In this article, we compare the difference between Android and iOS app development to understand the basic changes and determine a more appropriate OS platform to build an app for your business. Techimpero is a website designing and mobile app development company providing services to enterprises across the world and marketing needs. We are an organization driven by enthusiasm and desire of young ones. Our services like web development, app development are a unique combination of user-friendly design and strong internet marketing plans. Mobile app development company in delhi
So let’s dive in:
- Development language
Java applies to the Android-based apps when building; it requires a lot of code to be written. A brand-new language Swift was designed to develop iOS-based apps. The coding on the Swift is much faster as compared to Java. It is required much more time for the Java engineers to code as compared to Swift ones. Swift first appeared in 2014 and the apps are built faster due to writing less code.
- Integrated development environment availability (IDE)
Originally engineers applied the Eclipse tool as an environment for Google-backed applications development. Then Google released Studio, and all the engineers started to use it due to its excellent possibilities: cross-platform, simple packaging, a huge amount of functionality and great debugging.
iOS developers use XCode when developing the Apple-backed iOS apps. It is an incredibly productive environment for building amazing apps for the Mac/iPhone/iPad devices. It also has a possibility to find out the mistakes/errors in both the syntax and logic and even get the code fixed.
- Design philosophy
Below you can read about the design principles that should be considered when designing an app:
- Screen sizes and resolutions. Apple-backed iOS devices have two screen sizes (iPhone/iPad) with more than the three possible resolutions for iPhone and a few for iPad. IPhone 4 resolution is also used for the iPad. Meanwhile, Google-backed equipment, which runs on Android, has a great number of screen sizes that respectively lead to a wide range of the screen resolutions.
- Navigation: Android-powered devices navigation bar is placed left while the iOS one shifted to the top. Android-based prefers colorful icons while iOS keeps the navigation icons blue or gray by default.
- Menu: Google-backed devices prefer having a drawer menu or a side/hamburger menu, which usually places on the left after the tap-and-pull gesture, whereas the iOS prioritizes its tab bar which is typically placed at the bottom with a comparatively easier access to the hidden menu icons.
- Alerts and pop-ups: These tabs suddenly appear and require the prompt actions. Therefore, there are some minor distinctions in the alerts and pop-ups. Android users should submit an action to avoid the alerts by clicking “Agree/Disagree” or “Don’t allow/Okay” for the Apple-backed users. There are two types of the alerts for iOS-powered devices - alert and actionsheet.
- ‘Back’ button: The Apple-backed platform does not have a real ‘Back’-button whereas the Google-backed in order users can return to the previous page earlier opened. But iPhone users can use the top left button to go back to previous screens in the hierarchical order without navigating through the entire app.
- The audience
Demographic statistics can give more useful information about the users that use Android/iOS-powered gears. This is the true north where the investigation should be started. Google-backed platform currently holds the largest global platform share.
Apple users tend to be female, 35+ years old who work in the media/marketing/business industry, their average annual income $200K. Android users are male, 18-34 years old, who work in IT/Energy & Utilities, their average annual income $50K $100K.
- Development complexity
The difference between iOS and Android in coding languages is not so complex in comparison with the OS fragmentation. Apple has the limited number of devices (iPhone/iPod/iPad), which run iOS, whereas the Android-powered devices have a wide range of systems that operate on devices.
As a result, Android-based gear creation is more complex, goes slower due to a wide range of operating systems as compared to the iOS-powered gears with a narrow range of OSs.
- Speed of development
Android-based platform creation is more time-consuming and slow in terms of the OS fragmentation. It takes 30-40% longer for engineers to build an Android-powered mobile app in contrast to the app that runs iOS. It is even despite not very complex Java/Kotlin languages.
- Cost of development
To define how much it costs to make an app based on business requirements and needs, firstly, you need to make a decision on the platform, choose the dev team and ask for a rough estimate. You should also keep in mind that the app development cost depends on the time taken to build it.
The truth is that the more time the app needs, the higher it costs. We recommend you read how much it costs to create an app like Uber or SnapChat. These articles will help you to understand how it is usually done.
- Deployment speed
The acceptance process or review process for the Android-powered apps to be released on Google Play takes less time as compared to an iOS-based app to get on Apple Store. The reason is that Android-based apps are checked with automated tests while iOS apps require personal expert’s verification (7 days on average).
Google allows the developers to handle some errors, multiple versions to be submitted during a day. Android engineers should be careful in order not to publish an app with the errors while there is a risk for the iOS app to be rejected after waiting for a response from experts so much time.