Mobile UI has become the determining factor for user retention in apps. Mobile UI Design can increase the shelf life of a mobile app on the users mobile. That is why there is a very high demand for app design freelancers for Mobile UI Design in the Mobile App Design Industry. The lowest hourly rates for Freelancers in Mobile App Design are about $25/hour and the high-end hourly rates can be as high as $200/hour or more, with Eastern Europe and Russia with an average of about $50/hour. Most Mobile UI Design & app design freelance project work can be found on freelancing websites or freelance portals.
But you should always create a freelancing account only on trusted sites like, Eiliana, which provides more freelance project work related to Mobile UI Design & Mobile App Design to talented designers as per their expertise and also clients looking to outsource app design and Mobile UI Design related projects, gets top-rated creative designers!