
How to link SSH key with Pageant to enhance the Security?

Pageant is an authentication agent for PuTTY, which means it stores your private keys in memory so you do not have to enter them every time. Here we provide steps how to use PuTTY to integrate SSH with Pageant:


Download and install PuTTY :
Ensure that PuTTY and Pageant are installed on your system.
Generate  SSH key:
If you don't already have an SSH key, you can generate with PuTTYgen.
Open PuTTYgen, click on Generate to start the process.
Click on save private key and save public key to save public, private key.
Add the Private Key to Pageant
Open the Pageant Configuration window.
Right-click the Pageant icon in the system tray and select Add Key.
Choose the private key file you created.
If you select a password, you will be required to enter it.
Add the Public Key into the remote server:
Open the public key file in a text editor such as nano or vi.
Make a copy of the whole contents of the public key.
Insert your public key into your server.
Set up the connection:
In the Hostname section of PuTTY, enter your remote server public IP address or username.
Set the connection type to SSH and the port number to 22.
Navigate to the Connection>SSH>Auth category on the left panel. Select the PuTTYgen-generated private key by clicking Browse
Saving the connection:
To save the connection for later use, enter name in the Saved Session box and click save.
Set up the connection:
To connect, click the Open tab.
When asked, enter your username and password.