What You Need to Know about Common Penis Problems:
Because of its urinary and reproductive functions, the penis is important to men’s overall health. Common Penis problems or penis infections can result in many discomforts, embarrassment and frustrations. Fungi, parasites, bacteria, and viruses can cause these infections. Furthermore, it may occur on the skin, foreskin or in the urinary tube or urethra.
What can go wrong with my penis?
There are many conditions that cause penis problems. Here let's look at a few of them:
Penile Yeast Infection
Candida commonly triggers penile yeast infections like candidal balanitis and candidiasis. Individuals can develop Candida with or without engaging in sexual activity.
TO know more: http://www.evacosmolaserclinic.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-common-penis-problems/
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