
Speech Recognition Dataset Types And Application


Innovations in AI along with the global pandemic has stimulated businesses to increase their interactions with customers via virtual. In a growing number of cases, they're using chatbots, virtual assistants, as well as other speech technologies to facilitate these interactions effectively. These kinds of AI depend on a method called Automatic Speech Recognition, or ASR. ASR is the process of converting speech into text. It allows humans to talk to computers and to be understood.


ASR is seeing an increase in its use. In an recent study conducted by Deepgram in collaboration together with Opus Research, 400 North American decision makers from across the industry received questions on ASR use in their organizations. The majority of them said they're employing ASR in some form usually as voice assistants on mobile apps, which is a testament to the significance of ASR technology. As ASR technology develops and advances, it's becoming more appealing to companies looking to improve the service they provide their clients in a virtual environment. Find out more about the process and where it can be most effective and how you can overcome the common issues when using AI ASR models.


If you're using Siri, Alexa, Cortana, Amazon Echo, or other similar devices in your day-to-day routine you'll be able to accept that speech recognitionhas become a regular aspect in our daily lives. The AI-powered voice assistants translate the users' verbal questions into text, then interpret and interpret the words spoken by the user in order to give the appropriate answer.


It is essential to collect accurate Speech Dataset to build solid speech, recognition models. However, creating the software to detect speechis not an easy job since the transcription of human speech in every detail including the rhythm of accent, pitch and clarityof speech, can be not easy. In addition, when you add emotion to this mix of emotions it becomes quite a task.

What is Speech Recognition?

Speech recognition software's capability to detect and translate the human voice in text. Although the distinction between speech recognition and voice recognition could be subjective to some but there are some basic distinctions between them.


While both speech and voice recognition are component of the technology used to create voice assistants and perform two distinct roles. Speech recognition automates the transcription of human voice and commands into text. Voice recognition focuses on recognition of the voice of the speaker.

How Automatic Speech Recognition Works

ASR has progressed a lot in the past decade due to the capabilities of AI and machine learning algorithms. Basic ASR applications today use directed dialogue, whereas advanced versions make use of the AI sub-domain which is the natural process of language (NLP).

Directed Dialogue ASR

You might have heard directed dialog when calling your bank. For banks with larger branches it is common to communicate with computers before speaking to an individual. The computer could require you to verify your identity by providing basic "yes" or "no" statements, or reveal the digits of the card number. In any case you're using directed dialog ASR. These ASR software programs are limited to basic, concise verbal responses and have a very limited vocabulary of possible responses. They're great for short simple customer interactions, however they are not suitable for more complicated conversations.

Natural Language Processing-based ASR

As we've mentioned earlier, NLP is a subdomain of AI. It's the method of training computers to comprehend human speech or natural language. In the simplest terms this is a brief outline of the way a speech recognition software that makes use of NLP could perform:

  • You can speak a command or ask questions in your ASR program.
  • This program transforms the sound of your spoken words into a spectogram. A spectogram can be interpreted by machines as a representation the audio file that contains your speech.
  • Acoustic models can clean your audio files by eliminating any background sounds (for example the barking of a dog or static).
  • The algorithm is able to break down the cleaned document into phonemes. These are the sounding blocks.
  • In English for instance, "ch" and "t" are phonemes.
  • The algorithm looks at the phonemes within the sequence, and then uses statistical probability to identify sentences and words from the sequence.
  • An NLP model can analyze the context of the sentences, in order to determine whether you intended to say "write" or "right" such as.
  • After the ASR program is able to understand what you're trying say It will then create the appropriate response and employ the text-to-speech converter to communicate with you.

Possible Use Cases or Applications

1.Content Dictation

Content dictation is yet another speech recognition application that aids students and academics create extensive content in less time. It's a great option for those who are not able to write due to blindness or vision issues.

2.Text to speech

Speech-to-text software is being utilized to assist in free computing while typing documents, emails reports, etc. Speech-to-texteliminates the time required to write documents, type books and mails, subtly subtitle videos, and even translate text.

3.Customer Support

Speech recognition software is used extensively in support and customer service. A speech recognition system assists in offering solutions for customer service for 24 hours a day at a reasonable cost and with a restricted number of employees.

4.Note-taking in health care

Medical transcription software that is based on speech recognition algorithms effortlessly captures doctor's notes, commands diagnostics, symptoms and other. Medical note-taking improves the efficiency and quality of the health business.

5.Autonomous voice command for cars

Automobiles, particularly cars are now equipped with a voice recognition feature that can improve safety while driving. It allows drivers to focus on driving by allowing simple voice commands like choosing the radio station, making phone calls, or cutting down the volume.

6.Voice Search Application

Based on Google, about 20 percentof queries conducted through the Google application are voice-based. 8 billion people are expected to make use of Voice assistants before 2023, which is a huge increase from the expected 6.4 billion by 2022.


The popularity of voice search has increased dramatically over time and the trend is expected to remain. Users rely on voice searches for queries, to purchase items, locate businesses, locate local businesses, and much more.