

Did Russia Really Criminalize “Holocaust Deniers”?



Russia criminalizes “Holocaust Denial”



It seems to me there is something missing in the "intent" or the "translation" of this legislation.

After all, the bill was called "Law Against Rehabilitation of Nazism".  An academic revision or adjustment of the events of the holocaust would not necessarily be regarded as a pro-Nazi agenda.

it appears the Israelis made a leap in translation to "holocaust deniers" when nothing in the bill focuses on that issue.

Putin's legislation makes it unlawful to distort Russia's role in WWII.


In May 2014, Russia's President Vladimir Putin signed a law making the denial of Nazi crimes and "wittingly spreading false information about the activity of the USSR during the years of World War Two" or portraying Nazis as heroes a criminal offence.[64][65]


Holocaust Deniers in Russia Now Face Five Years in Prison

Russia moves to criminalize Holocaust denial