Have your go at the new 'Trump Media Accountability Survey' =)
Visit the link below 2 record YOUR views! =D
Or ...
Here R my responses, which some of U might share my views on...


1. Do you trust the mainstream media to put the interests of Americans first?
Other, please specify:
The (((media))) is run by jews, & the goal of jews is 2 destroy white nations and hand the wreckage to their (((Bank$ter))) buddies.  The foundation of everything they think, say, & do is "KILLWHITEY!"  This is proven by the obvious, verifiable fact that they always support anything that HARMS whites, and attack anything that HELPS whites, like simultaneously supporting '#MeToo' AND 'ISIS RAPEugees' ~ because the common denominator is 2 destroy white families (from false & irrelevant accusations 2 violence).  Billary laughs about defending pedophile rapists, yet so-called 'women' support her, etc..


2. Do you trust the mainstream media to report fairly on our presidency?
 Other, please specify:
The goal of the (((media))) is to destroy Trump and thereby harm America so it can be more easily handed to the (((Bank$ter$))).


3. Do you trust NBC to fairly report on our presidency?
Other, please specify:


4. Do you trust CNN to report fairly on our presidency?


5. Do you trust MSNBC to fairly report on our presidency?


6. Do you trust Fox News to fairly report on our presidency?
Other, please specify:
Depends on the show, like 'Judge Judy' & 'Napalitano' R some good ones.
7. What television source do you primarily get your news from?
Fox News
8. Do you use a source not listed above?
Note: I am directly responsible for Duke touring Russia & paving the way 4 people like Putin 2 kick the worst of the (((Bank$ter$))) out, which is exactly Y the (((media))) bashes Russia, & also 4 Rense promoting  Duke, as a great source of many FACTS about jewish criminality, etc.  U can't cure a disease if U just complain about 'symptoms'. U have 2 get 2 the root (((cause))) of most problems in the so-called (((We$t))).
9. On which issues does the mainstream media do the worst job of representing President Trump? (Select as many that apply.)
10. Do you believe the media disdains conservatives?
Other, please specify:
With very rare exceptions, the (((media))) hates WHITE people, and anything & everything they do is always for the purpose of DESTROYING white people, be it turning them gay, against themselves, against family, their own nations, etc..  The so-called (((We$tern))) media is a essentially a jewish terrorist organization & should be outted as such, same way the DemonCrat party is exposed for parading severed Trump heads & making violent threats against the president.  It is all part of the same jewish (((machine))) of destruction, like the 'bio-weapon' so-called 'migrants' they flood white nations with, 2 ram the white world down the toilet, turning it into a turd world $hit hole (as Anne Coulter would say).


11. Do you believe the media dislikes Americans of faith?
It has nothing to do with 'faith', because the (((media))) is run by (((faith))) against all things good & noble = basically a (((satanic))) commie-cult.  'Christianity' is simply code for WHITE, & THAT is Y the (((media))) attacks it.  Even the jews themselves admit this:  https://new.euro-med.dk/20171119-jews-with-jewish-convert-makow-judaism-is-satanism-against-goyim-and-assimilated-jews-antisemitism-is-healthy-migration-judaist-ploy-to-destroy-conquer-west.php


12. Do you believe the mainstream media does their due-diligence fact-checking before publishing stories on the Trump Administration?
 Other, please specify:
 The (((media))) invents 'narratives' = LIES 2 bash whites and their nations & cultures.  Trump is just a 'figurehead' for this. It really has NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH TRUMP!!  For instance, they SUPPORT Bill Clinton, who rapes women, yet PRETEND Trump SAYING something like 'grab them by the pussy' is WORSE than Bill verifably raping multiple women, as Billary his dyke 'wife' defends him for the crimes!
13. Do you believe the media fails to report on Democrats’ scandals?
Other, please specify:
The DemonCrat $candal$ R very OFTEN reported by the (((media))), BUT the (((media))) pretends their crimes & $candal$ R GOOD things, like DESTROYING Libya & Syria.  The (((media))) is run by truly satanic, evil figures.  More details here:  https://miraclesfor.me/war-peace/shocking-photos-iraq-afghanistan-libya-somalia-war/
14. Do you think the media has failed to accurately report on the extreme rhetoric of Democrat leaders over the past month?
 Other, please specify:
The (((media))) reports the rhetoric, and SUPPORTS the extreme, violent rhetoric, often directly threatening the president with violence, riots, & other crimes.  The so-called (((American))) media is a (((terrorist))) organization and should be outted as such, same as the (((DemonCrat))) party.  You have PLENTY of evidence.  Probably the military would get behind Trump on this to clean house if needed.


15. Do you believe the media sensationalizes and exaggerates stories in order to paint President Trump and conservatives in a bad light?


16. Do you believe that the media purposely tries to divide Republicans in order to help elect Democrats?


17. Based on your answers above, do you believe that the Republican Party should spend more time and resources holding the mainstream media accountable?


18. Do you agree with President Trump’s strategy of communicating directly with his supporters through Twitter, email, and Facebook videos?


19. Do you believe the media is biased when it covers President Trump’s stances on illegal immigration (ex: the Wall, ending Sanctuary cities)?


20. Do you believe the media is biased when it covers President Trump’s restriction on immigration from countries compromised by radical Islamic terrorism?


21. Do you believe the media is biased when it covers people of faith and supporters of religious liberties?


22. Do you believe that the media unfairly reported on President Trump’s executive order granting Americans the freedom to buy health care across state lines?


23. Do you believe that the media has been too quick to spread false stories about our movement?


24. Do you agree with the President’s decision to break with tradition by giving lesser known reporters and bloggers the chance to ask the press secretary questions?


25. Do you approve of Sarah Huckabee Sanders?
Yes! =D  BTW: If you can find a gal who is genuinely 'right wing' and NOT a Zio-Con war-mongering ('everything can be solved by just mass murdering more random Arabs who were not attacking or threatening us') clown, and is not fat & ugly & old like Sanders, that would B AWESOME!  & get her 2 wear sexxxy outfits so we can check out her curves. It's GR8 2 have boobage with our doomsday reports! =D  Like this chik...
Video thumb
Oh hey, hire HER! Millie would B GR8! =D


26. What percentage do you believe is an accurate representation of President Trump’s positive news coverage by the mainstream media?
27. Are there any other thoughts you’d like to share with the President when it comes to mainstream media accountability?
Yes!  Stop murdering people!  That includes Syrians defending their country! =)  U campaigned on avoiding war & stuff, so STICK 2 IT!  U do not 'M.A.G.A.' by starting more wars.  More details here:
& that includes Iran.  Do BU$INE$$ with them.  Dropping bombs on people does not 'liberate' N E 1, & the whole world knows it, including YOU!  U wonder Y the ragheads cheer lead 'death 2 america' type slogans = because the very word is toxic.  Mass murdering people & their families while chanting 'freedom' & 'democracy' & 'america' this & that = turning the words into evil things that just mean 'more death'.  When a hired murderer (so-called '$oldier') says the word 'intervention', it really means 'invade & murder those random people who were not even attacking us', etc.  They R truly evil, satanic figures.  The military does not 'keep us safe'.  They WRECK THE WORLD!  The key 2 peace is 4 every nation 2 have nukes, 2 DEFEND themselves against AMERICAN terrorism. The only nation 2 use 'WMD' nukes against others is AMERICA, or have U already forgotten Japan? LOL!!