
Find Out the Effect Smoking has on Your Oral Health

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D. Dental @user230 · Jun 2, 2020

The effect smoking has on your oral health are not addressed as often as the rest of the body, but it is very important in the process of smoking cessation. We all know that smoking is bad for the health, but not many are aware that it is also a major contributor to dental problems. Despite the big strides that have been made, it is clear that the tobacco pandemic still continues. Still, smokers are offered with lots of opportunities to kick the habit.


Why should you be concerned with the effects of smoking to your oral health? A healthy smile is important for most people, as this is usually the first thing people notice when they are introduced to someone for the first time. Obviously, nobody wants a dull or discolored smile, or one that emits a bad breath. However, routine brushing is just half of the solution as it cannot solely remove strains or reduce halitosis.


According to oral experts, losing your teeth is just one of the numerous adverse effects of smoking cigarettes and tobacco products. Along with this, smokers have a tendency to develop more tartar on their teeth compared to nonsmokers. Tartar buildup can eventually lead to periodontal disease when left untreated. Read on and learn some of the ways smoking can affect your oral health.


  1. Smoking creates plaque and tartar. Chemicals present in tobacco products affect saliva flow in the mouth, which will make it easier for oral bacteria to stick to the gums and teeth. Bacteria-filled plaque can develop on the teeth and long the gum line. When not properly managed, plaque can harden to tartar or calculus that requires professional cleaning to remove. Smokers are more likely to develop periodontal disease, which attacks the roots and cause the teeth to fall out. Smokeless tobacco products can also irritate the gum tissue. They loosen the gums around the teeth, giving a place for bacteria to settle in, multiply and create decay.
  2. Smoking interferes with blood circulation. Smoking affects the normal functioning of the gum tissue, which restricts blood flow and causes infection. It also delays healing following oral surgery for tooth extraction, dental implants and gum disease treatment, which makes the process of recovery so much more difficult. Smokers may notice that their gums easily bleed during regular brushing or flossing.
  3. Smoking changes the teeth and breath. The nicotine found in cigarettes and tobacco can stain the teeth, causing it to turn an unsightly yellow hue that cannot be removed with conventional brushing. Smoking can also cause bad breath.
  4. Smoking can lead to oral cancer. According to research, about 90 percent of people with cancer of the mouth, lips and throat used tobacco. Smokers are more likely to develop oral cancers compared to nonsmokers.


If you smoke cigarettes or tobacco products, you can reduce the right of developing oral health problems by brushing twice and flossing once daily. It is also important to schedule regular dentist appointments for routine checkups and professional teeth cleanings. If you can, cut down or completely quit smoking. Studies have shown that smokers who cut back half a pack a day have a lowered risk of developing gum disease.


The effects of smoking on the teeth, gums, breath and your general health can greatly influence your desire to finally quit. A visit to your dentist or hygienist can be a great first step. They can help you come with a plan to start the process. Everyone wants to have a healthy mouth, firm gums, white teeth and fresh breath. With the help of your dental professional, you can achieve all of these.