
Botox injections, another scientific way to have a younger facial look:



Concept of Botox injections and their use:

Botox is one kind of drug that is prepared from botulin and used medically to treat certain muscular conditions. In the Cosmetic world, Botox is used and injected which treats wrinkles on the face. Botox injection temporarily paralyzed facial muscle and this reduces the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, forehead. From the beginning Botox was used to treat eye muscle problems then in 2002, the FDA approved to use of Botox in cosmetic treatment. From 2013, cosmetic experts start using Botox for the treatment of wrinkles around the corners of the eyes with the approval of the FDA. According to several clinical studies from well-known Laboratories, it has been proven that both talks are a simple safe, and very effective treatment for the reduction of wrinkles on the face. In scenes 2016 over 4.5 million procedures were performed using Botox to fight wrinkle problems.

Advantage of Botox injection:

Cosmetics scientists and beauty experts prefer Botox injections for the face over any kind of facial surgery. There are so many advantages of Botox injection that are given below:

  • Botox cosmetic treatment request minimal preparation. So cosmetic experts can treat patients who doubt facing any mechanical and surgical disturbance.
  • During Botox treatment no kind of total anesthesia is required. That is why patients become relaxed and do not panic. Only topical anesthesia and ice can numb the treated area.
  • With a small amount of Botox helps to treat severe wrinkles problems.
  • Botox are very efficient and give long-term protection against wrinkle.

Effects of Botox injections:

Botox injection blocks temporary nerve Signals and muscle construction and reduces wrinkles by preventing the construction of facial muscles. During the treatment procedure, only a thin needle is used to inject the Botox. 3 to 5 sets of injections are given. The total treatment procedure will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes. It is a very effective process to improve facial beauty and give younger looks. There are no search side effects but if this comfort appears like swelling of the eye- lead area, headache, or any allergic reactions like itching, asthma immediate contact to the doctor. Avoid rubbing messaging or any kind of pressure to the treated area and it can negatively affect the result. Remember contact expert and well-known cosmetics doctor for Botox treatment.

Botox treatment of the face is a little bit expensive. They explain the lies between 350 to 500 dollars. And depending on the number of injections and the size of the treatment area. So, through this modern cosmetic treatment, anyone can have a younger face and slower the process of aging by beating the wrinkles.