
Career Options for Students after Completing BTech in Computer Science


After 10+2 level education, students choose engineering courses since such courses fetch job opportunities. There are different engineering courses, and computer science has been regarded as one of the popular courses in today’s time. In the global IT sector, plenty of vacancies available. Hence, completing engineering in computer science successfully will help you pursue a career in information technology. Since the IT sector is poised with multiple opportunities, students often get confused with their career options after completing BTech in computer science from top engineering colleges in Jaipur. In the following section, you can find some of the career options after studying computer science.


  1. Big Data Engineer

After completing engineering in computer science, becoming a Big Data Engineer is a popular career option nowadays. Big data engineers deal with data analytics, database management, and many other tasks that involve data processing. The big data engineer aims to provide meaningful data to the organization to make it easier for the business managers or board of directors. Big data engineers work on various data processing techniques and tools. A professional big data engineer can earn a handsome salary from employers, as its success depends a lot on data analytics.


  1. Blockchain Developer

Blockchain is an open-source platform that developers can use for developing various online platforms. Blockchain has become popular with the advent of cryptocurrency. However, blockchain has various other applications. It can be used for developing secured online applications, virtual wallets, payment systems, etc. There is a high demand for professional and skilled blockchain developers. As a blockchain engineer, you can find employment in various leading IT companies.


  1. Software Developer

After completing BTech in computer science, working as a software developer is a common option for pursuing a job. Leading IT companies recruit software developers for developing software or virtual systems. With the advent of time, software development jobs have become complex. In today’s artificial intelligence era, software developers have to show immense creativity to pursue their careers successfully. Software developers can enjoy a high pay scale from the reputed IT companies.


  1. Computer Network Architect

If you are interested in computer hardware, pursuing the job of network architecture is the best option for you after completing your BTech in computer science. A network architect's role is to create a powerful and flawless network of computers within an organization. Furthermore, the person also manages the tasks for maintaining the network. In case of any errors, the network architect will troubleshoot the problem. There is a high demand for professional computer network architects. Not only in the IT sector, but network architects can pursue jobs in the telecom sector too.


  1. Database Administrator

With the advent of time, a business accumulates data. As the data size rises, the database administrator comes into the picture. Database administrator properly manages data. Keeping the database well-organized helps the organizations to find more convenience in decision-making-based data. For becoming a successful data administrator, you need to find the best engineering colleges in Rajasthan.


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