew-merica' CREATED and continues funding, training, protecting & defending them. Also, 9/11 was an inside job & the whole world knows it = excuse 2 do even more 'jew wars'. Stop it. Hell even the owner of WTC himself: (((Larry $ilverstein))) admits it was fake, with his 'Pull It' confession video, rubbing it in our 'goy' faces. BTW: FIRE JAVANKA! =D

Question 12: Trump's so-called 'conservative' judges are not really. 'Groush' whatever was an obvious ((($hill))) from the start = so-called 'R.I.N.O.' = "Republican In Name Only", cheer leading for queers & other trash in his 'bio'.

Question 13: Trump should appoint ACTUAL 'conservatives', not (((PRETENDER$))) who just ram through more 'gay marriage' & other bull$hit, thanx =)

Stop being such a FAAAKE! =D