
Researchers from the University of Bonn recently found a gene that's responsible for a hereditary type of baldness called Hypotrichosis simplex. The research is the first-ever to spot a specific receptor that's vital for hair growth. The researchers said that their findings will lead to new discoveries which could resolve the issue of baldness.

"Though Hypotrichosis simplex is very rare, it might prove crucial in understanding the mechanics of hair growth," says project leader Dr. Regina treatment Betz from Bonn's Institute of Human Genetics. Individuals affected by this condition usually go bald throughout childhood. Alopecia or the process of hair loss especially around the scalp serves as an individual gets older.

As analyzed in the project, the investigators found that the reason for Hypotrichosis simplex is genetic abnormality that limits certain receptor arrangements on the surface of hair follicle cells from forming correctly. These receptors play an essential role in hair growth that has been previously unknown to scientists.

Dr. Markus N?then, chairman of Genetic Medicine at Bonn University's Life & Brain Centre said that the defective receptor structure falls into the class of what are called G-protein-coupled receptors. This is very good news, since, they're especially ideal as points of effect for drug treatments, he said. The investigators were also able to nail an endogenous messenger which attaches from the hair follicle to the receptor.

Researchers feel that the study opens up chances for future studies about baldness. "We are now able to hunt responsibly for related substances that might be utilized in therapies for baldness," say Dr. Ivar von Kügelgen of Bonn's Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Due to the analysis, the prospect of developing medicines that may benefit patients suffering from hair loss has considerably enhanced.