
How to Set Up Google Analytics For Website

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Anna Abram @Anna_Abram · Sep 1, 2021


Google Analytics is a robust and powerful tracking tool that provides indispensable information about your website performance and visitors. More than  50 million websites around the world use Google Analytics and that number has been growing steadily for a decade. Wondered why?

Well, why should not, Google Analytics is a  magical tool for businesses to track and understand their customer's behavior and provide powerful insights about how users are interacting with your website. 

And it's FREE.

This means businesses can track their digital marketing effectiveness, their site performance, customer behavior, and many more all for FREE, at ZERO cost.

Businesses use Google Analytics for websites to track their digital marketing effectiveness and customer's behavior and engagement at their site, what they're looking for, and whether your business is addressing their needs. It allows you to use its technology to study your customer behavior and your business approach so you can cater well to your customers

Google Analytics is a powerful must-have tool that can help business owners take their marketing (and profits) to the next level. Here we have nailed down the benefits of Google Analytics for your business.

Benefits of using Google Analytics for your business 

  • Find Your Target Audience
  • Evaluate traffic flow
  • Understand User Behavior
  • Know what clients are looking for
  • Helps in the conversion tracking
  • Customized information and reports
  • Measure the correct things
  • Discover the context of your data set
  • Use clear visualizations to convey your message
  • Incorporate information sources
  • Improve Online Advertising With Marketing Analytics.
  • Improve Search Engine Optimization And Content Marketing
  • And more.

This Google Analytics setup Guide helps you know how to set up Google Analytics for a website to help you access a wealth of information about your website’s visitors.

How to Set Up Google Analytics For Website

Here are the steps to install google analytics for the website:


Google Analytics For Website, Step 1 – Create a Google Account / Use the existing one

First, you need a Gmail or Google account. If you have an existing Google or Gmail account you can use that, you do not need to create a new one and you can skip to the next step. If you do not have any Google or Gmail accounts, follow the instructions below.

Step1. Click on the following link and go to create your Google account page.

Step2. Fill in all the required information and then click “Next.”

Step3. Google will then ask you if you would like to create a public Google+ profile. That is optional and you don’t have to set that up, click “No thanks” to skip it

or Click “Create your profile” if you would like to create a new one.


Google Analytics For Website, Step 2- Setting up Google Analytics.

Now you have a Google account established, let's see how to set up Google Analytics.

Before proceeding make sure you are login to your Google account,

Step1: Go to this link: http://www.google.com/analytics/.

Step2: Click on “Access Google Analytics” in the top right corner then, you will be redirected to a page having a signup button on the far right-hand side.

Step3: Click on the “Sign up” button.

Step 4: Now according to the proposal of setting up google analytics for websites, select “Website” at the top.


Fill in all the required information including:

  • Account Name
  • Website Name
  • Website URL
  • Industry Category
  • Reporting Time Zone

Step5: After filling in all information click on the “Get Tracking ID” button at the bottom.

Step6: Then, the Google Analytics Terms of Service Agreement page will appear, click on the “I Accept” button, to proceed further.


After this, you will be presented with a unique GA tracking code that will need to be applied to your website. 


So we got the GA tracking code, now our next agenda is how to  Install the Tracking Code on the website. Before that let’s understand, 

Why Need to Install GA Tracking Code On Website?

Google Analytics works by the inclusion of a block of JavaScript or GA code on pages in your website. It can be used to retrieve data on website access, traffic, Click Path, or other KPIs.  When users visit your website and view a page, this JavaScript code references a JavaScript file which then executes the tracking operation for Analytics. To track user behavior, the codes must be included in the HTML source code of the website. To read out the data, Google Analytics must be linked to the respective.

For Google Analytics to be able to report back on a variety of metrics throughout the website, the tracking code should be installed on every page of your website.  

Google Analytics For Website, Step 3 - Steps to Install the Tracking Code To Website

  1. Find the tracking code snippet for your property.
    Sign in to your Analytics account, and go to the Admin tab. From the ACCOUNT and PROPERTY columns, select the property that you’re working on. Click Tracking Info > Tracking Code.
    Image of where you find your tracking code in your Analytics account.
    Click to expand this image and find the Tracking Info option, Click Tracking Info > Tracking Code.
  2. Find your tracking code snippet.

It's JavaScript code. Everything in this box is your tracking code snippet starts with <script> and ends with </script>.

  1. Copy the snippet.
    Be careful don’t edit your snippet. You have to just copy it. You can just copy and paste it into a text document if you’re worried about accidentally losing or changing the snippet from your clipboard.
  2. Paste your snippet (unaltered) on every web page of the website that you want to track. Paste it just before the closing </head> tag.
    If you use templates to dynamically generate pages for your site, you can paste the tracking code snippet into its own file, then paste it in your page header.
  3. Check your setup.

Make sure that the tracking snippet installed on your website matches the code shown in the view. Now you can verify your setup.

Google Analytics For Website, Step 4 – Verify that the Tracking Code is on All Pages

To verify whether you have installed GA tracking code successfully, you can use a free online tool called “GA Checker” . GA Checker will scan your entire website to see if the Google Analytics tracking code exists on all web pages.


All you need  is to go to the website link of GA Checker, i.e. http://www.gachecker.com/  then simply enter in your website name and then click the button that says “Check Your Site.” 

If you have installed the tracking code successfully throughout the website, you will see a checkmark next to Google Analytics on all pages.


Now when you have installed the tracking code on all the pages on your website successfully , Google analytics will take 24 hours to start collecting data from your website. 

Congratulations! You are done.


Final Thoughts On Google Analytics For Website

Google Analytics is a must-have tool for businesses that want to track and understand their customer's behavior and are willing to gain powerful insights about how users are interacting with your website. With it businesses will be able to determine ROI and learn more about your audience. Using Google Analytics, from a single dashboard you can manage all your social media profiles, measure site performance and success. 

So what are you waiting for? Try it free today.

If you are not technically sound and do not have experience adding code to your website, you should contact the Web development company to manage Google Analytics your website.