As a financial service provider company EDHA Money Serves the nation with the fastest online payment solution for rural India. Here, distributors, retailers and consumers are connected with a safe and secure business chain.
There are various advantages of availing of Edha Money Services at the best price. Check all the points given below.
Transparent Transaction:- Edha Money provides a safe, secure, reliable and transparent mode of the digital transaction from anywhere to everywhere.
Auto Reconciliation:- Edha Money provides an Auto Reconciliation facility. Auto Reconciliation is the process of comparing transactions and activity to supporting documentation. Further, reconciliation involves resolving any discrepancies that may have been discovered.
Multidimensional Business:-Edha Money offers multi-dimensional facilities apart from direct financial services like day-to-day utility services (mobile postpaid, electricity, broadband, gas, water, municipal taxes and many more) that is available under one roof business platform.
Performance Recognition:- Edha Money offers appreciation to the retailers based on their volume of the transactional performance.
Edha Money follows B2B business model with a simple integrated onboarding system. Digital payment facility is available across semi-urban and rural areas.
Very soon digital payment facilities will reach next to doorstep. For a safe and secure convenient mode of transaction rely on Edha Money.
If you are searching for one of the best rural banking service companies for a digital transactions or any other services you can opt for Edha Money.