
9 Powerful Ways to Stay Safe from Coronavirus

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medplusmart @medplusmart · Jun 5, 2020


Coronavirus is the current buzz all over the world. But is it really worth all the fear especially in India? According to data, Coronavirus has taken the lives of 3,200 people across the world and infected over 1,00,000 people across the world with a majority of 90,000 in China and around 30 in India (as on 6th March 2020). As far as India is concerned, despite the chaos and fear in the country, the growth rate of infection seems to be under control and not blown out of proportion. The country is on high alert and precautions are being taken unanimously.

The 2019 novel coronavirus disease is officially termed as COVID-19 and the virus is called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The latest gatherings state that SARS-CoV-2 is mainly spread through respiratory droplets (mucus, saliva, etc.) which spreads with an infected person's coughs and sneezes; and surface touches. A common myth about the novel coronavirus is that it spreads through the air. As mentioned above, in reality, the virus does NOT transmit through air whereas spreads through physical interaction of infected droplets or directly the virus with eyes, nose, and mouth. It is believed that the virus does not seep through the skin.

Coronavirus Precautions

Reported cases have ranged from mild to severe, including a minority of them resulting in extreme cases such as death. Older people are noted to be most prone to be infected (are have a higher risk of severe repercussions) most likely owing to their low immunity and underlying certain health conditions like heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes.

To curb the condition and prevent further spread of the disease, the need of the hour is to responsibly follow coronavirus precaution tips and spread the information of the same with friends and family. Being aware and taking basic precautions does half the job. "India does not need to panic yet" confirms the World Health Organization (WHO), and recommends some quick and simple ways of how to stay away from coronavirus:

1. Wash your Hands Frequently 

Make sure you wash your hands well and regularly. Don't be lousy here, and wash your hands from time to time. Wash for at least 20 seconds. Train your child to wash his/her hands as long as it takes to sing the 'happy birthday' song twice. With this creative way, your young child will enjoy washing hands and will be protected against risks. Use soap and running water (preferably clean water) to ensure complete elimination of potential disease-causing germs/viruses. Also, wash your nails and interdigital folds (areas between the fingers) well.

2. Always Carry a Sanitizer

You may not always have access to soap and water (especially clean water). For the same, always carry a sanitizer with you and get into a habit of using it repeatedly. Especially before and after eating food, after touching untidy/unclean objects, after traveling in public places, before touching your face, after getting in contact with an already infected person (with anybody who is sick for that matter), etc. Both washing hands and using a sanitizer are great hygiene habits worth being incorporated in daily lives not just to prevent coronavirus.

3. Don't Touch Your Face

Studies suggest that an average human touches his/her own face around a whopping 3,000 times a day! But in between these touches, we touch thousands of things including potential disease-causing germs such as toilet seats, mobile phones, doorknobs, public places handles, keyboard/laptop, etc. So with all these interactions, the chances of catching an infection are higher. Since coronavirus (most other bacterial/viral infections for that matter) spreads due to direct consumption/inhalation through the face organs as a medium, avoid touching your face at all unless really needed.

4. Sneeze / Cough with Mouth Covered 

If you sneeze/cough, make sure you cover your mouth and keep the used handkerchief/tissue away from the contact of others. Later, make sure you discard it well.

5. Foods to Eat & Avoid 

Since the virus breeds in colder temperatures, avoid cold water, cold drinks, refrigerated packaged foods, etc. Needless to mention, roadside foods/junk foods must be avoided. On the other hand, have hot water, use turmeric for the rescue, and don't forget to drink lots of water throughout the day which helps in flushing out toxins and germs. Include antiseptic and antioxidant-rich foods like ginger, pepper, turmeric in your diet on a regular basis.

6. Gargling Helps 

Try gargling with salt water at least once a day which kills any germs in the throat region and avoids the spread to other parts of the body.

7. Public Places Transport

Public places and public transportation have higher chances of being infected therefore avoid going to public places unless absolutely inevitable. Same with traveling in public transportation facilities. In case of unavoidable travel/visit, consider using a face mask to reduce the susceptibility. Also, don't forget to carry your sanitizer like mentioned earlier.

8. If You Are infected

If you find yourself positively tested for coronavirus then rest well, get enough water, medication and mainly, have the willpower strong enough to recover. If you are infected, be kind enough to stay indoors and away from people to whatever extent possible which will help avoid the chances of spreading an epidemic.

9. Be Responsible

If you see any likely coronavirus symptoms such as sneezing, fever, fatigue, coughing, diarrhea, vomiting, sore throat, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, etc., then immediately rush to a medical unit with coronavirus testing facility. Do not take it for granted to be a normal cold/cough/fever. Do not use OTC medicines to deal with these symptoms.

Hope the above simple tips help you to protect yourself and others from the 2019 novel coronavirus. Share this article among your friends and family and let them know about how to stay protected from coronavirus.