
We help businesses build, track, maintain, and optimize the entire lifecycle of their energy and information infrastructure.

Find Electrical Contractors in Jacksonville, FL

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Thank you. You may turn to us for most of your residential, industrial or commercial electric needs. We perform safety inspections, upgrade electric panels and are able to install wiring for new construction projects. We install and repair parking lot lights.

Jacksonville Electric Company Click here is your company when you want electrical inspection, repair or setup services. We offer a range of services for commercial residential and industrial customers in the location.

Whether you are remodeling a office or building a brand new house, you'll be able to trust us to all new wiring installation needs and your re wiring. We make certain every thing is up to code and may also upgrade your electric system.

Contact us immediately to learn American Electric Jacksonville more about our services.

What electric services do you need?

The contractors from Jacksonville Electric Company are trained to handle an Assortment of electrical solutions, including:

JEA safety inspections

Electrical wiring for new construction

Parking lot lighting setup and repair

Electrical updates

Infrared scanning

Home generator fix and setup

Let us know also our experts can make sure it's cared for fast and economically, and what electrical work you need at home or business. Schedule a session around right away.

Choose Jacksonville Electric Company for all of your needs

Look no farther than Jacksonville Electric Company if you are looking for a electric company in Jacksonville, FL. We do our best to provide services and customer support. Choose us to handle all of your electric demands because we:


Are a family-owned and -managed company

Consuming over 100 Decades of experience that is combined