
* AmbientWeather
* Description:
* This Hubitat driver polls AmbientWeather for data from your personal weather station. If you reuse this code
* in your own driver, you must obtain your own developer API Key to place in the ApplicationKey value of the
* PollAmbient procedure.
* Required Information:
* There is information required you must have for this driver to work:
* 1) The MAC Address of the weather station you want to poll
* 2) A user API Key requested from AmbientWeather to allow data to be polled
* Features List:
* v0.7 - Error checking of MAC Address including some possible auto-correction
* v0.7 - Calculates DewPoint from tempf and humidityout (if not reported by Ambient)
* v0.7 - Calculates HeatIndex if tempf >= 80ºF but reports null otherwise
* v0.7 - Calculates WindChill if tempf <= 50ºF and windSpeed > 3mph but reports null otherwise
* v0.6 - Ability to hide preferences to keep the screen simpler, to be added to all my drivers eventually
* v0.5 - Added illuminance based on solarradiation * 126.7
* v0.5 - Wind direction now has an alternative WindDirectionString that spells out the direction
* v0.4 - Posting all read variables as events
* v0.1 - Ability read and report all known values (except 24hourrainin) returned from the AmbientWeather API
* v0.1 - Ability to check a website (mine) to notify user if there is a newer version of the driver available
* Licensing:
* Copyright 2019 David Snell
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Version Control:
* 0.91 - Corrected illuminance to be a Long integer
* 0.9 - Added pm25_in and pm25_in_24h attributes
* 0.8 - Added new attributes to attribute list that were left off in v0.7 and rework of conversion methods (generally rounds to 0.01)
* 0.7 - Calculate dewPoint if not reported by system as well, added HeatIndex and WindChill, added MAC address error check/correct,
* - added a large number of new device data fields reported by Ambient
* 0.6 - Adding more measurement conversions for metric systems and formatting for device MAC address
* 0.5 - Getting 24hourrainin data to work properly, added wind direction by words, added illuminance, and fixed baromrelin
* 0.4 - Adding all variables as events so they can be used in dashboards and rules also performing more metric conversions
* 0.3 - State changed notification for send events
* 0.2 - Change to the update mechanism
* 0.1 - Initial design based on my Neptune Systems Apex driver
* Thank you(s):
* I would like to thank @Cobra his contributions to the community. Parts based on Cobra's driver update code
* have been included at the bottom of the driver and are noted as such.

definition( name: "AmbientWeather", namespace: "Snell", author: "David Snell", importUrl: "https://www.drdsnell.com/projects/hubitat/drivers/AmbientWeather.groovy" ) {
// Indicate what capabilities the device should be capable of
capability "Sensor"
capability "Refresh"
capability "Battery"
capability "PressureMeasurement"
capability "RelativeHumidityMeasurement"
capability "TemperatureMeasurement"
capability "UltravioletIndex"
capability "IlluminanceMeasurement"

// Attributes being built into the device
// Driver identifies the driver being used for update purposes
attribute "Driver", "string"
// Version number of the driver itself
attribute "Version", "string"
// Attributes not returned by a known weather station, but calculated and provided
attribute "HeatIndex", "number" // // HeatIndex is only calculated if temperature outside >= 80ºF
attribute "WindChill", "number" // WindChill is only calculated if temperature outside <= 50ºF and wind speed is > 3
// Arttributes for the values returned that Hubitat supports normally
attribute "temperature", "number"
attribute "humidity", "number" // Outside humidity, but converted as desired by user preferences
attribute "pressure", "number"
attribute "ultravioletIndex", "number"
attribute "illuminance", "number" // Based on solarradiation / 0.0079
attribute "windSpeed", "number" // This attribute is NOT listed in Hubitat documentation... but is used by weather dashboard tile.
attribute "windDirection", "number" // This attribute is NOT listed in Hubitat documentation... but is used by weather dashboard tile.
attribute "humidityout", "number" // Not a real value returned by Ambient but a duplicate of the returned humidity
attribute "battery", "number" // Not a real value returned by Ambient but a duplicate of battout
// Attributes that have been created for conversion between measurement standards
attribute "baromrel", "number" // Created for switching between inHg/mmHg
attribute "baromabs", "number" // Created for switching between inHg/mmHg
attribute "tempout", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "tempin", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "temp1", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "temp2", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "temp3", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "temp4", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "temp5", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "temp6", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "temp7", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "temp8", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "temp9", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "temp10", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "soiltemp1", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "soiltemp2", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "soiltemp3", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "soiltemp4", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "soiltemp5", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "soiltemp6", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "soiltemp7", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "soiltemp8", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "soiltemp9", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "soiltemp10", "number" // Created for switching between °F/°C
attribute "windGust", "number" // Created for switching between mph/kph
attribute "windspd_avg2m", "number" // Created for switching between mph/kph
attribute "windspd_avg10m", "number" // Created for switching between mph/kph
attribute "hourlyRain", "number" // Created for switching between in/mm
attribute "eventRain", "number" // Created for switching between in/mm
attribute "dailyRain", "number" // Created for switching between in/mm
attribute "weeklyRain", "number" // Created for switching between in/mm
attribute "monthlyRain", "number" // Created for switching between in/mm
attribute "yearlyRain", "number" // Created for switching between in/mm
attribute "totalRain", "number" // Created for switching between in/mm
attribute "Last24HourRain", "number" // Created for switching between in/mm
attribute "WindDirectionString", "string" // This attribute was created to use words for the direction of the wind
// Attributes that exist in the data returned but MAY be modified due to measurement standards
attribute "dewPoint", "number"
attribute "feelsLike", "number"
attribute "dewPointin", "number"
attribute "feelsLikein", "number"
attribute "baromrelin", "number"
attribute "baromabsin", "number"
attribute "windgustmph", "number"
attribute "windspeedmph", "number"
attribute "maxdailygust", "number"
attribute "windspdmph_avg2m", "number"
attribute "windspdmph_avg10m", "number"
attribute "eventrainin", "number"
attribute "hourlyrainin", "number"
attribute "dailyrainin", "number"
attribute "weeklyrainin", "number"
attribute "monthlyrainin", "number"
attribute "yearlyrainin", "number"
attribute "totalrainin", "number"
// Additional attributes for values returned
attribute "tempf", "number" // Outside temperate in °F
attribute "tempinf", "number" // Inside temperate in °F
attribute "date", "string"
attribute "uv", "number"
attribute "winddir", "number"
attribute "dateutc", "number"
attribute "solarradiation", "number"
attribute "humidityin", "number" // Inside humidity
attribute "battout", "number"
attribute "windgustdir", "number"
attribute "winddir_avg2m", "number"
attribute "co2", "number"
attribute "pm25", "number"
attribute "pm25_24h", "number"
attribute "pm25_in", "number"
attribute "pm25_in_24h", "number"
attribute "batt_25", "number"
attribute "tz", "string"
attribute "lastRain", "string"
attribute "humidity1", "number"
attribute "humidity2", "number"
attribute "humidity3", "number"
attribute "humidity4", "number"
attribute "humidity5", "number"
attribute "humidity6", "number"
attribute "humidity7", "number"
attribute "humidity8", "number"
attribute "humidity9", "number"
attribute "humidity10", "number"
attribute "temp1f", "number"
attribute "temp2f", "number"
attribute "temp3f", "number"
attribute "temp4f", "number"
attribute "temp5f", "number"
attribute "temp6f", "number"
attribute "temp7f", "number"
attribute "temp8f", "number"
attribute "temp9f", "number"
attribute "temp10f", "number"
attribute "soiltemp1f", "number"
attribute "soiltemp2f", "number"
attribute "soiltemp3f", "number"
attribute "soiltemp4f", "number"
attribute "soiltemp5f", "number"
attribute "soiltemp6f", "number"
attribute "soiltemp7f", "number"
attribute "soiltemp8f", "number"
attribute "soiltemp9f", "number"
attribute "soiltemp10f", "number"
attribute "soilhum1", "number"
attribute "soilhum2", "number"
attribute "soilhum3", "number"
attribute "soilhum4", "number"
attribute "soilhum5", "number"
attribute "soilhum6", "number"
attribute "soilhum7", "number"
attribute "soilhum8", "number"
attribute "soilhum9", "number"
attribute "soilhum10", "number"
attribute "batt1", "number"
attribute "batt2", "number"
attribute "batt3", "number"
attribute "batt4", "number"
attribute "batt5", "number"
attribute "batt6", "number"
attribute "batt7", "number"
attribute "batt8", "number"
attribute "batt9", "number"
attribute "batt10", "number"
attribute "relay1", "number"
attribute "relay2", "number"
attribute "relay3", "number"
attribute "relay4", "number"
attribute "relay5", "number"
attribute "relay6", "number"
attribute "relay7", "number"
attribute "relay8", "number"
attribute "relay9", "number"
attribute "relay10", "number"
attribute "'24hourrainin'", "number"
attribute "dewPoint1", "number"
attribute "dewPoint2", "number"
attribute "dewPoint3", "number"
attribute "dewPoint4", "number"
attribute "dewPoint5", "number"
attribute "dewPoint6", "number"
attribute "dewPoint7", "number"
attribute "dewPoint8", "number"
attribute "dewPoint9", "number"
attribute "dewPoint10", "number"
attribute "feelsLike1", "number"
attribute "feelsLike2", "number"
attribute "feelsLike3", "number"
attribute "feelsLike4", "number"
attribute "feelsLike5", "number"
attribute "feelsLike6", "number"
attribute "feelsLike7", "number"
attribute "feelsLike8", "number"
attribute "feelsLike9", "number"
attribute "feelsLike10", "number"
if( ShowAllPreferences ){
input( type: "string", name: "APIKey", title: "Your personal API Key for AmbientWeather", required: true )
input( type: "string", name: "MACAddress", title: "MAC Address of station in xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format", required: true )
input( type: "enum", name: "RefreshRate", title: "Data Refresh Rate (in minutes)", required: true, multiple: false, options: [ [ "1" : "1" ], [ "5" : "5" ], [ "15" : "15" ] ], defaultValue: "5" )
input( type: "bool", name: "OutdoorTemperature", title: "Report outdoor temperature?", defaultValue: true, description: "Turning this off will have events report the indoor temperature instead." )
input( type: "bool", name: "OutdoorHumidity", title: "Report outdoor humidity?", defaultValue: true, description: "Turning this off will have events report the indoor humidity instead." )
input( type: "enum", name: "WindDirMethod", title: "Wind Direction Method?", description: "Select which method you want wind direction indicated by.", required: false, multiple: false, options: [ [ "1" : "Degrees Only" ], [ "2" : "4 Compass Values (Letter Only)" ], [ "3" : "8 Compass Values (Letters Only)" ], [ "4" : "16 Compass Values (Letters Only)" ], [ "5" : "4 Compass Values (Words)" ], [ "6" : "8 Compass Values (Words)" ], [ "7" : "16 Compass Values (Words)" ] ], defaultValue: "1" )
input( type: "enum", name: "LogType", title: "Enable Logging?", required: true, multiple: false, options: [ [ "1" : "None" ], [ "2" : "Info" ], [ "3" : "Debug" ] ], defaultValue: "2" )
input( type: "bool", name: "ShowAllPreferences", title: "Show All Preferences?", defaultValue: true )
} else {
input( type: "bool", name: "ShowAllPreferences", title: "Show All Preferences?", defaultValue: true )

// updated is called whenever device parameters are saved
// It sets the current version of the driver and sets some basic settings
def updated(){
Logging( "Updated", 2 )

// Check what the refresh rate is set for then run it. Ambient Weather has a MAXIMUM refresh rate of 1 per second.
// I set a maximum refresh rate of 1 per minute... If you need more, get a different Application Key and rework this.
if( RefreshRate == "1" ){
runEvery1Minute( refresh )
runIn( 1, refresh )
Logging( "Refresh rate: 1 minute", 3 )
if( RefreshRate == "5" ){
runEvery5Minutes( refresh )
runIn( 5, refresh )
Logging( "Refresh rate: 5 minutes", 3 )
if( RefreshRate == "15" ){
runEvery15Minutes( refresh )
runIn( 15, refresh )
Logging( "Refresh rate: 15 minutes", 3 )

// refresh does not do much at this time
def refresh(){

state.Version = "0.91"
state.Driver = "AmbientWeather"

// installed is called when the device is installed, all it really does is run updated
def installed(){
Logging( "Installed", 2 )

// initialize is called when the device is initialized, all it really does is run updated
def initialize(){
Logging( "Initialized", 2 )

// Handles the response from AmbientWeather
def GetWeather( resp, data ) {
if( resp.getStatus() == 200 ) {
Json = parseJson( resp.data )
ParseWeather( Json )
} else {
Logging( "Error connecting to AmbientWeather: ${ resp.status }", 4 )

//Poll AmbientWeather for data
def PollAmbient() {
// If you are going to reuse this code, you need to get your own applicationKey from AmbientWeather
// I have set this driver to only poll for the most recent data received from the weather station
// If you need more results, request your own ApplicationKey and rework the driver
def ApplicationKey = "c0d1959778684f11af086ffc4a15e5d94cfa1e53a9f1476aab6306d461245d54"

// Error checking MAC Address provided
def tempMAC = MACAddress
tempMAC = tempMAC.replaceAll( "[.,; ]", ":" )
if( tempMAC.size() != 17 ){
if( tempMAC.size() > 17 ){
Logging( "MAC Address too long, please enter correctly in Preferences.", 4 )
} else if( tempMAC.size() > 12 && tempMAC.size() < 17 ){
Logging( "Maybe some (but not enough) separators in MAC Address, attempting to correct.", 3 )
tempMAC = tempMAC.replaceAll( "[.,;: ]", "" )
tempMAC = tempMAC.substring( 0, 2 ) + ":" + tempMAC.substring( 2, 4 ) + ":" + tempMAC.substring( 4, 6 ) + ":" + tempMAC.substring( 6, 8 ) + ":" + tempMAC.substring( 8, 10 ) + ":" + tempMAC.substring( 10, 12 )
} else if( tempMAC.size() == 12 ){
Logging( "Likely no separators in MAC Address, attempting to correct.", 3 )
tempMAC = tempMAC.substring( 0, 2 ) + ":" + tempMAC.substring( 2, 4 ) + ":" + tempMAC.substring( 4, 6 ) + ":" + tempMAC.substring( 6, 8 ) + ":" + tempMAC.substring( 8, 10 ) + ":" + tempMAC.substring( 10, 12 )
} else if( tempMAC.size() < 12 ){
Logging( "MAC Address too short, please enter correctly in Preferences.", 4 )
if( tempMAC.matches( "[ 0-9A-Fa-f ][ 0-9A-Fa-f ]:[ 0-9A-Fa-f ][ 0-9A-Fa-f ]:[ 0-9A-Fa-f ][ 0-9A-Fa-f ]:[ 0-9A-Fa-f ][ 0-9A-Fa-f ]:[ 0-9A-Fa-f ][ 0-9A-Fa-f ]:[ 0-9A-Fa-f ][ 0-9A-Fa-f ]" ) ){
// Checks and possible corrections passed, attempt to get the data
Logging( "Getting data from MAC Address: ${ tempMAC }", 3 )
def Params = [ uri: "https://api.ambientweather.net/v1/devices/${ tempMAC }?apiKey=${ APIKey }&applicationKey=${ ApplicationKey }&endDate=&limit=1", contentType: "application/json" ]
asynchttpGet( "GetWeather", Params)
} else {
Logging( "Invalid MAC Address saved, cannot poll.", 4 )

// Parse the data returned, output events and populate attributes as needed
def ParseWeather( Json ){
def NumberOfValues = Json[0].size() as Integer
def CurrentValue = 0 as Integer
def Index = 0 as Integer
// If there are any values returned, process them
if( NumberOfValues > 0 ){
// Variables that have differences in what may be dislayed so sendEvent is at the end
if( Json.tempf[ Index ] != null ){
state.tempf = Json.tempf[ Index ] // Outdoor Temperature, °F
state.tempout = ConvertTemperature( state.tempf )
sendEvent( name: "tempf", value: state.tempf, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "tempout", value: state.tempout, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.tempinf[ Index ] != null ){
state.tempinf = Json.tempinf[ Index ] // Indoor Temperature, °F
state.tempin = ConvertTemperature( state.tempinf )
sendEvent( name: "tempinf", value: state.tempinf, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "tempin", value: state.tempin, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.humidityin[ Index ] != null ){
state.humidityin = Json.humidityin[ Index ] // Indoor Humidity, 0-100%
sendEvent( name: "humidityin", value: state.humidityin, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.humidity[ Index ] != null ){
state.humidityout = Json.humidity[ Index ] // Outdoor Humidity, 0-100%
sendEvent( name: "humidityout", value: state.humidityout, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dewPoint[ Index ] != null ){
state.dewPoint = ConvertTemperature( Json.dewPoint[Index] ) // Dew Point, °F (calculated on server)
sendEvent( name: "dewPoint", value: state.dewPoint, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.feelsLike[ Index ] != null ){
state.feelsLike = ConvertTemperature( Json.feelsLike[Index] ) // if < 50°F => Wind Chill, if > 68°F => Heat Index (calculated on server)
sendEvent( name: "feelsLike", value: state.feelsLike, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dewPointin[ Index ] != null ){
state.dewPointin = ConvertTemperature( Json.dewPointin[Index] ) // Dew Point, °F (calculated on server)
sendEvent( name: "dewPointin", value: state.dewPointin, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.feelsLikein[ Index ] != null ){
state.feelsLikein = ConvertTemperature( Json.feelsLikein[Index] ) // if < 50°F => Wind Chill, if > 68°F => Heat Index (calculated on server)
sendEvent( name: "feelsLikein", value: state.feelsLikein, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.winddir_avg2m[ Index ] != null ){
state.winddir_avg2m = Json.winddir_avg2m[Index] // Average wind direction, 2 minute average, mph
sendEvent( name: "winddir_avg2m", value: state.winddir_avg2m, unit: "°", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.windspeedmph[ Index ] != null ){
state.windspeedmph = Json.windspeedmph[ Index ] // instantaneous wind speed, mph
state.windSpeed = ConvertMPH( state.windspeedmph )
sendEvent( name: "windspeedmph", value: state.windspeedmph, unit: "mph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.windgustmph[ Index ] != null ){
state.windgustmph = Json.windgustmph[Index] // max wind speed in the last 10 minutes, mph
state.windGust = ConvertMPH( state.windgustmph )
sendEvent( name: "windgustmph", value: state.windgustmph, unit: "mph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.maxdailygust[ Index ] != null ){
state.maxdailygust = ConvertMPH( Json.maxdailygust[Index] ) // Maximum wind speed in last day, mph
if( Json.windspdmph_avg2m[ Index ] != null ){
state.windspdmph_avg2m = Json.windspdmph_avg2m[Index] // Average wind speed, 2 minute average, mph
state.windspd_avg2m = ConvertMPH( state.windspd_avg2m )
sendEvent( name: "windspdmph_avg2m", value: state.windspdmph_avg2m, unit: "mph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.windspdmph_avg10m[ Index ] != null ){
state.windspdmph_avg10m = Json.windspdmph_avg10m[Index] // Average wind speed, 10 minute average, mph
state.windspd_avg10m = ConvertMPH( state.windspdmph_avg10m )
sendEvent( name: "windspdmph_avg10m", value: state.windspdmph_avg10m, unit: "mph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.eventrainin[ Index ] != null ){
state.eventrainin = Json.eventrainin[ Index ] // Event Rain, in
state.eventRain = ConvertInches( state.eventrainin )
sendEvent( name: "eventrainin", value: state.eventrainin, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.hourlyrainin[ Index ] != null ){
state.hourlyrainin = Json.hourlyrainin[ Index ] // Hourly Rain Rate, in/hr
state.hourlyRain = ConvertInches( state.hourlyrainin )
sendEvent( name: "hourlyrainin", value: state.hourlyrainin, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dailyrainin[ Index ] != null ){
state.dailyrainin = Json.dailyrainin[Index] // Daily Rain, in
state.dailyRain = ConvertInches( state.dailyrainin )
sendEvent( name: "dailyrainin", value: state.dailyrainin, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.weeklyrainin[ Index ] != null ){
state.weeklyrainin = Json.weeklyrainin[Index] // Weekly Rain, in
state.weeklyRain = ConvertInches( state.weeklyrainin )
sendEvent( name: "weeklyrainin", value: state.weeklyrainin, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.monthlyrainin[ Index ] != null ){
state.monthlyrainin = Json.monthlyrainin[Index] // Monthly Rain, in
state.monthlyRain = ConvertInches( state.monthlyrainin )
sendEvent( name: "monthlyrainin", value: state.monthlyrainin, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.yearlyrainin[ Index ] != null ){
state.yearlyrainin = Json.yearlyrainin[Index] // Yearly Rain, in
state.yearlyRain = ConvertInches( state.yearlyrainin )
sendEvent( name: "yearlyrainin", value: state.yearlyrainin, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.totalrainin[ Index ] != null ){
state.totalrainin = Json.totalrainin[ Index ] // Total Rain, in (since last factory reset)
state.totalRain = ConvertInches( state.totalrainin )
sendEvent( name: "totalrainin", value: state.totalrainin, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
// Below values can immediately send events
if( Json.windgustdir[ Index ] != null ){
state.windgustdir = Json.windgustdir[Index] // Wind direction at which the wind gust occurred, 0-360º
sendEvent( name: "windgustdir", value: state.windgustdir, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.baromrelin[ Index ] != null ){
state.baromrelin = Json.baromrelin[ Index ] // Relative Pressure, inHg
state.baromrel = ConvertInches( state.baromrel )
state.pressure = state.baromrel
sendEvent( name: "baromrelin", value: state.baromrelin, unit: "inHg", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.baromabsin[ Index ] != null ){
state.baromabsin = Json.baromabsin[ Index ] // Absolute Pressure, inHg
state.baromabs = ConvertInches( state.baromabsin )
sendEvent( name: "baromabsin", value: state.baromabsin, unit: "inHg", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.uv[ Index ] != null ){
state.uv = Json.uv[ Index ] // Ultra-Violet Radiation Index, integer on all devices EXCEPT WS-8478.
sendEvent( name: "uv", value: state.uv, unit: "uvi", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
state.ultravioletIndex = state.uv
sendEvent( name: "ultravioletIndex", value: state.ultravioletIndex, unit: "uvi", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.date[ Index ] != null ){
state.date = Json.date[ Index ] // Human Readable Date, string (converted on server from dateutc)
sendEvent( name: "date", value: state.date, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dateutc[ Index ] != null ){
state.dateutc = Json.dateutc[Index] // Date, int (milliseconds from 01-01-1970, rounded down to nearest minute on server)
sendEvent( name: "dateutc", value: state.dateutc, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.solarradiation[ Index ] != null ){
state.solarradiation = Json.solarradiation[Index] // Solar Radiation, W/m^2
sendEvent( name: "solarradiation", value: state.solarradiation, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
//state.illuminance = ( state.solarradiation * 126.7 ) - Old method
state.illuminance = ( state.solarradiation / 0.0079) as Long
sendEvent( name: "illuminance", value: state.illuminance, unit: "lux", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.battout[ Index ] != null ){
state.battout = Json.battout[Index] // Good/Bad indication, Int, 1=Good, 0=Bad
sendEvent( name: "battout", value: state.battout, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.co2[ Index ] != null ){
state.co2 = Json.co2[Index] // CO2 Meter, ppm
sendEvent( name: "co2", value: state.co2, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.pm25[ Index ] != null ){
state.pm25 = Json.pm25[Index] // PM2.5 Air Quality, Float, µg/m^3
sendEvent( name: "pm25", value: state.pm25, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.pm25_24h[ Index ] != null ){
state.pm25_24h = Json.pm25_24h[Index] // PM2.5 Air Quality 24 hour average, Float, µg/m^3
sendEvent( name: "pm25_24h", value: state.pm25_24h, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.pm25_in[ Index ] != null ){
state.pm25_in = Json.pm25_in[Index] // PM2.5 Air Quality, Indoor, Float, µg/m^3
sendEvent( name: "pm25_in", value: state.pm25_in, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.pm25_in_24h[ Index ] != null ){
state.pm25_in_24h = Json.pm25_in_24h[Index] // PM2.5 Air Quality 24 hour average, Indoor, Float, µg/m^3
sendEvent( name: "pm25_in_24h", value: state.pm25_in_24h, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.batt_25[ Index ] != null ){
state.batt_25 = Json.batt_25[Index] // PM2.5 Air Quality Sensor Battery indication, Good/Bad indication, Int, 1=Good, 0=Bad
sendEvent( name: "batt_25", value: state.batt_25, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.tz[ Index ] != null ){
state.tz = Json.tz[Index] // IANA Time Zone, String
sendEvent( name: "tz", value: state.tz, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.lastRain[ Index ] != null ){
state.lastRain = Json.lastRain[Index] // Last time hourlyrainin > 0, date (calculated on server)
sendEvent( name: "lastRain", value: state.lastRain, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.humidity1[ Index ] != null ){
state.humidity1 = Json.humidity1[Index] // humidity1, 0-100%
sendEvent( name: "humidity1", value: state.humidity1, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.humidity2[ Index ] != null ){
state.humidity2 = Json.humidity2[Index] // humidity2, 0-100%
sendEvent( name: "humidity2", value: state.humidity2, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.humidity3[ Index ] != null ){
state.humidity3 = Json.humidity3[Index] // humidity3, 0-100%
sendEvent( name: "humidity3", value: state.humidity3, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.humidity4[ Index ] != null ){
state.humidity4 = Json.humidity4[Index] // humidity4, 0-100%
sendEvent( name: "humidity4", value: state.humidity4, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.humidity5[ Index ] != null ){
state.humidity5 = Json.humidity5[Index] // humidity5, 0-100%
sendEvent( name: "humidity5", value: state.humidity5, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.humidity6[ Index ] != null ){
state.humidity6 = Json.humidity6[Index] // humidity6, 0-100%
sendEvent( name: "humidity6", value: state.humidity6, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.humidity7[ Index ] != null ){
state.humidity7 = Json.humidity7[Index] // humidity7, 0-100%
sendEvent( name: "humidity7", value: state.humidity7, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.humidity8[ Index ] != null ){
state.humidity8 = Json.humidity8[Index] // humidity8, 0-100%
sendEvent( name: "humidity8", value: state.humidity8, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.humidity9[ Index ] != null ){
state.humidity9 = Json.humidity9[Index] // humidity9, 0-100%
sendEvent( name: "humidity9", value: state.humidity9, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.humidity10[ Index ] != null ){
state.humidity10 = Json.humidity10[Index] // humidity10, 0-100%
sendEvent( name: "humidity10", value: state.humidity10, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.temp1f[ Index ] != null ){
state.temp1f = Json.temp1f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.temp1 = ConvertTemperature( state.temp1f )
sendEvent( name: "temp1f", value: state.temp1f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "temp1", value: state.temp1, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.temp2f[ Index ] != null ){
state.temp2f = Json.temp2f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.temp2 = ConvertTemperature( state.temp2f )
sendEvent( name: "temp2f", value: state.temp2f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "temp2", value: state.temp2, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.temp3f[ Index ] != null ){
state.temp3f = Json.temp3f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.temp3 = ConvertTemperature( state.temp3f )
sendEvent( name: "temp3f", value: state.temp3f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "temp3", value: state.temp3, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.temp4f[ Index ] != null ){
state.temp4f = Json.temp4f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.temp4 = ConvertTemperature( state.temp4f )
sendEvent( name: "temp4f", value: state.temp4f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "temp4", value: state.temp4, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.temp5f[ Index ] != null ){
state.temp5f = Json.temp5f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.temp5 = ConvertTemperature( state.temp5f )
sendEvent( name: "temp5f", value: state.temp5f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "temp5", value: state.temp5, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.temp6f[ Index ] != null ){
state.temp6f = Json.temp6f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.temp6 = ConvertTemperature( state.temp6f )
sendEvent( name: "temp6f", value: state.temp6f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "temp6", value: state.temp6, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.temp7f[ Index ] != null ){
state.temp7f = Json.temp7f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.temp7 = ConvertTemperature( state.temp7f )
sendEvent( name: "temp7f", value: state.temp7f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "temp7", value: state.temp7, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.temp8f[ Index ] != null ){
state.temp8f = Json.temp8f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.temp8 = ConvertTemperature( state.temp8f )
sendEvent( name: "temp8f", value: state.temp8f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "temp8", value: state.temp8, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.temp9f[ Index ] != null ){
state.temp9f = Json.temp9f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.temp9 = ConvertTemperature( state.temp9f )
sendEvent( name: "temp9f", value: state.temp9f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "temp9", value: state.temp9, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.temp10f[ Index ] != null ){
state.temp10f = Json.temp10f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.temp10 = ConvertTemperature( state.temp10f )
sendEvent( name: "temp10f", value: state.temp10f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "temp10", value: state.temp10, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soiltemp1f[ Index ] != null ){
state.soiltemp1f = Json.soiltemp1f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.soiltemp1 = ConvertTemperature( state.soiltemp1f )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp1f", value: state.soiltemp1f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp1", value: state.soiltemp1, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soiltemp2f[ Index ] != null ){
state.soiltemp2f = Json.soiltemp2f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.soiltemp2 = ConvertTemperature( state.soiltemp2f )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp2f", value: state.soiltemp2f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp2", value: state.soiltemp2, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soiltemp3f[ Index ] != null ){
state.soiltemp3f = Json.soiltemp3f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.soiltemp3 = ConvertTemperature( state.soiltemp3f )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp3f", value: state.soiltemp3f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp3", value: state.soiltemp3, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soiltemp4f[ Index ] != null ){
state.soiltemp4f = Json.soiltemp4f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.soiltemp4 = ConvertTemperature( state.soiltemp4f )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp4f", value: state.soiltemp4f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp4", value: state.soiltemp4, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soiltemp5f[ Index ] != null ){
state.soiltemp5f = Json.soiltemp5f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.soiltemp5 = ConvertTemperature( state.soiltemp5f )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp5f", value: state.soiltemp5f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp5", value: state.soiltemp5, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soiltemp6f[ Index ] != null ){
state.soiltemp6f = Json.soiltemp6f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.soiltemp6 = ConvertTemperature( state.soiltemp6f )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp6f", value: state.soiltemp6f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp6", value: state.soiltemp6, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soiltemp7f[ Index ] != null ){
state.soiltemp7f = Json.soiltemp7f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.soiltemp7 = ConvertTemperature( state.soiltemp7f )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp7f", value: state.soiltemp7f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp7", value: state.soiltemp7, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soiltemp8f[ Index ] != null ){
state.soiltemp8f = Json.soiltemp8f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.soiltemp8 = ConvertTemperature( state.soiltemp8f )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp8f", value: state.soiltemp8f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp8", value: state.soiltemp8, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soiltemp9f[ Index ] != null ){
state.soiltemp9f = Json.soiltemp9f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.soiltemp9 = ConvertTemperature( state.soiltemp9f )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp9f", value: state.soiltemp9f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp9", value: state.soiltemp9, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soiltemp10f[ Index ] != null ){
state.soiltemp10f = Json.soiltemp10f[Index] // Temperature 1, °F
state.soiltemp10 = ConvertTemperature( state.soiltemp10f )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp10f", value: state.soiltemp10f, unit: "°F", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
sendEvent( name: "soiltemp10", value: state.soiltemp10, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soilhum1[ Index ] != null ){
state.soilhum1 = Json.soilhum1[Index] // Soil Humidity 1, %
sendEvent( name: "soilhum1", value: state.soilhum1, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soilhum2[ Index ] != null ){
state.soilhum2 = Json.soilhum2[Index] // Soil Humidity 2, %
sendEvent( name: "soilhum2", value: state.soilhum2, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soilhum3[ Index ] != null ){
state.soilhum3 = Json.soilhum3[Index] // Soil Humidity 3, %
sendEvent( name: "soilhum3", value: state.soilhum3, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soilhum4[ Index ] != null ){
state.soilhum4 = Json.soilhum4[Index] // Soil Humidity 4, %
sendEvent( name: "soilhum4", value: state.soilhum4, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soilhum5[ Index ] != null ){
state.soilhum5 = Json.soilhum5[Index] // Soil Humidity 5, %
sendEvent( name: "soilhum5", value: state.soilhum5, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soilhum6[ Index ] != null ){
state.soilhum6 = Json.soilhum6[Index] // Soil Humidity 6, %
sendEvent( name: "soilhum6", value: state.soilhum6, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soilhum7[ Index ] != null ){
state.soilhum7 = Json.soilhum7[Index] // Soil Humidity 7, %
sendEvent( name: "soilhum7", value: state.soilhum7, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soilhum8[ Index ] != null ){
state.soilhum8 = Json.soilhum8[Index] // Soil Humidity 8, %
sendEvent( name: "soilhum8", value: state.soilhum8, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soilhum9[ Index ] != null ){
state.soilhum9 = Json.soilhum9[Index] // Soil Humidity 9, %
sendEvent( name: "soilhum9", value: state.soilhum9, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.soilhum10[ Index ] != null ){
state.soilhum10 = Json.soilhum10[Index] // Soil Humidity 10, %
sendEvent( name: "soilhum10", value: state.soilhum10, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.batt1[ Index ] != null ){
state.batt1 = Json.batt1[Index] // Good/Bad indication, Int, 1=Good, 0=Bad
sendEvent( name: "batt1", value: state.batt1, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.batt2[ Index ] != null ){
state.batt2 = Json.batt2[Index] // Good/Bad indication, Int, 1=Good, 0=Bad
sendEvent( name: "batt2", value: state.batt2, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.batt3[ Index ] != null ){
state.batt3 = Json.batt3[Index] // Good/Bad indication, Int, 1=Good, 0=Bad
sendEvent( name: "batt3", value: state.batt3, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.batt4[ Index ] != null ){
state.batt4 = Json.batt4[Index] // Good/Bad indication, Int, 1=Good, 0=Bad
sendEvent( name: "batt4", value: state.batt4, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.batt5[ Index ] != null ){
state.batt5 = Json.batt5[Index] // Good/Bad indication, Int, 1=Good, 0=Bad
sendEvent( name: "batt5", value: state.batt5, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.batt6[ Index ] != null ){
state.batt6 = Json.batt6[Index] // Good/Bad indication, Int, 1=Good, 0=Bad
sendEvent( name: "batt6", value: state.batt6, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.batt7[ Index ] != null ){
state.batt7 = Json.batt7[Index] // Good/Bad indication, Int, 1=Good, 0=Bad
sendEvent( name: "batt7", value: state.batt7, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.batt8[ Index ] != null ){
state.batt8 = Json.batt8[Index] // Good/Bad indication, Int, 1=Good, 0=Bad
sendEvent( name: "batt8", value: state.batt8, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.batt9[ Index ] != null ){
state.batt9 = Json.batt9[Index] // Good/Bad indication, Int, 1=Good, 0=Bad
sendEvent( name: "batt9", value: state.batt9, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.batt10[ Index ] != null ){
state.batt10 = Json.batt10[Index] // Good/Bad indication, Int, 1=Good, 0=Bad
sendEvent( name: "batt10", value: state.batt10, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.relay1[ Index ] != null ){
state.relay1 = Json.relay1[Index] // Relay 1, 0 or 1
sendEvent( name: "relay1", value: state.relay1, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.relay2[ Index ] != null ){
state.relay2 = Json.relay2[Index] // Relay 2, 0 or 1
sendEvent( name: "relay2", value: state.relay2, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.relay3[ Index ] != null ){
state.relay3 = Json.relay3[Index] // Relay 3, 0 or 1
sendEvent( name: "relay3", value: state.relay3, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.relay4[ Index ] != null ){
state.relay4 = Json.relay4[Index] // Relay 4, 0 or 1
sendEvent( name: "relay4", value: state.relay4, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.relay5[ Index ] != null ){
state.relay5 = Json.relay5[Index] // Relay 5, 0 or 1
sendEvent( name: "relay5", value: state.relay5, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.relay6[ Index ] != null ){
state.relay6 = Json.relay6[Index] // Relay 6, 0 or 1
sendEvent( name: "relay6", value: state.relay6, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.relay7[ Index ] != null ){
state.relay7 = Json.relay7[Index] // Relay 7, 0 or 1
sendEvent( name: "relay7", value: state.relay7, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.relay8[ Index ] != null ){
state.relay8 = Json.relay8[Index] // Relay 8, 0 or 1
sendEvent( name: "relay8", value: state.relay8, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.relay9[ Index ] != null ){
state.relay9 = Json.relay9[Index] // Relay 9, 0 or 1
sendEvent( name: "relay9", value: state.relay9, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.relay10[ Index ] != null ){
state.relay10 = Json.relay10[Index] // Relay 10, 0 or 1
sendEvent( name: "relay10", value: state.relay10, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.feelsLike1[ Index ] != null ){
state.feelsLike1 = ConvertTemperature( Json.feelsLike1[Index] ) // feelsLike for sensors 1
sendEvent( name: "feelsLike1", value: state.feelsLike1, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.feelsLike2[ Index ] != null ){
state.feelsLike2 = ConvertTemperature( Json.feelsLike2[Index] ) // feelsLike for sensors 2
sendEvent( name: "feelsLike2", value: state.feelsLike2, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.feelsLike3[ Index ] != null ){
state.feelsLike3 = ConvertTemperature( Json.feelsLike3[Index] ) // feelsLike for sensors 3
sendEvent( name: "feelsLike3", value: state.feelsLike3, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.feelsLike4[ Index ] != null ){
state.feelsLike4 = ConvertTemperature( Json.feelsLike4[Index] ) // feelsLike for sensors 4
sendEvent( name: "feelsLike4", value: state.feelsLike4, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.feelsLike5[ Index ] != null ){
state.feelsLike5 = ConvertTemperature( Json.feelsLike5[Index] ) // feelsLike for sensors 5
sendEvent( name: "feelsLike5", value: state.feelsLike5, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.feelsLike6[ Index ] != null ){
state.feelsLike6 = ConvertTemperature( Json.feelsLike6[Index] ) // feelsLike for sensors 6
sendEvent( name: "feelsLike6", value: state.feelsLike6, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.feelsLike7[ Index ] != null ){
state.feelsLike7 = ConvertTemperature( Json.feelsLike7[Index] ) // feelsLike for sensors 7
sendEvent( name: "feelsLike7", value: state.feelsLike7, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.feelsLike8[ Index ] != null ){
state.feelsLike8 = ConvertTemperature( Json.feelsLike8[Index] ) // feelsLike for sensors 8
sendEvent( name: "feelsLike8", value: state.feelsLike8, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.feelsLike9[ Index ] != null ){
state.feelsLike9 = ConvertTemperature( Json.feelsLike9[Index] ) // feelsLike for sensors 9
sendEvent( name: "feelsLike9", value: state.feelsLike9, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.feelsLike10[ Index ] != null ){
state.feelsLike10 = ConvertTemperature( Json.feelsLike10[Index] ) // feelsLike for sensors 10
sendEvent( name: "feelsLike10", value: state.feelsLike10, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dewPoint1[ Index ] != null ){
state.dewPoint1 = ConvertTemperature( Json.dewPoint1[Index] ) // dewPoint for sensors 1
sendEvent( name: "dewPoint1", value: state.dewPoint1, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dewPoint2[ Index ] != null ){
state.dewPoint2 = ConvertTemperature( Json.dewPoint2[Index] ) // dewPoint for sensors 2
sendEvent( name: "dewPoint2", value: state.dewPoint2, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dewPoint3[ Index ] != null ){
state.dewPoint3 = ConvertTemperature( Json.dewPoint3[Index] ) // dewPoint for sensors 3
sendEvent( name: "dewPoint3", value: state.dewPoint3, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dewPoint4[ Index ] != null ){
state.dewPoint4 = ConvertTemperature( Json.dewPoint4[Index] ) // dewPoint for sensors 4
sendEvent( name: "dewPoint4", value: state.dewPoint4, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dewPoint5[ Index ] != null ){
state.dewPoint5 = ConvertTemperature( Json.dewPoint5[Index] ) // dewPoint for sensors 5
sendEvent( name: "dewPoint5", value: state.dewPoint5, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dewPoint6[ Index ] != null ){
state.dewPoint6 = ConvertTemperature( Json.dewPoint6[Index] ) // dewPoint for sensors 6
sendEvent( name: "dewPoint6", value: state.dewPoint6, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dewPoint7[ Index ] != null ){
state.dewPoint7 = ConvertTemperature( Json.dewPoint7[Index] ) // dewPoint for sensors 7
sendEvent( name: "dewPoint7", value: state.dewPoint7, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dewPoint8[ Index ] != null ){
state.dewPoint8 = ConvertTemperature( Json.dewPoint8[Index] ) // dewPoint for sensors 8
sendEvent( name: "dewPoint8", value: state.dewPoint8, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dewPoint9[ Index ] != null ){
state.dewPoint9 = ConvertTemperature( Json.dewPoint9[Index] ) // dewPoint for sensors 9
sendEvent( name: "dewPoint9", value: state.dewPoint9, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( Json.dewPoint10[ Index ] != null ){
state.dewPoint10 = ConvertTemperature( Json.dewPoint10[Index] ) // dewPoint for sensors 10
sendEvent( name: "dewPoint10", value: state.dewPoint10, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
// Java cannot handle fields starting with numbers so had to make a different one
if( Json.'24hourrainin'[ Index ] != null ){
state.'24hourrainin' = Json.'24hourrainin'[Index] // 24 Hour Rain, in
state.Last24hourRain = ConvertInches( state.'24hourrainin' )
sendEvent( name: "24hourrainin", value: '24hourrainin', unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
// Due to all the options for wind direction wording it is now a separate section
if( Json.winddir[ Index ] != null ){
state.winddir = Json.winddir[ Index ] // instantaneous wind direction, 0-360º
sendEvent( name: "winddir", value: state.winddir, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
state.windDirection = state.winddir
sendEvent( name: "windDirection", value: state.windDirection, unit: "°", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
switch( WindDirMethod ){
case "1": // Degrees only
state.WindDirectionString = state.winddir
case "2": // 4 Compass Points - Letters
if( state.winddir > 315 || state.winddir <= 45 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "N"
} else if( state.winddir > 45 || state.winddir <= 135 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "E"
} else if( state.winddir > 135 || state.winddir <= 225 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "S"
} else if( state.winddir > 225 || state.winddir <= 315 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "W"
case "3": // 8 Compass Points - Letters
if( state.winddir > 337.5 || state.winddir <= 22.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "N"
} else if( state.winddir > 22.5 || state.winddir <= 67.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "NE"
} else if( state.winddir > 67.5 || state.winddir <= 112.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "E"
} else if( state.winddir > 112.5 || state.winddir <= 157.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "SE"
} else if( state.winddir > 157.5 || state.winddir <= 202.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "S"
} else if( state.winddir > 202.5 || state.winddir <= 247.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "SW"
} else if( state.winddir > 247.5 || state.winddir <= 292.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "W"
} else if( state.winddir > 292.5 || state.winddir <= 337.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "NW"
case "4": // 16 Compass Points - Letters
if( state.winddir > 348.75 || state.winddir <= 11.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "N"
} else if( state.winddir > 11.25 || state.winddir <= 33.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "NNE"
} else if( state.winddir > 33.75 || state.winddir <= 56.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "NE"
} else if( state.winddir > 56.25 || state.winddir <= 78.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "ENE"
} else if( state.winddir > 78.75 || state.winddir <= 101.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "E"
} else if( state.winddir > 101.25 || state.winddir <= 123.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "ESE"
} else if( state.winddir > 123.75 || state.winddir <= 146.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "SE"
} else if( state.winddir > 146.25 || state.winddir <= 168.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "SSE"
} else if( state.winddir > 168.75 || state.winddir <= 191.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "S"
} else if( state.winddir > 191.25 || state.winddir <= 213.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "SSW"
} else if( state.winddir > 213.75 || state.winddir <= 236.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "SW"
} else if( state.winddir > 236.25 || state.winddir <= 258.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "WSW"
} else if( state.winddir > 258.75 || state.winddir <= 281.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "W"
} else if( state.winddir > 281.25 || state.winddir <= 303.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "WNW"
} else if( state.winddir > 303.75 || state.winddir <= 326.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "NW"
} else if( state.winddir > 326.25 || state.winddir <= 348.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "NNW"
case "5": // 4 Compass Points - Words
if( state.winddir > 315 || state.winddir <= 45 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "North"
} else if( state.winddir > 45 || state.winddir <= 135 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "East"
} else if( state.winddir > 135 || state.winddir <= 225 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "South"
} else if( state.winddir > 225 || state.winddir <= 315 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "West"
case "6": // 8 Compass Points - Words
if( state.winddir > 337.5 || state.winddir <= 22.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "North"
} else if( state.winddir > 22.5 || state.winddir <= 67.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "North-East"
} else if( state.winddir > 67.5 || state.winddir <= 112.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "East"
} else if( state.winddir > 112.5 || state.winddir <= 157.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "South-East"
} else if( state.winddir > 157.5 || state.winddir <= 202.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "South"
} else if( state.winddir > 202.5 || state.winddir <= 247.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "South-West"
} else if( state.winddir > 247.5 || state.winddir <= 292.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "West"
} else if( state.winddir > 292.5 || state.winddir <= 337.5 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "North-West"
case "7": // 16 Compass Points - Words
if( state.winddir > 348.75 || state.winddir <= 11.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "North"
} else if( state.winddir > 11.25 || state.winddir <= 33.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "North-North-East"
} else if( state.winddir > 33.75 || state.winddir <= 56.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "North-East"
} else if( state.winddir > 56.25 || state.winddir <= 78.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "East-North-East"
} else if( state.winddir > 78.75 || state.winddir <= 101.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "East"
} else if( state.winddir > 101.25 || state.winddir <= 123.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "East-South-East"
} else if( state.winddir > 123.75 || state.winddir <= 146.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "South-East"
} else if( state.winddir > 146.25 || state.winddir <= 168.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "South-South-East"
} else if( state.winddir > 168.75 || state.winddir <= 191.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "South"
} else if( state.winddir > 191.25 || state.winddir <= 213.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "South-South-West"
} else if( state.winddir > 213.75 || state.winddir <= 236.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "South-West"
} else if( state.winddir > 236.25 || state.winddir <= 258.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "West-South-West"
} else if( state.winddir > 258.75 || state.winddir <= 281.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "West"
} else if( state.winddir > 281.25 || state.winddir <= 303.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "West-North-West"
} else if( state.winddir > 303.75 || state.winddir <= 326.25 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "North-West"
} else if( state.winddir > 326.25 || state.winddir <= 348.75 ){
state.WindDirectionString = "North-North-West"
default: // Degrees only
state.WindDirectionString = state.winddir
sendEvent( name: "WindDirectionString", value: state.WindDirectionString, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )

Logging( "${ NumberOfValues } fields from AmbientWeather", 3 )
Logging( Json, 3 )
} else {
Logging( "No fields reported by Ambient Weather", 3 )
// Calculate dewpoint if null but tempf and humidityout are available
if( state.dewPoint == null && ( state.tempf != null && state.humidityout != null ) ){
def DP = ( state.tempf - ( ( 9 / 25 ) * ( 100 - state.humidityout ) ) )
state.dewPoint = ConvertTemperature( DP )
sendEvent( name: "dewPoint", value: state.dewPoint, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
// HeatIndex is only calculated if temperature outside >= 80ºF
if( state.HeatIndex == null && ( state.tempf >= 80 && state.humidityout != null ) ){
def T = state.tempf
def RH = state.humidityout
def HI = -42.379 + ( 2.04901523 * T ) + ( 10.14333127 * RH ) - ( 0.22475541 * ( T * RH ) ) - ( 0.00683783 * ( T ** 2 ) ) - ( 0.05481717 * ( RH ** 2 ) ) + ( 0.00122874 * ( ( T ** 2 ) * RH ) ) + ( 0.00085282 * ( T * ( RH ** 2 ) ) ) - ( 0.00000199 * ( ( T ** 2 ) * ( RH ** 2 ) ) )
state.HeatIndex = ConvertTemperature( HI )
sendEvent( name: "HeatIndex", value: state.HeatIndex, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
} else {
sendEvent( name: "HeatIndex", value: null, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
// WindChill is only calculated if temperature outside <= 50ºF and wind speed is > 3
if( state.WindChill == null && ( state.tempf <= 50 && state.windSpeed > 3 ) ){
def T = state.tempf
def WS = state.windSpeed
def WC = 35.74 + ( 0.6215 * T ) - ( 35.75 * ( WS ** 0.16 ) ) + ( ( 0.4275 * T ) * ( WS ** 0.16 ) )
state.WindChill = ConvertTemperature( WC )
sendEvent( name: "WindChill", value: state.WindChill, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
} else {
sendEvent( name: "WindChill", value: null, linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
// Completed checking each value now handle location and other matchups
if( location.getTemperatureScale() == "F" ){
// Variables that have a duplicate made to coordinate between measurement standards
if( state.baromabs != null ){
sendEvent( name: "baromabs", value: state.baromabs, unit: "inHg", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.baromrel != null ){
sendEvent( name: "baromrel", value: state.baromrel, unit: "inHg", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.pressure != null ){
sendEvent( name: "pressure", value: state.pressure, unit: "psi", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.windSpeed != null ){
sendEvent( name: "windSpeed", value: state.windSpeed, unit: "mph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.maxdailygust != null ){
sendEvent( name: "maxdailygust", value: state.maxdailygust, unit: "mph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.windGust != null ){
sendEvent( name: "windGust", value: state.windGust, unit: "mph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.windspd_avg2m != null ){
sendEvent( name: "windspd_avg2m", value: state.windspd_avg2m, unit: "mph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.windspd_avg10m != null ){
sendEvent( name: "windspd_avg10m", value: state.windspd_avg10m, unit: "mph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.hourlyRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "hourlyRain", value: state.hourlyRain, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.eventRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "eventRain", value: state.eventRain, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.Last24hourRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "Last24hourRain", value: state.Last24hourRain, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.dailyRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "dailyRain", value: state.dailyRain, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.weeklyRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "weeklyRain", value: state.weeklyRain, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.monthlyRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "monthlyRain", value: state.monthlyRain, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.yearlyRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "yearlyRain", value: state.yearlyRain, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.totalRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "totalRain", value: state.totalRain, unit: "in", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
} else { // Converting values to metric because location.getTemperatureScale() is C
// Variables that have a duplicate made to coordinate between measurement standards
if( state.baromabs != null ){
sendEvent( name: "baromabs", value: state.baromabs, unit: "mmHg", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.baromrel != null ){
sendEvent( name: "baromrel", value: state.baromrel, unit: "mmHg", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.pressure != null ){
sendEvent( name: "pressure", value: state.pressure, unit: "mmHg", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.windSpeed != null ){
sendEvent( name: "windSpeed", value: state.windSpeed, unit: "kph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.maxdailygust != null ){
sendEvent( name: "maxdailygust", value: state.maxdailygust, unit: "kph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.windGust != null ){
sendEvent( name: "windGust", value: state.windGust, unit: "kph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.windspd_avg2m != null ){
sendEvent( name: "windspd_avg2m", value: state.windspd_avg2m, unit: "kph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.windspd_avg10m != null ){
sendEvent( name: "windspd_avg10m", value: state.windspd_avg10m, unit: "kph", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.hourlyRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "hourlyRain", value: state.hourlyRain, unit: "mm", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.eventRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "eventRain", value: state.eventRain, unit: "mm", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.Last24hourRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "Last24hourRain", value: state.Last24hourRain, unit: "mm", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.dailyRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "dailyRain", value: state.dailyRain, unit: "mm", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.weeklyRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "weeklyRain", value: state.weeklyRain, unit: "mm", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.monthlyRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "monthlyRain", value: state.monthlyRain, unit: "mm", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.yearlyRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "yearlyRain", value: state.yearlyRain, unit: "mm", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( state.totalRain != null ){
sendEvent( name: "totalRain", value: state.totalRain, unit: "mm", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( OutdoorHumidity ){
state.humidity = state.humidityout
} else {
state.humidity = state.humidityin
if( state.humidity != null ){
sendEvent( name: "humidity", value: state.humidity, unit: "%", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )
if( OutdoorTemperature ){
state.temperature = state.tempout
} else {
state.temperature = state.tempin
if( state.temperature != null ){
sendEvent( name: "temperature", value: state.temperature, unit: location.getTemperatureScale(), linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "", isStateChange: true )

// Checks the location.getTemperatureScale() to convert temperature values
def ConvertTemperature( Number Value ){
if( Value != null ){
def ReturnValue = Value as double
if( location.getTemperatureScale() == "C" ){
ReturnValue = ( ( ( Value - 32 ) * 5 ) / 9 )
def TempInt = ( ReturnValue * 100 ) as int
ReturnValue = ( TempInt / 100 )
return ReturnValue

// Checks the location.getTemperatureScale() to convert in to mm
def ConvertInches( Number Value ){
if( Value != null ){
def ReturnValue = Value as double
if( location.getTemperatureScale() == "C" ){
ReturnValue = ( Value * 25.4 )
def TempInt = ( ReturnValue * 100 ) as int
ReturnValue = ( TempInt / 100 )
return ReturnValue

// Checks the location.getTemperatureScale() to convert mph to kph
def ConvertMPH( Number Value ){
if( Value != null ){
def ReturnValue = Value as double
if( location.getTemperatureScale() == "C" ){
ReturnValue = ( Value * 1.609 )
def TempInt = ( ReturnValue * 100 ) as int
ReturnValue = ( TempInt / 100 )
return ReturnValue

// Handles whether logging is enabled and thus what to put there.
def Logging( LogMessage, LogLevel ){
// Add all messages as info logging
if( LogType == "2" && LogLevel <= 2 ) {
log.info( "${ device.displayName } - ${ LogMessage }" )
// Add all messages as debug logging
if( LogType == "3" && LogLevel <= 3 ) {
log.debug( "${ device.displayName } - ${ LogMessage }" )
// Treat LogLevel > 3 as error messages
if( LogLevel > 3 ) {
log.error( "${ device.displayName } - ${ LogMessage }" )

// Based on @Cobra's update checking method
// I let the schedule be based on the current date so that checks are not all done at the same time
def SetCheckForUpdate() {
schedule( new Date(), CheckForUpdate )

// Checks drdsnell.com for the latest version of the driver
// Based on @Cobra's update checking method, although I prefer xml vs json
def CheckForUpdate(){
httpGet( uri: "https://www.drdsnell.com/projects/hubitat/drivers/versions.xml", contentType: "text/xml" ){ resp ->
// If only an error is reported rather than an OK response
if( resp.status != 200 ) {
Logging( "Error connecting to drdsnell.com for driver version check.", 4 )
} else {
// Checking the latest listed version
def Node = resp.data.'**'.find { driver -> driver.name.text() == state.Driver }
def SiteVersion = Float.parseFloat( Node.version.text() ) as Float
def DriverVersion = Float.parseFloat( state.Version ) as Float
if( SiteVersion > DriverVersion ){
Logging( "Newer driver (${ SiteVersion }) available", 2 )
sendEvent( name: "Version", value: "New driver (${ SiteVersion }) available", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "" )
} else if( SiteVersion < DriverVersion ){
Logging( "Has beta driver", 2 )
sendEvent( name: "Version", value: "Beta driver", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "" )
} else if( SiteVersion == DriverVersion ){
Logging( "Has latest driver", 2 )
sendEvent( name: "Version", value: "Latest driver", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "" )
} else {
Logging( "Has unknown driver version", 2 )
sendEvent( name: "Version", value: "Unknown driver version", linkText: deviceName, descriptionText: "" )

def parse(String description) {
log.debug msg
def msg = parseLanMessage(description)
def body = msg.body // => request body as a string

// Building json object from string
a = body.split('&')
out = "[{"
for(i=0; i<a.length;++i)
b= a[i].split('=')
if((b[0] == "PASSKEY") ||(b[0] == "stationtype")||(b[0] == "dateutc")||(b[0] == "freq")||(b[0] == "model"))
out = out + '"' + b[0] + '":"' +b[1] +'"'
out = out + '"' + b[0] + '":' +b[1]
out = out + ','
out = out + "}]"
def slurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()
json2 = slurper.parseText(out)
ParseWeather( json2 )