Purpletree OpenCart Multi-Vendor marketplace offers advanced functionalities. Be it split payments, Template Products, HyperLocal Functionality, Email Notifications, Advanced RMA module, Seller Vacation Mode, Multi Store support, etc.
In this article we are discussing a quite interesting functionality of OpenCart MultiVendor i.e. Multiple sellers can sell the same product.
With the usage of this functionality vendors registered with eCommerce websites can sell the same product with different prices and other values.
Admin creates Template Products
The functionality i.e available with Opencart Multi Vendor that allows selling the same products is called Template Products.
For this admin creates the template products and then assigns them to vendors.
Admin can assign template products to multiple stores. It is very easy to create template products and assign them to vendor stores.
It's a simple process.
The vendor adds values to seller Template products
When a template Product is assigned to a vendor, then the vendor can easily add values to this product assigned.
The vendor can add stock, content, and quantity for the sample template product.
Vendors can also add options to template products if the option is being created by sellers.
For example vendor A sells Green T-shirts, Vendor B sells Yellow T-shirts so on.
So there is flexibility to add values to those options which the seller is selling.
Customer View Template products
When the customer browses a template product, The customer will see the template product and options of various sellers available then the customer can purchase from the one he wants.
This feature is very helpful to allow the sellers to sell the same products and customers have a facility to select the best option available for it.
You can see in the below image, here for a product various sellers stores are showing thus indicating it is being sold by different sellers.
This feature of selling the same product by a different seller is available only with Purpletree Best Selling Opencart Multivendor nowhere else.
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The benefits of these features can be easily summarised in below points:
1- Customer gets lots of options for various products, thus it enhances the trust in customers for Marketplace.
2- It is very much advanced functionality, so you can attract more sellers and customers to your marketplace.
3- Admin can simply remove concussions if different sellers are selling the same product and it can create a template product and assign sellers to it.
4- Customers and vendors both get proper value for money and returns.