
Role Of Dental Veneers In Your Oral Health

Composite veneers, Dental Veneers Toronto, etc. fall in the realm of cosmetic dentistry and it involves more than just your looks. Although most cosmetic treatments aim at aesthetic enhancement, they can also contribute to improving oral health. Dental veneers Toronto is a fine example of how a cosmetic procedure enhances your overall dental health. Some of the benefits of composite veneers, porcelain veneers are explained below:-



Replacing damaged enamel


When you suffer from enamel erosion or enamel abrasion, veneers constitute an excellent remedy. Consumption of alcoholic drinks and acidic food can cause erosion/abrasion of tooth enamel. Certain medical conditions like acid reflux and brushing very hard can also cause tooth enamel erosion. Tooth enamel lost due to these causes, unfortunately, does not grow back. With worn-out tooth enamel, the individual becomes more susceptible to tooth sensitivity, cracks, chips, and tooth decay. Since tooth enamel does the job of protecting the inner side of your tooth, erosion of tooth enamel will hasten decay and deterioration of the tooth. Dental veneers Toronto helps in replacing the lost enamel preventing further decay of the tooth. 

Stronger teeth with veneers


When veneers are fixed to your teeth, it has many protective qualities particularly when you have fractured, weak, or worn out teeth. Veneers help in bonding together weak teeth protecting them from further harm. Effectively, veneers cover structurally unsound and vulnerable teeth providing a protective layer against possible damage. Veneers can also help in avoiding more expensive treatments like implants or crowns. 


Correcting gapped teeth


Dental veneers can close any small gaps effectively and change the position to correct minor misalignments. When you have gapped teeth, you may experience bite problems from an inadequate room for the adjacent teeth. When left untreated, a gaped tooth can cause other health issues from food trapped between the teeth giving rise to gum disease and tooth decay with the passage of time. Dental veneers will help in covering the crack and preventing food particles from reaching the crack.


Correcting misaligned or crooked teeth


People at times tend to have misaligned or crooked teeth. This can cause speech problems apart from other health issues. Crooked tooth makes it difficult to clean the teeth enhancing the risk of infections, gum decay, and other dental issues. Dental veneers are very helpful in correcting tooth spacing and alignment and even prevent the need for orthodontic treatment or braces. Dental veneers can cover minor alignment problems than having to move the tooth to a better position. Consequently, patients can expect to save time as well as money in the process.


Dental veneers act as a catalyst


Composite veneers, porcelain veneers, and other types of veneers not only help with oral health but also can have a psychological impact on dental health. Veneers work like a catalyst to keep your teeth healthy and prevent more overwhelming dental concerns. For people who are already experiencing other dental issues, a dental veneer can be administered only after other dental issues are addressed.


Some people may be considering veneers for cosmetic reasons but they would still be forced to address other dental health issues like tooth decay or gum disease ahead of getting the veneers. Once you have the veneers affixed, you will also need to maintain your oral health at a high level. In addition to this, getting your teeth cleaned at least twice every year will further ensure that you prevent more complex dental issues in the years ahead. Similarly, if you have the habit of clenching or grinding your teeth, you should get out of this habit since you can potentially damage your dental veneers Toronto due to this habit.


Correcting chipped/cracked teeth


For patients who have cracked or chipped teeth, Dental Veneers Toronto can be effective in covering the crack or chip, particularly when a good part of the tooth is still remaining. Veneers are a good option as a lasting treatment and will not involve significant modification of the tooth. A cracked/chipped tooth can also lead to sensitivity to cold/hot food/drinks since the tissue at the root of the tooth is lost. Therefore, leaving a cracked/chipped tooth without treatment can lead to infections, more pain, discomfort and other complex issues over time.