A Producer Company is a group of people busy in production of primary produce or having one or more goals relating to the primary produce. We Websoftex are experienced in development of Producer Company Software. Our Software has a centralized database that is very beneficiary for Producer Companies with banking operations like Fixed Deposit, Recurring Deposits, Loan to Customers etc.
The software is extremely useful and user-friendly and is helpful for any company which is doing production business.
This type of software is used by:
- Farmer Producer Company
- Processing Company
- Cold Chain
- Warehousing & Cold Storage Owners
- Seed Suppliers
- Agri-Machinery & Equipment Suppliers
- Pesticides Suppliers
- Fertilizers Suppliers
- Any Business that buys from Farmer
Any Business that sells to Farmers
Types Of Modules Included
- Farmers registration –It includes information about land record and register FIG (farmer interest group) with crop information ,bank account details and register farmer personal details
- Demand management –obtain input order from farmers, merge demand at FPC level, acquire in bulk, supply through local resource of FIG. All in one place.
- Crop purchase management –purchase farmer produce at agreed price. Receipe generation or send sms,send produce for sale to mandi .Farmer will receive SMS updated for each transaction.
- Inventory management – manage inventories at one or many locations. May be it is purchased crop or input for supply. Track your inventories at real time. It Manage master, branch stock point management, branch stock point user management, Product Management. Purchase entry, sales entry, stock transfer or assign management. Damage /return product management.
- Provides Category wise product reports.
- Asset Management – it includes construction, design ,commissioning, operating and maintaining etc
- Finance management – Manage all financial transaction and cash flow of the company from one to place to need to learn accounting and finance.
- Vendor Management –Register vendor online ,receive quotation, Generate PO,accept deliveries and also make payment to vendor. In short all Vendor/Traders related information is managed from a single place.
- Supplier Management - To Supply Fertilizers and Pesticides to Farmer’s under Producer Company. Suppliers registration details, From Supplier Purchased reports.
- Mandi management - To Sent Farmer’s produce(crop) for sale to vender, to create Mandi according to area and assign vendors/Traders to particular Mandi.
The main purpose of producer company is related to production harvesting procurement,Grading, Pooling, Handling, Marketing, Selling, Export of primary produce of the members / Import of goods .
To maintain all these we Websoftex started offer Producer company software .
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