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Hacker Lauri Love sold out to USA by lawyers Assange Snowden
a guest Sep 24th, 2016 680 Never
Extradtion sell-out of vulnerable young UK hacker Mr Lauri Love by his own lawyers
And by criminal fakers Julian Assange & Edward Snowden & Glenn Greenwald, who cynically used Lauri Love's plight to promote themselves, whilst colluding with the US government, & Lauri Love's own barristers & lawyers, to hide the facts that would save Lauri Love's life & freedom
Text of key documents all below
What may have been the means to bribe & buy off Lauri Love's barristers & solicitors, are payments from an alleged non-profit, the 'Courage Foundation', which has been engaged in supporting frauds run by the USA intelligence agencies & security services
A scheme: Intel agencies - fake 'legal support charity' - buying corrupt lawyers & barristers who betray the victim
Selling the victim to extradition to the USA, to jail & prison horrors, & maybe death by fake 'suicide' in US custody ... remembering Aaron Swartz who inspired Lauri Love
Background that should be understood - what major governments know, but most of the public does not - is that both Julian Assange & Edward Snowden - plus their media pumpers such as Glenn Greenwald - are all liars, hoaxers, frauds & fakers working for the USA intelligence agencies
This has all been well-proven long ago, going back to Israel's Netanyahu & Zbigniew Brzezinski admitting that Wikileaks & Assange are under US-Israeli government control
For the many data points on the Snowden - Assange - Greenwald 'limited hang-out' hoaxes, the European government lengthy file report on 'Snowden, Greenwald are CIA frauds' was recently highlighted in major publication here:
And a very nice review of faker Assange data points was just published here:
Apparently Julian Assange has *not really* been 'living at the London Ecuador embassy', but just moved in & out for photos & meetings ... a UK fake show like the GCHQ 'smashing the Guardian computers' that helped promote the Snowden hoax
Edward Snowden, Julian Assange & Wikileaks, & the Rothschild employee & so-called 'constitutional lawyer' Glenn Greenwald, all have the files they could instantly deploy to halt the Lauri Love extradition
Those files are, ironically enough, files proving massive bribery-related corruption involving acts of extortion & terrorism, by the federal national court judges of Virginia USA ... who are the very same judges who would put Snowden or Assange on trial ... yet Snowden & Assange, Greenwald & all their other CIA-tied 'network' all refuse to speak of these files
Even though Snowden, Assange & Greenwald command global media that would put a total stop to Lauri Love's extradition ... and to the 'Sweden extradition' farce of Julian Assange ... and to the 'extradition threat' to Edward Snowden
But since Assange & Snowden are fakers, hoaxers, liars & frauds, actively working for US government, not at all fearing any USA 'trial' for themselves, they hide the information that would save Lauri Love's life ... Wikileaks will NOT 'leak' to expose USA judges taking bribes from major political donors
Edward Snowden was, however, happy to use Lauri Love's name & plight, to promote himself & his Assange - Snowden - Greenwald fraud & hoax faker gang ... and now they all smirk as they help send Lauri Love off to US prison
Part 1 - Text of Fax to Parents of Hacker Mr Lauri Love
Part 2 - Text of Complaint Initiating Official Enquiry into Misconduct by Barristers & Solicitors for Mr Lauri Love
Part 3 - Text of UK Court Filing on Proven Corruption & Crimes Against UK & EU Citizens, by USA Federal National Judges Amongst Those to Conduct Trial & Sentencing of Mr Lauri Love
-- With attached supporting files
--- Attachment A - UK government brief to stop extradition of UK hacker Lauri Love to USA
--- Attachment B - US Dept of Justice & US State Dept brief on bribed US judges re UK hacker Lauri Love
--- Attachment C - US Justice Dept Attorneys face rejection of US request to extradite UK hacker Lauri Love
Part 1 - Text of Fax to Parents of Hacker Mr Lauri Love
Rev. and Ms Alexander Love
Her Majesty's Prison Highpoint North
Dear Rev. and Ms Love,
Please confirm for us that Prison Governor Nigel Smith and staff, have passed on to you the important material faxed last weekend from those of us working to save the life of your son Mr Lauri Love.
As official enquiries are beginning into the gross misconduct of Lauri Love's barristers and solicitors - intentionally not arguing the massive evidence which would have made your son's extradition impossible - the punishment of those barristers and solicitors, will be of little comfort if your son is dead by hanging in a fake jail cell 'suicide', as may have happened to the late Mr Aaron Swartz whom your son admired.
Indeed we realise this is quite terrifying for you, with the lawyers and barristers you trusted, apparently selling out your son's life to a scheme of bribery, extortion, and intimidation, alongside the apparent funds fraud of the so-called 'Courage Foundation', also betraying your son to Yank USA judges in bribery.
People are contacting Home Secretary Amber Rudd, the media and others in an effort to forestall the monstrous and possibly murderous miscarriage of justice here, by this stonewalling barrister-solicitor cabal serving the US regime. But your own voices may be the most important ones to save your son's life.
Please let us know you received all the material to help save your son.
Dr Les (Leszek - Leslie) Sachs - Witness to the European Commission and UK and EU governments on US legal and media corruption - Target of murder threats, hate crimes of defamation and hoaxes by US-tied transnational crime groups
Author of 'America's Corrupt Legal System', 'Americans Murdering Their Judges', 'Foreign Companies Face US Court Corruption: Doing Business in Big Bribery Nation', 'FAQ on US Judicial and Legal Corruption', and key government intelligence agency reports
c/o Law Offices of Georges-Henri Beauthier
Berckmansstraat 89, 1060 Brussels, Belgium
Part 2 - Complaint Initiating Official Enquiry into Misconduct by Barristers & Solicitors for Mr Lauri Love
UK Bar Standards Board and UK Solicitors Regulation Authority, UK Law Society
by fax, post and e-mail
Urgent filing: Clear Evidence of Barrister and Solicitor Misconduct, Endangering Life of UK Citizen Lauri Love, immediate action needed to avoid DEATH OF A YOUNG BRITON
- Fraud Upon the Court, Solicitor Fraud of Client Funds
- Risk to Reputation of UK Bar and UK Law Society
- Risk of Destroying UK as International Legal Venue
Gentlemen and Ladies of the UK Barrister Standards Board and UK Law Society,
With this filing I regret to inform you of major, life-threatening misconduct by the barristers and solicitors who claimed to 'represent' Mr Lauri Love at Westminster Magistrates Court, whilst intentionally suppressing decisive information from court records and media, which would have made the adverse decision of Judge Nina Tempia impossible. (Informed parties include Stephen Cragg QC, Monckton Chambers; Ben Cooper, Doughty St Chambers; Andrew Bird, 5 SAH Barristers; Karen Todner, Michael Evans, Kaim Todner solicitors.)
Because of this barrister and solicitor wrong-doing, Judge Tempia has erroneously condemned Mr Love to extradition to the USA, and what documents prove to be a significantly likely fake 'suicide' death for Mr Love, possibly by hanging, at the hands of corrupted US authorities.
Your immediate action is urgently needed. Aside from the larger enquiries this matter deserves, you must, in all conscience, quickly notify Home Secretary Amber Rudd that there is significant evidence of fraud upon the court by Mr Love's lawyers who betrayed him, and also present immediate notice to the High Court that Judge Tempia's decision must be stayed before Mr Love is shipped off to torment and death.
This case has wider ramifications that Mr Love's life, though that is enough reason to act. What is at stake here as well, is the entire worldwide reputation of the UK bar and Law Society, and the very future of the UK courts as a trusted international legal venue.
In their misconduct in Lauri Love's case, barristers and solicitors for Mr Love made a conscious decision to affiliate themselves with US-based UK law firms who are stealing and defrauding millions of pounds of client funds; to affiliate with media executives involved in acts of necrophilic child rape, extortion, and acts which are technically 'terrorism'; and with the penetration of the UK legal system by agents of security and intelligence services who assist in both frauds upon the court and frauds upon the public.
In the effort to save Mr Love's life and well-being in the urgent window of a few days in which that is still possible, this filing is very brief, only indicating the thousands of pages of material behind what is said here, which the barristers and solicitors for Mr Love refused to utilise as was their sacred obligation.
What may be most helpful at the moment, is to particularly summarise the motives and forces, the bribes and threats and powers, which form the circumstances of the barrister and solicitor misconduct in the Lauri Love case before Judge Tempia.
Key points:
- The dossier suppressed by the Lauri Love barristers and solicitors, is the extremely relevant thousand-page-plus file with UK authorities - National Crime Agency, Crown Prosecution Service - on the UK-based bribery of at least 3 USA judges, including 2 USA national federal judges, from the same group who would put Mr Lauri Love on trial. This well-evidenced scheme is described in more detail in a June 2016 UK court filing which is appended to this document.
- The Lauri Love USA judges are involved in a clearly-proven string of terrorism-related acts, including threats to murder EU citizens with fake USA jail cell 'suicide' hangings; creating fraudulent documents claiming that EU citizens enslaved themselves to US judges, 'agreeing' to ban their own freedom of speech plus pay hundreds of thousands of extortion money to US judges' friends; sending harassing e-mails to Europe while judges' friends e-mail computer viruses; 'orders to Google' to hide all their own crimes, plus 'orders to Google' to illegally block EU citizens from replying to defamations; etc.
- The bribery of the USA Lauri Love group of judges, and many related subsequent crimes, have been funded by the top executives of Pearson plc, joined early on by the lawyers at the Google Inc - Alphabet UK monopoly search engine. Pearson and Goog have totally bribed the UK Guardian newspaper amongst other media, and use the UK but US-based law firms of WilmerHale and Ropes Gray, as key agents conducting multiple criminal acts on UK soil, including tens of thousands of words of obstruction and perversion of justice lies and hoaxes on the UK internet.
- The Lauri Love barristers and solicitors and 'legal defence' operation, are significantly involved with - and it seems earning income from - a so-called 'charity', the 'Courage Foundation', which gives evidence of being involved in large-scale fund-raising fraud against British citizens, and of being a 'front' for intelligence and security services, given that the 'Courage Foundation' represents fake 'dissidents' who are known to governments as active intelligence agency assets and not 'dissidents' at all.
- Pearson plc executives are involved in defrauding millions of pounds out of their own contracted book authors, and their law firm agents WilmerHale and Ropes Gray are involved in defrauding millions of pounds of funds from their own clients. From these unlawfully-obtained funds, WilmerHale and Ropes Gray and Pearson have been tossing around thousands of tax-evading bribery cash, to all who assist them in covering their criminal schemes. For their 'service' in helping mask the Pearson-Goog bribery crimes, and betraying Mr Love, the Lauri Love barristers and solicitors are able to receive ample bribery cash.
- The bribery of US judges is co-ordinated with bribery of US Presidents (Bush family and Hillary Clinton Foundations, etc), and bribery of US Justice officials appointed by these Presidents, so that the bribery is not prosecuted. There are also murders of US prosecutors and judges, and threats to kill them, partly obscured in the UK by Google Inc. In short, the files hidden by the Lauri Love legal team, show that the USA does not have any independent judiciary at all.
- Because the Pearson-Goog bribery dossier is so explosive, bringing that dossier into the UK courts and media, will likely halt nearly all extraditions to the USA henceforward. This of course would diminish the 'extradition business' of barristers and solicitors, not to mention the fundraising of the 'Courage Foundation', so the Lauri Love barristers and solicitors have incentive to 'keep the game going' and betray and ship off to death some clients such as Lauri Love, all the better to preserve their lively 'extradition business'.
- The UK Guardian is both accepting bribes and assisting Pearson and Google in threatening the Lauri Love barristers and solicitors, that they will 'f-ck you up, slander you, kill you, totally destroy you' if they do not remain silent about the bribery of US judges by Pearson and Goog, in which the Guardian was a major participant. Guardian lawyer Gillian Phillips has shown personal sadistic pleasure in the whole game of taking bribes to publish fake 'news' to support bribery of USA judges and presidents, extortion, terrorist acts, and defrauding of millions by US-based law firms; to commit obstruction and perversion of justice; and to play the known Guardian game of delivering fake 'news' to deceive the public on an agenda for Anglo intelligence agencies and security services.
- Barristers and lawyers for Lauri Love face the classic choice of 'the bribe or the bullet'; able to earn income and bribes by betraying their client, or themselves become a target of reputational and career destruction by Google Inc, the Guardian and other Pearson-bribed media. But it seems the Lauri Love barristers and lawyers have no anguish about their choice, and made no attempt to establish a formula to save their client with the dossier they recognise would make his extradition impossible.
- Pearson, Google and their collaborators have a standing menace of murder against anyone who might act against their criminal scheme; the US Embassy is fully involved in issuing passports to known child-rapists, terrorist extortionists, and potential killers to enter Britain, so Judge Tempia herself would feel some fear as well if she is not supported by those around her. In June, Judge Tempia received the amicus curiae filing showing her the basic facts in the US judge bribery dossier that the Lauri Love lawyers were hiding, and she delayed enough to give a chance for some brave barrister to come forward and get the key facts into prominence. But Lauri Love's barristers and solicitors did not take the actions to relieve any fears that Judge Tempia would naturally have. Judge Tempia's murder by an arranged CIA 'accident' would simply lead to another judge issuing the sadly erroneous order condemning Mr Love, so Judge Tempia might well have felt trapped here, giving the unhappy order which would still be given after her death.
- Beyond the particular case here, and the important matter of saving the life of Mr Love from being ended or ruined, there is the wider question of the integrity of the UK bar and legal system being at stake. To start with, there is the devious UK pro-US marketing by monopoly Google Inc - whose top lawyer David Drummond loves to help crimes by his law firm friends, such as judge and president bribery and defrauding millions of client funds. Drummond and Google regularly hide the web pages that show the criminal acts of US-based UK law firms such as WilmerHale and Ropes Gray, plus pushing down more honest, if more timid, UK law firms. Google spectacularly defrauded British Telecom a few years back, luring them into US courts where BT didn't at first realise Goog is the US judge bribery protector. British companies and citizens don't know they are being lured by Google into hiring lawyers involved in child rape, extortion, terrorism, bribery, and stealing masses of funds from their own clients, and intimidating UK officials as well.
- The betrayal of Lauri Love by his barristers and solicitors, is not only a case of bribery and threats by gangs of US-tied criminals operating in Britain, but also a case where intelligence and security services have entered into a corruption of the UK justice process. As Pearson and Google started by bribing US Presidents - which gave them the 'right' to bribe the US national judges - the CIA itself has taken a direct role in their criminal schemes, CIA contractors being in the lead amongst the 'administrators' of the pro-child-rape and internet gang-stalking Wikipedia site of fraudulent information. And in the Lauri Love case, we have another 'non-profit' apparently tied to the intelligence and security agencies via the 'Courage Foundation', funding lawyers who betray victims.
Much more of course is available, but you have enough above to know you must act.
Dr Les (Leszek - Leslie) Sachs - Witness to the European Commission and UK and EU governments on US legal and media corruption - Target of murder threats, hate crimes of defamation and hoaxes by US-tied transnational crime groups
Author of 'America's Corrupt Legal System', 'Americans Murdering Their Judges', 'Foreign Companies Face US Court Corruption: Doing Business in Big Bribery Nation', 'FAQ on US Judicial and Legal Corruption', and key government intelligence agency reports
c/o Law Offices of Georges-Henri Beauthier, Berckmansstraat 89, 1060 Brussels, Belgium
Part 3 - Text of UK Court Filing on Proven Corruption & Crimes Against UK & EU Citizens, by USA Federal National Judges Amongst Those to Conduct Trial & Sentencing of Mr Lauri Love
City of Westminster Magistrates Court, South Eastern Circuit
The Honourable District Judge Nina Tempia
Case of Lauri Love of Suffolk UK, Case # 011503187270
Amicus curiae brief filed, due to terrorism of solicitor / barristers & UK officials
Threats to this Court from the most powerful crime group operating in the UK
Dear Honourable Judge Tempia,
Due to criminal intimidation upon both the solicitor & barristers for Mr Lauri Love, and UK cabinet ministers, by a crime group supported by the USA government, It seems to fall to me to file this amicus curiae brief, to present to you key facts & a brief concerning the US extradition request concerning the accused computer expert 'hacker' Mr Lauri Love.
These facts and the attached brief from UK government files, are well-known to Mr Love's barrister & solicitors & to the UK ministers who present this extradition case to your Court in rather bad faith … they signal to me that it is I who must inform you, of the facts well-proven in UK police, National Crime Agency & Crown Prosecution Service files, of the murderous corruption of USA judges amongst those who would try Mr Love.
Home Secretary Theresa May, Lord Chancellor Michael Gove, Mr Love's solicitor & barristers, & the USA Justice Dept itself, all fully recognise that the attached brief & the 1000-plus pages of evidence in UK gov files, make the extradition of Mr Love legally & morally impossible. However, these UK ministers & lawyers across the UK, are frightened & terrorised, of menaces to defame them, destroy their careers or possibly murder them, & they need you to rescue them from a bad conscience & not extradite Mr Love. On its part, the USA hopes to make you yield to this extradition request not by law, but by their bluff & intimidation.
Mr Love is in grave danger from bribed, corrupted, under-threat US judges; a fraudulent US 'proceeding' with gov-tied 'lawyers' betraying him; or a fake 'suicide' as often happens there.
As the UK National Crime Agency Director-General can outline for you if not frightened, his files show that Pearson plc bribed 3 American judges including 2 USA federal-national judges amongst those to try Lauri Love, as part of a Pearson scheme to defraud millions of pounds from its own book authors & from the public, in collusion with US-based, London-office law firms, who also defraud millions of client funds. UK obstruction & perversion of justice crimes include terrorist threats to kill people, US-judge-created fraudulent documents, the bribery of the UK Guardian, & a top Google lawyer hiding truth & publishing hoaxes on the UK internet, whilst joining with London-office US law firms to menace all UK lawyers & public officials.
No doubt, Judge Tempia, it is frightening for you to see UK cabinet ministers & UK solicitors & barristers all intimidated, fearing for their lives just to show facts in your courtroom. The USA would like you to feel fear as well. But from these files I am sure you know your duty - However great your fear, make a formula to not render Mr Love into the hands of criminals whom the UK Home Secretary & Lord Chancellor are themselves too frightened to confront.
Dr Les Sachs, Witness to the EU Commission & UK & European governments
c/o Law Offices of Georges-Henri Beauthier, Berckmansstraat 89, 1060 Brussel, Belgium
Attached supporting files
Attachment A
UK government brief to stop extradition of UK hacker Lauri Love to USA
Attachment B
US Dept of Justice & US State Dept brief on bribed US judges re UK hacker Lauri Love
Attachment C
US Justice Dept Attorneys face rejection of US request to extradite UK hacker Lauri Love
Attachment A
UK government brief to stop extradition of UK hacker Lauri Love to USA
UK gov: Terminating unlawful US request to extradite accused hacker Mr Lauri Love
Theresa May, United Kingdom Home Secretary
Michael Gove, UK Lord Chancellor & Secretary of State for Justice
Keith Bristow, Director General, UK National Crime Agency
Alison Rose, UK Ambassador to Belgium (delivery by hand)
copy to Karen Todner, Kaim Todner, Solicitors Representing Mr Lauri Love
Your Excellencies of the UK government,
The extradition of Mr Lauri Love to the United States of America is morally & legally impossible, as is absolutely clear from the files of the UK Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), proving clear criminal terrorist acts against UK officials, involving some of the very same United States federal (national) judges who would be putting Mr Love on trial - these US judges receiving bribery funds from a trans-national crime group centred & funded in the United Kingdom, in one of the largest-scale schemes of bribery of a foreign government, & obstruction & perversion of justice, in British history.
A briefing on these UK-funded terrorist crimes & bribery of US judges, at the USA London Embassy, US State Department, & US Justice Department, is attached for your review.
Key summary points you will clearly see from your own UK police agency files:
- UK police agencies have well over 1000 pages of files on the bribery of 3 US judges by Pearson plc & its crime group, 2 of these being US federal judges of the Eastern District of Virginia, where US charges against Mr Lauri Love are registered, Pearson & its lawyers bribing both 'Judge Robert Payne is my name, Federal bribery is my game', & cyber-stalking Judge Norman Moon, who sent many harassing e-mails to Europe whilst enjoying his tax-evading Pearson bribery cash, bribery of US judges being a 'right' of major US political donors
- USA Virginia federal judges whom Pearson crime group members admitted they bribed, engaged in multiple direct criminal acts against UK officials, including: Creating fraudulent documents to deceive UK authorities, joining in threatening to kill UK witnesses, & implicit menace supporting Pearson agents if they choose to murder UK officials - in other words, possibly even murdering Home Secretary Theresa May, or Lord Chancellor Michael Gove, or National Crime Agency Keith Bristow, in revenge for Pearson crimes being prosecuted in the UK, with US federal judges fully ready to assist in terrorist murders & cover-up
- USA Virginia federal judges - who may be trial judges for Mr Lauri Love - as CPS files make clear, accepted Pearson plc bribes to cause millions of pounds of financial fraud & harm to UK companies & citizens:
-- These US judges bribed by Pearson, issued 'court orders to Google' to hide criminal acts of UK firms paying USA political bribes, & US-based law firms with UK offices, defrauding millions of client funds, & defrauding British companies & citizens who do not know they are hiring US trans-national lawyer crime gangs who defraud clients
-- These US judges bribed by Pearson, issued 'court orders to Google' to assist fraudulent fundraising & sales of products & services, to raise funds for terrorist-tied crimes in the UK
-- These US judges bribed by Pearson, issued 'court orders to Google' to block a defamed witness to UK CPS, from replying in the UK to lies & hoaxes seeking to destroy innocent lives, the US judges seeking to deceive & intimidate both UK authorities & UK solicitors
-- These US judges bribed by Pearson, issued 'court orders to Google' to block the history & biography of known US terrorist, extortion, fraud & child-violating criminals travelling to the UK, who might be rapists of UK children; defrauders of UK citizens & companies; funding, organising & conducting UK criminal acts of obstruction & perversion of justice; & planning possible assaults on UK officials or their family members
-- These US judges bribed by Pearson, conducted laughably fraudulent USA 'legal proceedings' to benefit Pearson, where all court filings by a Pearson victim were ordered deleted from court records & the internet, & only filings by Pearson agents were accepted;
--- Where Pearson victims were threatened with murder if they filed a USA court appeal from inside the USA, with threats to disbar any US lawyer that honestly represented a Pearson victim; & the US Virginia Appeals judges & US Supreme Court refusing to answer court appeals made after their victim escaped outside the USA;
--- Where Pearson-bribed judges conducted fake US 'court proceedings' to internationally harass CPS witnesses to Pearson crimes, bizarrely held by one-way harassing e-mails as well as cyber-terrorist e-mailing of computer viruses to the victim by Pearson lawyers
- Literally tens of thousands of words were published in the UK for criminal purposes of obstruction & perversion of justice in connection with the bribery of these US judges, posted on the UK internet by the Pearson crime group, including lies & defamations by the US federal judges themselves, as they seek to deceive & intimidate UK authorities
- Obstruction & perversion of UK justice for the Pearson crime group, has been overseen by London's Ropes Gray along with WilmerHale law firms, with Ropes Gray lawyer Joan Ann Lukey of Boston USA, chief organiser of obstruction & perversion of justice & menace against UK officials & UK lawyers, committing these crimes within walking distance of the office of US Federal US Attorney (prosecutor) Carmen Ortiz, the very same prosecutor who helped 'suicide' hacker Aaron Swartz to death - Ortiz ready to allow the murder of UK officials or police agents visiting the USA, planned & ordered by Joan Ann Lukey using Pearson funding
- This tainted, possibly murderess US prosecutor Carmen Ortiz, who herself has massive evidence to begin instantly prosecuting the USA side of Pearson crime group offences, & Pearson bribery of US judges, instead has been indulging these crimes against the UK & allowing them to proceed, Ortiz accepting laughing death threats from Ropes Gray lawyers, who ask if Ortiz would like to be the 3rd suddenly dead female federal prosecutor who challenged US political donors, the Pearson & Ropes Gray threat to murder even US officials, underscoring the terrorist threat to UK officials
- The bribery - political terrorism - extortion scheme involving these USA Virginia judges & Pearson plc, involves criminal acts committed in Britain involving not only the executive board of Pearson; but also, as CPS files show, London's International Creative Management (ICM); bribery of the UK Guardian newspaper's Alan Rusbridger with full criminal support of Guardian lawyer Gillian Phillips; criminal acts by the UK's Wikipedia & its top Wikipedia official; criminal acts by UK internet monopoly Google Inc; & criminal acts by London's WilmerHale & Ropes Gray firms, taking the lead in planning, generating & managing terrorism & obstruction & perversion of justice
- The Pearson bribery of US federal Virginia judges, involves the highest levels of Pearson's board of directors, beginning as a scheme of Pearson's Counsel Alex 'the Gangster' Gigante to steal millions of Pearson book author funds, colluding with US law firms to embroil a wealthy author in legal controversy & terrorist acts, the US-based firms then rebating funds to Gigante; Pearson CEO Marjorie Scardino joined in approving & continuing the judge bribery; aided by Pearson's John Fallon publishing obstruction of justice hoaxes on Pearson's website, & being rewarded for his role in Pearson bribery with succeeding Scardino as CEO; Pearson chairman Glen Moreno overseeing Pearson attempts to intimidate & deceive UK authorities
- Google Inc & its top lawyer David Drummond, joined as prime actors & partners in the Pearson (actually Pearson-Google) crime scheme, Drummond offering full Google monopoly services to his friends at US law firms, for international child rape, extortion, terrorism, & obstruction of justice, when the law firm can demonstrate success in bribing US judges & connections to major political donors; Drummond & Google Brussels lobbyist Antoine Aubert, also desirous of revenge & harm to the CPS informant who documented the criminal role of Google in obstruction & perversion of justice, as part of their method to threaten & intimidate UK authorities & lawyers; Google having fully joined in the Pearson bribery of US Virginia federal judge Norman Moon, encouraging Moon to use Google Gmail for sending harassing terrorist e-mails to the EU, & promising to assist Moon in spreading lies on the UK internet & in deception & intimidation of UK officials, & covering for Moon's crimes
- Pearson & Google successfully bribed former US Justice Department prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, into giving Pearson-Google a 'comfort letter' promising USA non-prosecution of all Pearson-Google bribery & terrorist crimes against the UK, the corrupt Fitzgerald who had investigated & viewed the full criminal file, still today under payment by Google
- Pearson-Google obstruction & perversion of justice in the UK regarding the US judge bribery, benefited from free Google websites given to Pearson criminals using fake names, with tens of thousands of words of hate for a CPS witness, manipulated by Google to #1 in UK search results whilst Google blocked the victim & others from replying
- Pearson-Google obstruction & perversion of justice in the UK regarding US judge bribery, benefited from a massive multi-year hoaxing operation on the UK's Wikipedia site, the lies managed by London racist & criminal & Wiki chief David Gerard, eager to deceive & intimidate UK authorities, CPS able to prove that the Pearson hoaxing on Wikimedia trace back to Pearson & the Ropes Gray & WilmerHale law firms, with Google multiplying the Wikipedia lies on many other sites in Google search, whilst erasing replies from victims & those trying to tell the truth; Google also hiding that Wikipedia was designed & is operated by child-rape & gang-stalking criminals, Google defrauding UK citizens into donating to this site which shows its readiness to help murder UK officials
- Pearson-Google obstruction & perversion of justice in the UK regarding the US judge bribery, benefited from the successful total bribery of Alan Rusbridger & the UK Guardian newspaper, which became the lead news media spreading hoaxes for Pearson-Google US judge bribery, extortion, & terrorism, Rusbridger's crimes fully approved by UK Guardian lawyer Gillian Phillips, who sent neo-Nazi anti-Semitic hate mail to the CPS witness, Phillips eager to demonstrate the Guardian's willingness to deceive &, if called upon, help in the terrorist murder of UK officials
- Pearson-Google bribery of the US Virginia judges, had a significant role in the embarrassing duping & defrauding of UK Member of Parliament David Davis, who had been seduced into becoming a promoter of the lying fraud Alan Rusbridger, Davis not knowing that Rusbridger had long been taking bribes to publish fake libellous 'news' for US government terrorist criminals & those bribing US judges, Rusbridger being pushed out of his Guardian job shortly after his malicious duping of UK MP Davis was exposed
- Pearson-Google bribery of the US Virginia judges, had a significant role in the defrauding of British Telecom (BT) which was duped into filing legal claims against Google in US courtrooms, not realising that Google had bribed US judges to help hide Google's own crimes, & that Google Inc is the leading USA company supplying corrupt US judges with bribery services & benefiting from bribed US judge favours; the BT executives embarrassed & intimidated even after becoming aware of the fraud, fearing harm or death if they complained about crimes which seem even to be intimidating the UK government
- Pearson-Google bribery of US Virginia judges, using UK-office, US-based law firms to conduct acts of terrorism & obstruction of justice against UK authorities themselves, threatens to destroy the entire reputation of London & the UK as a venue for fair settling of legal disputes; given that firms such as WilmerHale & Ropes Gray do not have their London offices prosecuted & shut down, thanks to their intimidation & deception of UK authorities, Google Inc hiding their serious crimes & promoting these law firms over more honest UK solicitors; & with Pearson-Google terrorising UK lawyers & law firms all across Britain, who fear being 'destroyed on Google' if they file in UK courts against the Pearson crimes; the situation of these corrupt US law firms operating with impunity in the UK, already discussed before millions of people on European television; the ultimate impact of Yank USA gangster law firms in London, being hundreds of millions of pounds of losses to the UK economy
- Pearson-Google bribery of US Virginia judges, further proves the impossibility of legally extraditing Mr Lauri Love to the USA, given that along with the Pearson bribery of 'Judge Robert Payne is my name, Federal bribery is my game', Pearson criminals have continued the illegal lifetime imprisonment of totally innocent French citizen Léonel Cazaco, a black man laughingly insulted by racist Pearson criminals as a 'f-cking French n-gger', Cazaco sentenced by Pearson's bribed Judge Payne, with Cazaco's sufferings a pleasure for Pearson criminals & the Ropes Gray & WilmerHale law firms
- The Pearson-Google bribery of US Virginia judges whom Mr Lauri Love can face in a trial, continues crimes in the UK with a 3-part programme to obstruct & pervert justice (1) Bribery offers of both campaign funds to UK ministers, & tax-evading bribery cash liberally available from Ropes Gray & WilmerHale; (2) Deception via media bribery; & (3) Terrorist intimidation
- The Pearson-Google bribery of US Virginia judges, has long been known & supported at the US State Department, where Hillary Clinton apparently was a personal recipient of Pearson bribery funds, & which issued US passports to Pearson criminals conducting criminal acts against the UK, & which may issue US passports to Pearson-hired killers from the USA who could then enter the UK & possibly murder UK police or officials or harm their families
- The Pearson-Google bribery of US Virginia judges, part of a large set of terrorist, extortion & child violation crimes fully sponsored by bribed US Justice officials, shows with absolute clarity that the USA has no independent judiciary - with US judges themselves being murdered / found dead after ruling against the US government (John Roll, 2011, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dead with pillow over his face, 2016); US Congress people who supervise judges being killed (Sonny Bono, 1998); US lawyers disbarred & jailed if they make a filing about bribery (Richard Fine, many others); & whilst US judges who remain in office, act in the manner terrorist perverts when conducting crimes against the UK, & taking bribes from the Yank-criminal-infested Pearson plc executive suite & Google's corrupt lawyers
- The Pearson-Google bribery of US Virginia judges, has London office US firms laughingly threaten to kill even US officials who do not co-operate with their political-donor bribery of US judges, with menace of death to Boston prosecutor Carmen Ortiz - guilty in the 'suiciding' of hacker Aaron Swartz, a fake 'suicide hanging' being a frequent dodgy occurrence under US 'justice', one with which the CPS witness to Pearson crimes was himself threatened
- With the Ropes Gray law firm of the UK, possibly fully ready to carry out the killing of a UK official - especially during a visit of that UK official to USA territory - & apparently having the indulgence of both the USA 'Justice' ministry, & the USA State Department, for ongoing terrorism-related crimes, it is understandable that you UK ministers are in fear of prosecuting the Pearson-Google bribery & terrorist acts under UK jurisdiction
- However, if even you UK ministers are terrified - as UK lawyers have been generally terrorised - of dealing with these horrific, extensive Pearson-Google terrorism crimes, crimes with bribed USA Virginia federal judges targeting UK officials … how then can you ship off Mr Lauri Love to be mauled by these US judges who take bribes, conduct acts of international terrorism, & have no respect for law or facts - US judges who enjoy jailing for life innocent people such as Pearson victim Mr Léonel Cazaco; US judges who join in threatening victims with fake 'suicides' by slow-torture hanging in US jail cell; US judges who 'order' campaigns of lies on the UK internet to obstruct & pervert justice … how can you UK ministers ship Mr Lauri Love off to the bribe-taking hands of these USA judges, when you do not have the courage to face these judges yourself?
- The Pearson-Google bribery-terrorist crimes in the UK, merit not only the criminal conviction of the various UK criminals such as Pearson's John Fallon & the Guardian's Alan Rusbridger, but also a UK request for the USA to extradite to the UK their own resident group of Pearson-Google criminals … Joan Ann Lukey of Ropes Gray Boston, David Drummond of Google legal … and also the US judges themselves who took the Pearson bribes, & 'ordered' the campaign to intimidate UK officials & lawyers
Very clearly, you must STOP the extradition of Mr Lauri Love, pending full enquiry into the many years of the Pearson-Google bribery of US judges & their terrorist & obstruction & perversion of justice crimes that they have conducted in Britain. In fact, there is no legal right to extradite ANYONE to the USA, given UK police proof of lack of an independent US judiciary, with US judges themselves being leading criminals attacking the UK; the 2003 US-UK Extradition Treaty must be abrogated, as a gross injustice serving USA terrorists & criminals
For your own personal safety from US terrorist murder of UK officials, & possible revenge via Google defamation after you leave office, several ministers together should be speaking as a body when you take action against Pearson-Google offences. … You should as well have new UK legislation regarding Google & Wikipedia in the UK, because of the lead role they have taken in obstruction & perversion of UK justice; It should be illegal for any site claiming to be 'reference' 'encyclopaedia' or similar to be anonymous - Wikimedia uses anonymity by intention, to protect US political donors, child-rape criminals & US gov agents
As has been true, I am at the service of the CPS & National Crime Agency, for the criminal prosecution of the Pearson-Google gang, who notoriously bribed the US judges & US Justice ministry, who now brazenly ask you to send them Mr Lauri Love whom they might kill
Dr Les Sachs
c/o Law Offices of Georges-Henri Beauthier, Berckmansstraat 89, 1060 Brussel, Belgium
Attachment B
US Dept of Justice & US State Deptbrief on bribed US judges re UK hacker Lauri Love
Briefing memorandum to U S State Department ('State'), US Department of Justice ('DOJ'),
US Ambassadors Anthony Gardner (EU), Denise Bauer (Belgium), Matthew Barzun (UK)
Urgent - preparation for response to European government enquiries this week, presented to the above, US Secretary of State John Kerry, & US Attorney General ('AG') Loretta Lynch
Re: US State Dept support for US passport holders engaged in criminal terrorist activities against EU government officials & institutions
- Current policy of US State & DOJ regarding USA criminal acts targeting Europe, of the Pearson plc - Google Inc / Alphabet Inc trans-national bribery, extortion, & terrorist network ('Pearson-Google'), associated with its admitted bribery of 3 USA judges (2 federal), scheme targeting EU citizens & governments, with multiple crimes on EU territory (summary below)
- Current policy of US State & DOJ regarding Pearson-Google criminal principals such as Joan Ann Lukey in Boston (Ropes Gray) & David Drummond in California (Google), & their menaces such as that of murdering Boston US Attorney Carmen Ortiz - in Kerry's home area - if she prosecutes Lukey's multiple crimes against the EU, Lukey a short walk from Ortiz' offices
- Whether Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch, knowing the DOJ file history of Pearson-Google felonies, the continued escalation of terrorist acts to obstruct & pervert justice, seek to stop the next phase of terrorist acts possibly involving attacking / killing / defaming EU officials
- Whether Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch, continue previous corrupt Hillary Clinton / Eric Holder policies, of suppressing honest brave US officials who would like to bring immediate criminal indictment of Joan Ann Lukey & their fellow Pearson-Google criminals
- Whether Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch, themselves support child-rape & child-violation networks, which play a significant role in Pearson-Google crimes, with US State passports issued to those whom State & DOJ know may become rapists of EU children
- Current policy of US State & DOJ regarding crimes such as theft & defrauding of millions of client funds, by US-based law firms such as Ropes Gray & WilmerHale, operating in Europe & massively deceiving EU citizens & companies, threatening & harming the entire EU economy, whilst conducting mass-marketing deception across the EU thanks to Google
- Current awareness of Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch regarding bribery, corruption & intimidation of in-house lawyers at State & DOJ, via Pearson-Google-tied law firms, inducing State & DOJ lawyers to mislead Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch regarding Pearson-Google bribery-extortion-fraud-terrorism, in exchange for corrupting cash, favours, careers
- Whether Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch, seek to rein in the criminal sub-enterprise within the Google legal department under David Drummond, a Google executive who betrays Google itself & its shareholders, in order to serve his bribe-paying partners at US political-gangster law firms who conduct large-scale criminal operations in Europe
- Whether US State & DOJ continue to indulge multi-million-paying campaign donors such as Pearson-Google, with the prize that they are protected in bribing US judges who create fraudulent documents to hoax EU governments, & in sending criminally harassing e-mails to Brussels; in having corrupted US FBI agents become cyber-terrorists & e-mail computer viruses to the EU; in having CIA contractors hoax on Wikimedia & send hate mail to EU citizen victims; in bribing DOJ officials to produce 'comfort letters' promising non-prosecution of the most blatant & 'smoking gun'-proven criminal acts such as in Pearson-Google terrorism
- Current policy of US State & DOJ regarding violation of the European Convention on Human Rights, United Nations Charter, EU Member State laws & other legal instruments, violations by US-based law firms serving Pearson-Google bribery-extortion-fraud-terrorism, with Google silencing EU media seeking to inform EU citizens about acts of US-gov-tied criminals
- Whether Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch, will continue previous State / DOJ policies of encouraging racist, anti-Semitic & bigoted Pearson-Google attacks upon EU black citizens as 'niggers' and Jewish-associated individuals as 'kike Jew f-ckers'
- Whether US State & DOJ will continue to block the release of totally innocent French citizen Léonel Cazaco, with Loretta Lynch betraying her fellow black human being, Cazaco suffering a life sentence under US Judge 'Robert Payne is my name, Federal bribery is my game,' bribed by Pearson-Google, the jailing of this EU citizen a racist pleasure for Pearson-Google who laugh at the sufferings of a "f-cking French nigger"
- Whether US State & DOJ will continue their support for US political donors who defraud millions of euros out of EU citizens & companies, by crimes such as the fundraising fraud for the Wikipedia site operated by child rape & gang-stalking criminals working for US government agencies; with crime partner Google censoring of truth & publishing lies, in order to market products which raise funds for criminal terrorism & extortion purposes of US campaign donors, deceiving EU citizens who buy such products or make such donations; and Google's marketing of corrupt US law firms such as Ropes Gray & WilmerHale which are stealing millions of client funds & engaging in terrorist acts against the EU
- Whether State & DOJ continue to support 'We are USA political gangster lawyers & law firms … We are the most clever, aggressive, & successful criminal partnership in the world'
- Given the active danger of murder of EU officials pursuing misconduct & crimes of Pearson-Google & their law firms such as Ropes Gray & Wilmer Hale, & the criminal history of Pearson-Google exploding in new waves of terrorist activity - whether US State & DOJ are taking any steps to prevent possible new terrorist acts against EU governments that might be planned & implemented by Pearson-Google criminals such as Joan Ann Lukey
Given cyber-terrorist computer viruses sent by Pearson-Google lawyers & US gov staff, e-mail response to this briefing note might not be opened or viewed; State or DOJ officers responding should contact the Georges-Henri Beauthier law offices, Berckmanstraat 89, 1060 Brussel
Pearson-Google bribery, extortion & terrorism against EU - executive summary
The Pearson-Google trans-national crime scheme in a quick nutshell:
--Overall purpose to defraud EU citizens & companies into buying products funding criminal psychopaths, into hiring US law firms stealing millions of client funds, & into making donations to criminals posing as non-profit groups
- Massive ongoing criminal acts to obstruct & pervert justice and to deceive & intimidate & threaten EU officials & governments & lawyers, & to intimidate & destroy EU media, lives of EU citizen crime witnesses
Criminal techniques of Pearson-Google include:
- Using US judge bribery and bribery of US Presidents / Justice officials and bribery of major media
- Terrorist murder threats & 'We will KILL YOU' extortion, and massive Google-managed lies & hoaxes & defamations, along with Google censorship illegally blocking EU replies of defamed victims
Details & origin of the Pearson-Google bribery terrorism scheme
- Falls under USA definition of 'terrorism', involving specific direct threats to murder EU citizens, plus implicit threats to murder & destroy the lives of EU officials
- With some irony, a major Bush-Clinton donor with criminal desires, was tricked by US lawyers into terrorist crimes against an EU citizen, so that Pearson-Google lawyers could defraud the donor out of millions of funds, whilst US politicians supported the anti-EU fraud & terrorist acts because it led to millions in bribes for Bushes, Clintons & other US politicians
- Most principals of this terrorism scheme are US passport holders, in large part lawyers, lawyers in executive board positions at Pearson & Google, plus lawyers at multiple US law firms linked to US political donors (Ropes Gray, WilmerHale, Willcox Savage, others)
- As with many large-scale or trans-national crimes, many Pearson-Google criminal acts are obstruction and perversion of justice to cover for earlier criminal acts, with Pearson-Google at times exploding in new waves of criminal activity; with the major witness to these crimes an EU citizen in Europe, & with much funding for these crimes sourced in a UK company infested by US lawyer-gangsters; & with many terrorist-related acts on EU territory; there are significant crimes of criminal threat & fraud against EU government ministers, EU police agents, EU companies & EU citizens
- DOJ has thousands of pages of evidence, enabling immediate US felony indictments if there is no DOJ - State political blockage or threat to destroy & kill US Attorney prosecutors, along with surveillance data of Pearson-Google criminals boasting of their terrorist acts
- Trans-national terrorist scheme had two major initial motivations, both involving millions of dollars of criminally-obtained funds:
-- (1) The USA George Bush family encouraged US law firms to steal & defraud millions from a Bush donor, continually goading her into terrorist acts so she would pay millions in bribes;
-- (2) Given the Bush donor had been pumped into a 'best selling author', but also a criminal psychopath, terrorist threats of murder, US judge bribery & illegal international censorship became tools to defraud EU & global public into buying novels which funded US politicians.
- The Bush donor / book author / psychopath criminal, so easily defrauded by her lawyers, is 'Patricia Cornwell', often drunk & on drugs, a teen in foster care under a child-rape figure, Cornwell herself loving violating of children including children's dead bodies, along with terrorist menace to kill people including public officials, the bribery & corruption of public officials & media, vast schemes of internet hoaxing using fake names, classic US southern racist & anti-Semite power against 'kike Jews' / black 'n-ggers'
- Bribery of US judges began as evidence of Cornwell's disgusting fetish for violating children's dead bodies came to light in a Virginia court case, ended by bribery of the Virginia judge, by lawyers for Pearson plc, Willcox Savage, & New York's Michael Rudell
- With Cornwell's over US $100 million in assets from book sales via Pearson, lawyers sought to enmesh Cornwell in more legal cases, more bribery, & more disgusting crimes, in order to defraud her out of millions in bribes & fees because, for Pearson lawyers, "the dumb b-tch never figures it out … milk that b-tch like a fat f-cking cow!"
- Pearson & other lawyers for Cornwell exploited Cornwell's fetish to dominate over Jews, whether lesbian girlfriend or Jewish victim, targeting another book author who had begun investigating Cornwell, Polish citizen Dr Les Sachs
- Seeking to steal Cornwell's millions, Pearson-Cornwell lawyers faxed Sachs a neo-Nazi anti-Semite threat to burn a Jew's books, using Cornwell's name, and then bribed both Cornwell's personal staff & a Richmond news reporter, to publish a fake 'interview with Sachs' by a reporter who never met nor interviewed him, on a newspaper front page
- Though Sachs denounced the interview as a fraud, the Pearson-Cornwell lawyers hid from Cornwell that they themselves had fabricated the interview and as a result of the fraudulent article planted by her own lawyers, Cornwell agreed to pay millions to attack Sachs & threaten to kill him … this deception of Cornwell continues today by Ropes Gray lawyers led by Joan Ann Lukey in Boston, continuing crimes of many other Cornwell lawyers
- Cornwell's lawyers shared funds stolen from Cornwell with Alex 'the Gangster' Gigante, Pearson plc General Counsel, and since then Pearson-Google have widely bribed many parties with millions defrauded out of Cornwell, deceiving Cornwell they are 'working for her' and giving her 'great victories', Cornwell distracted from her own lawyers robbing her
- Defrauding Cornwell into giving her consent to pay millions to threaten to kill Sachs, extort & enslave him, Pearson-Cornwell lawyers set up terrorist acts with 'Judge Robert Payne is my name, Federal bribery is my game', the bribed judge assisting Pearson in hiding from Cornwell herself that her own lawyers were defrauding her
- Extortion & enslavement of Polish citizen Sachs happened quickly - Bribed US Federal Judge Payne phoned Polish citizen Sachs telling him his freedom to write & speak was instantly banned, without trial or hearing, and shortly afterwards this was followed by Pearson lawyers & friends of Judge Payne, threatening to torture Sachs to death, whilst falsely posing as lawyers for Sachs
- Pearson-Cornwell lawyers allowed Sachs to remain alive, under 'Pay us or we KILL YOU' extortion arrangements, embodied in a fraudulent document created by bribed US Federal Judge Payne & the Pearson lawyers, falsely claiming Sachs had 'agreed' to a lifelong ban on his own freedom to write & speak, to have his publishing company & reputation destroyed, & to be a lifelong slave to Judge Payne & Pearson lawyers, paying them hundreds of thousands until he was dead
- Paying extortion funds for a time, Polish citizen Sachs escaped to Europe where he became a major EU journalist on the extensive legal corruption within the US regime; a member of the house of Belgian's King Albert II likely prevented Sachs' murder; Pearson plc, Cornwell's other lawyers & Cornwell herself, poured tens of thousands of words of lies & hoaxes against Sachs on the internet, using techniques offered by Google to all child rapists, extortionists, terrorists and murderers who can show they bribe US judges & politicians
- Court filings to US Appeals & Supreme Court judges made by Sachs after his arrival in Europe, were never answered by those judges, who further 'ordered' that those filings be deleted from US court records & censored from the internet, so that in Pearson-Google US legal cases, the only court filings US judges allow are from people bribing the USA
- Sachs became an early journalist about the crimes of Google with its Wikipedia operation against EU citizens as they serve US political criminals, and this led to Google Inc joining Pearson as a full partner in the Pearson-Google terrorist scheme against EU nations, and seeking to totally destroy Sachs' new life in Europe and murder him
- Using more political-gangster lawyers led by Boston's Joan Ann Lukey, drawing on President Bush favours whilst stealing more of Cornwell's funds, Pearson-Google then bribed US Federal Judge Norman Moon, to hold a fraudulent in absentia 'trial', in order to spread libellous lies about EU witness Sachs, and issue 'orders to Google' to violate EU laws & block Sachs from replying to Pearson-Google internet hoaxes & defamations totalling tens of thousands of words; US DOJ Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was also bribed & paid by Google to issue a corrupt 'comfort letter' promising non-prosecution of Pearson-Google crimes
- Pearson-Google have maintained comprehensive campaigns to terrorise & threaten media, lawyers & government officials on two continents, threatening instant disbarment of any US lawyer, defamation & Google erasure of any EU lawyer; quick automatic 'conviction' & Google censorship of any EU media via fake US judge 'trial' held by one-way harassing e-mail; and defamation, career destruction or possible murder of EU officials, by killers holding USA passports & posing as tourists
- With EU citizen Sachs a major witness, informer & reporter to EU governments, intelligence agencies, & police units, & having registered criminal complaints in EU nations against Pearson-Google criminal actions, the tens of thousands of words of lies, defamations & hoaxes against Sachs, are criminal obstruction & perversion of justice, and also criminal attempts to intimidate EU government officials, and also lawyers in the European Union
- Criminal acts by Pearson-Google in this terrorist scheme included bribery of New York Times & UK Guardian staff members & other media figures, bribery of law professors, hiring of large teams of internet trolls & stalkers, extensively using Google's fraudulent 'Wikipedia', with bribed media reporters & internet hoaxers receiving Google's criminal promise to block all Dr Sachs' multiple websites so he cannot reply to lies & defamations
- Reports to the EU Commission authored by Dr Les Sachs, discussing Pearson-Google crimes, are major background to the courageous EU actions against internet monopoly Google, helping EU Commissioners & staff to understand the criminal nature of Google Inc
- Pearson-Google crimes of financial & other fraud against EU companies & citizens, related to Pearson-Google extortion & terrorism, are massive & broad, including defrauding EU companies & citizens into hiring corrupt USA-tied law firms; financial fraud of the EU public duped into donating to the fraudulent 'Wikipedia' encyclopaedia run by child-rape & gang-stalking criminals; and raising funds for terrorism & criminal gangsters via defrauding the public into purchasing books 'authored' by manipulated criminal psychopath Cornwell
A few items of 'smoking gun evidence in USA DOJ & EU police agency files, regarding Pearson-Google bribery - extortion - terrorism crimes
- Transcripts showing mentally-disturbed psychopath Cornwell committing repeated perjury in US federal courts, coached by her lawyers who bribed US Federal Judges Payne & Moon (Cornwell's perjury about her written threats to burn a Jew's books, Cornwell's impossible perjury claiming that Brussels EU citizen Sachs was 'sneaking into the USA' to 'stalk' her)
- Clearly fraudulent document created by bribed US Judge Payne & Pearson plc lawyers, claiming EU citizen Sachs had quickly agreed to lifelong ban on his own journalism & rights, plus that he would pay several hundred thousand to the judge's friends menacing to kill him
- Fraudulent 'freedom foundation' of Pearson lawyers Tom Roberts & German neo-Nazi Tim Schulte, friends of Judge Payne, posing as Sachs' lawyers whilst threatening to kill him
- Large string of criminally-harassing e-mails sent through Google G-Mail by bribed US federal judge Norman Moon, acting like a deranged criminal psychopath whilst enjoying his Pearson-Google bribery funds & payments, Moon also issuing his EU-attacking illegal 'court orders' to violate EU laws, & block an EU citizen from replying to lies by Moon himself & his friends
- Transcript from Virginia local courtroom, on day Sachs risked his life to confront Pearson terrorist extortionist & fraud Tom Roberts menacing to kill him, Roberts joking about killing Sachs, not realising that Sachs was about to escape to safety in Europe with the evidence
- E-mail electronic evidence proving Pearson-Google cyber-terrorism, with computer viruses e-mailed to destroy European computers, sent both by Pearson lawyer James Magner, & by US DOJ agents in corrupt employ of Pearson-Google
- Criminally defamatory articles with lies seeking to obstruct & pervert justice, published by bribe-taking media at the UK Guardian, New York Times - Boston Globe, & other media, directly receiving corrupting funds & payments from Pearson-Google
- Multi-year electronic records on the fraudulent 'Wikipedia' site continually receiving Google payments, showing multi-year trolling, stalking & obstruction of justice, with Wikimedia administrators sending hate mail directly from CIA contractor corporate accounts
- Continued criminal obstruction of justice for Pearson-Google crimes via bribed 'articles' on Pearson's own corporate websites
- Criminal obstruction of justice for Pearson-Google crimes via Google-owned websites using fake names, such as a 10,000-plus word rant of hate for her victim Sachs, written by Patricia Cornwell herself using fake name 'Sandy Corona'
- Hate mail received by Sachs from people around the world, believing tens of thousands of words of lies published by Pearson-Google on the web, whilst Google illegally blocked Sachs from replying, Sachs' own multiple websites with replies erased, in full violation of EU Member State laws, and EU & United Nations Human Rights Conventions
- Recorded statements of Pearson-Google criminals going about boasting of their crimes, giving such details as the names of the 'bag men' physically carrying the bribery cash to US judges (lawyer Conrad Shumadine of Norfolk handing bribery cash to US Federal 'Judge Robert Payne is my name, Federal bribery is my game'; lawyer Jimmy Morris of Richmond paying bribery cash to US Federal Judge Norman Moon)
Quotes from Pearson-Google bribery criminals, recorded by witnesses as these criminals go about boasting of their crimes & terrorist threats against EU citizens & governments
"Bribed American judges & Google, motherf-cker! What the f-ck are you going to do about it? I've got the whole US government backing me up, motherf-cker!"
"It's all really simple. You pay millions to bribe US Presidents, & you get to bribe the federal judges, & you get to bribe the federal prosecutors like that Fitzgerald I paid to lick my ass. What's so hard to understand, motherf-cker? … There is no f-cking 'US Constitution' … The 'Constitution' belongs to people like me, who own the f-cking US judges!"
"Everything we do is 'legal' because we're bribing American judges, that makes anything f-cking legal … Bribed American judges, motherf-cker! End of f-cking story."
"So you have evidence, motherf-cker? We'll have some of the judges I'm bribing take a look at your evidence & f-cking bury it, & that'll take care of your evidence, motherf-cker!"
"The best part of banning someone's freedom of speech is totally slandering the motherf-cker … I love being able to tell people I hate, You are totally slandered, motherf-cker, and there is f-cking nothing you can do about it!"
"Keep your mouth shut you stupid f-cker, can have you totally destroyed on Google!"
"Every dumbf-ck in the world believes Wikipedia! … I love planting sh-t on Wikipedia & watching the whole world lick up my sh-t … And my c-ntlickers at Google make sure all that sh-t is copied 100,000 times all over the f-cking internet."
"Bribed American judges, motherf-cker, that's the game we play … Do you know what an American judge is, motherf-cker? An American judge is someone who will do whatever I say to totally f-ck you up."
"Any lawyer tries to f-ck with my sh-t in America, I'll have my judges fix his f-ckin' ass, He'll hear me say, that's the last day you practice law, motherf-cker!"
"Of course I threatened to kill the Jew f-cker, of course I threatened to burn his f-cking books … I love humiliating that Jew f-cker! … I stalked that Jew f-cker for years … And look who's the 'stalker' now! Bribed American judges, motherf-cker!"
"F-ck you up, slander you, kill you, totally destroy you just like destroyed kike Jew f-cker Leslie Sachs … Same thing is gonna happen to you, motherf-cker!"
"No amount of money is ever going to compensate for destroying so many years of that Jew f-cker's life … So you keep slandering that Jew f-cker Leslie Sachs, slander that Jew f-cker all over the world … Keep on pounding that Jew f-cker until he is f-cking dead."
Dr Les Sachs
c/o Law Offices of Georges-Henri Beauthier, Berckmansstraat 89, 1060 Brussel, Belgium
Attachment C
US Justice Dept Attorneys face rejection of US request to extradite UK hacker Lauri Love
US Department of Justice
United States Attorney Paul J Fishman, New Jersey
United States Attorney Nicholas P Grippo, New Jersey
United States Attorney Ryan K Dickey, Virginia
United States Attorney Carmen Ortiz, Boston
Re: Rejection of US extradition request for Mr Lauri Love of Suffolk UK
You are not getting your hands on Mr Lauri Love, you have wasted your time.
The long history of trans-national crimes, terrorist & extortion acts, the suborning of US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald & admitted bribery of US federal judges, with implicit criminal threats against UK officials themselves, long indulged by Carmen Ortiz in Boston & by bribery sponsor & ex-AG Eric Holder, has now come back to haunt you.
Bribery & extortion & criminally harassing terrorist e-mails to Europe, creation of fraudulent documents to deceive UK officials, fake US 'legal proceedings', by the very same US fed judges who can be amongst those putting Lauri Love on trial … With Ortiz not only personally indulging international terrorist acts targeting the UK, but also herself being effectively a murderess of hacker Aaron Swartz, whose induced death (of the 'suicide' type exactly as I was threatened with, by USA federal-judge-backed terrorists), now is a clear threat to Mr Love as UK officials & judges can see.
The enclosed files from the offices of the UK government ministries, London barristers & solicitors, and also a filing with the UK courts, will spell it out for you. Be sure you see both files, the one addressed to the UK ministers & the one addressed to the US Embassies, Secretary of State John Kerry & US Atty General Loretta Lynch - the latter has the better summary of the terrorist acts which DOJ fails to prosecute.
The Polish citizen your criminal USA regime terrorised & harassed for so long
Dr Les Sachs, Witness to the EU Commission & UK & European governments
c/o Law Offices of Georges-Henri Beauthier
Berckmansstraat 89, 1060 Brussel, Belgium
Briefing memorandum to U S State Department ('State'), US Department of Justice ('DOJ'),
US Ambassadors Anthony Gardner (EU), Denise Bauer (Belgium), Matthew Barzun (UK)
Urgent - preparation for response to European government enquiries this week, presented to the above, US Secretary of State John Kerry, & US Attorney General ('AG') Loretta Lynch
Re: US State Dept support for US passport holders engaged in criminal terrorist activities against EU government officials & institutions
- Current policy of US State & DOJ regarding USA criminal acts targeting Europe, of the Pearson plc - Google Inc / Alphabet Inc trans-national bribery, extortion, & terrorist network ('Pearson-Google'), associated with its admitted bribery of 3 USA judges (2 federal), scheme targeting EU citizens & governments, with multiple crimes on EU territory (summary below)
- Current policy of US State & DOJ regarding Pearson-Google criminal principals such as Joan Ann Lukey in Boston (Ropes Gray) & David Drummond in California (Google), & their menaces such as that of murdering Boston US Attorney Carmen Ortiz - in Kerry's home area - if she prosecutes Lukey's multiple crimes against the EU, Lukey a short walk from Ortiz' offices
- Whether Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch, knowing the DOJ file history of Pearson-Google felonies, the continued escalation of terrorist acts to obstruct & pervert justice, seek to stop the next phase of terrorist acts possibly involving attacking / killing / defaming EU officials
- Whether Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch, continue previous corrupt Hillary Clinton / Eric Holder policies, of suppressing honest brave US officials who would like to bring immediate criminal indictment of Joan Ann Lukey & their fellow Pearson-Google criminals
- Whether Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch, themselves support child-rape & child-violation networks, which play a significant role in Pearson-Google crimes, with US State passports issued to those whom State & DOJ know may become rapists of EU children
- Current policy of US State & DOJ regarding crimes such as theft & defrauding of millions of client funds, by US-based law firms such as Ropes Gray & WilmerHale, operating in Europe & massively deceiving EU citizens & companies, threatening & harming the entire EU economy, whilst conducting mass-marketing deception across the EU thanks to Google
- Current awareness of Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch regarding bribery, corruption & intimidation of in-house lawyers at State & DOJ, via Pearson-Google-tied law firms, inducing State & DOJ lawyers to mislead Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch regarding Pearson-Google bribery-extortion-fraud-terrorism, in exchange for corrupting cash, favours, careers
- Whether Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch, seek to rein in the criminal sub-enterprise within the Google legal department under David Drummond, a Google executive who betrays Google itself & its shareholders, in order to serve his bribe-paying partners at US political-gangster law firms who conduct large-scale criminal operations in Europe
- Whether US State & DOJ continue to indulge multi-million-paying campaign donors such as Pearson-Google, with the prize that they are protected in bribing US judges who create fraudulent documents to hoax EU governments, & in sending criminally harassing e-mails to Brussels; in having corrupted US FBI agents become cyber-terrorists & e-mail computer viruses to the EU; in having CIA contractors hoax on Wikimedia & send hate mail to EU citizen victims; in bribing DOJ officials to produce 'comfort letters' promising non-prosecution of the most blatant & 'smoking gun'-proven criminal acts such as in Pearson-Google terrorism
- Current policy of US State & DOJ regarding violation of the European Convention on Human Rights, United Nations Charter, EU Member State laws & other legal instruments, violations by US-based law firms serving Pearson-Google bribery-extortion-fraud-terrorism, with Google silencing EU media seeking to inform EU citizens about acts of US-gov-tied criminals
- Whether Secretary Kerry & AG Lynch, will continue previous State / DOJ policies of encouraging racist, anti-Semitic & bigoted Pearson-Google attacks upon EU black citizens as 'niggers' and Jewish-associated individuals as 'kike Jew f-ckers'
- Whether US State & DOJ will continue to block the release of totally innocent French citizen Léonel Cazaco, with Loretta Lynch betraying her fellow black human being, Cazaco suffering a life sentence under US Judge 'Robert Payne is my name, Federal bribery is my game,' bribed by Pearson-Google, the jailing of this EU citizen a racist pleasure for Pearson-Google who laugh at the sufferings of a "f-cking French nigger"
- Whether US State & DOJ will continue their support for US political donors who defraud millions of euros out of EU citizens & companies, by crimes such as the fundraising fraud for the Wikipedia site operated by child rape & gang-stalking criminals working for US government agencies; with crime partner Google censoring of truth & publishing lies, in order to market products which raise funds for criminal terrorism & extortion purposes of US campaign donors, deceiving EU citizens who buy such products or make such donations; and Google's marketing of corrupt US law firms such as Ropes Gray & WilmerHale which are stealing millions of client funds & engaging in terrorist acts against the EU
- Whether State & DOJ continue to support 'We are USA political gangster lawyers & law firms … We are the most clever, aggressive, & successful criminal partnership in the world'
- Given the active danger of murder of EU officials pursuing misconduct & crimes of Pearson-Google & their law firms such as Ropes Gray & Wilmer Hale, & the criminal history of Pearson-Google exploding in new waves of terrorist activity - whether US State & DOJ are taking any steps to prevent possible new terrorist acts against EU governments that might be planned & implemented by Pearson-Google criminals such as Joan Ann Lukey
Given cyber-terrorist computer viruses sent by Pearson-Google lawyers & US gov staff, e-mail response to this briefing note might not be opened or viewed; State or DOJ officers responding should contact the George-Henri Beauthier law offices, Berckmanstraat 89,
1060 Brussel, +32 2 538 9010.
Pearson-Google bribery, extortion & terrorism against EU - executive summary
The Pearson-Google trans-national crime scheme in a quick nutshell:
--Overall purpose to defraud EU citizens & companies into buying products funding criminal psychopaths, into hiring US law firms stealing millions of client funds, & into making donations to criminals posing as non-profit groups
- Massive ongoing criminal acts to obstruct & pervert justice and to deceive & intimidate & threaten EU officials & governments & lawyers, & to intimidate & destroy EU media, lives of EU citizen crime witnesses
Criminal techniques of Pearson-Google include:
- Using US judge bribery and bribery of US Presidents / Justice officials and bribery of major media
- Terrorist murder threats & 'We will KILL YOU' extortion, and massive Google-managed lies & hoaxes & defamations, along with Google censorship illegally blocking EU replies of defamed victims
Details & origin of the Pearson-Google bribery terrorism scheme
- Falls under USA definition of 'terrorism', involving specific direct threats to murder EU citizens, plus implicit threats to murder & destroy the lives of EU officials
- With some irony, a major Bush-Clinton donor with criminal desires, was tricked by US lawyers into terrorist crimes against an EU citizen, so that Pearson-Google lawyers could defraud the donor out of millions of funds, whilst US politicians supported the anti-EU fraud & terrorist acts because it led to millions in bribes for Bushes, Clintons & other US politicians
- Most principals of this terrorism scheme are US passport holders, in large part lawyers, lawyers in executive board positions at Pearson & Google, plus lawyers at multiple US law firms linked to US political donors (Ropes Gray, WilmerHale, Willcox Savage, others)
- As with many large-scale or trans-national crimes, many Pearson-Google criminal acts are obstruction and perversion of justice to cover for earlier criminal acts, with Pearson-Google at times exploding in new waves of criminal activity; with the major witness to these crimes an EU citizen in Europe, & with much funding for these crimes sourced in a UK company infested by US lawyer-gangsters; & with many terrorist-related acts on EU territory; there are significant crimes of criminal threat & fraud against EU government ministers, EU police agents, EU companies & EU citizens
- DOJ has thousands of pages of evidence, enabling immediate US felony indictments if there is no DOJ - State political blockage or threat to destroy & kill US Attorney prosecutors, along with surveillance data of Pearson-Google criminals boasting of their terrorist acts
- Trans-national terrorist scheme had two major initial motivations, both involving millions of dollars of criminally-obtained funds:
-- (1) The USA George Bush family encouraged US law firms to steal & defraud millions from a Bush donor, continually goading her into terrorist acts so she would pay millions in bribes;
-- (2) Given the Bush donor had been pumped into a 'best selling author', but also a criminal psychopath, terrorist threats of murder, US judge bribery & illegal international censorship became tools to defraud EU & global public into buying novels which funded US politicians.
- The Bush donor / book author / psychopath criminal, so easily defrauded by her lawyers, is 'Patricia Cornwell', often drunk & on drugs, a teen in foster care under a child-rape figure, Cornwell herself loving violating of children including children's dead bodies, along with terrorist menace to kill people including public officials, the bribery & corruption of public officials & media, vast schemes of internet hoaxing using fake names, classic US southern racist & anti-Semite power against 'kike Jews' / black 'n-ggers'
- Bribery of US judges began as evidence of Cornwell's disgusting fetish for violating children's dead bodies came to light in a Virginia court case, ended by bribery of the Virginia judge, by lawyers for Pearson plc, Willcox Savage, & New York's Michael Rudell
- With Cornwell's over US $100 million in assets from book sales via Pearson, lawyers sought to enmesh Cornwell in more legal cases, more bribery, & more disgusting crimes, in order to defraud her out of millions in bribes & fees because, for Pearson lawyers, "the dumb b-tch never figures it out … milk that b-tch like a fat f-cking cow!"
- Pearson & other lawyers for Cornwell exploited Cornwell's fetish to dominate over Jews, whether lesbian girlfriend or Jewish victim, targeting another book author who had begun investigating Cornwell, Polish citizen Dr Les Sachs
- Seeking to steal Cornwell's millions, Pearson-Cornwell lawyers faxed Sachs a neo-Nazi anti-Semite threat to burn a Jew's books, using Cornwell's name, and then bribed both Cornwell's personal staff & a Richmond news reporter, to publish a fake 'interview with Sachs' by a reporter who never met nor interviewed him, on a newspaper front page
- Though Sachs denounced the interview as a fraud, the Pearson-Cornwell lawyers hid from Cornwell that they themselves had fabricated the interview and as a result of the fraudulent article planted by her own lawyers, Cornwell agreed to pay millions to attack Sachs & threaten to kill him … this deception of Cornwell continues today by Ropes Gray lawyers led by Joan Ann Lukey in Boston, continuing crimes of many other Cornwell lawyers
- Cornwell's lawyers shared funds stolen from Cornwell with Alex 'the Gangster' Gigante, Pearson plc General Counsel, and since then Pearson-Google have widely bribed many parties with millions defrauded out of Cornwell, deceiving Cornwell they are 'working for her' and giving her 'great victories', Cornwell distracted from her own lawyers robbing her
- Defrauding Cornwell into giving her consent to pay millions to threaten to kill Sachs, extort & enslave him, Pearson-Cornwell lawyers set up terrorist acts with 'Judge Robert Payne is my name, Federal bribery is my game', the bribed judge assisting Pearson in hiding from Cornwell herself that her own lawyers were defrauding her
- Extortion & enslavement of Polish citizen Sachs happened quickly - Bribed US Federal Judge Payne phoned Polish citizen Sachs telling him his freedom to write & speak was instantly banned, without trial or hearing, and shortly afterwards this was followed by Pearson lawyers & friends of Judge Payne, threatening to torture Sachs to death, whilst falsely posing as lawyers for Sachs
- Pearson-Cornwell lawyers allowed Sachs to remain alive, under 'Pay us or we KILL YOU' extortion arrangements, embodied in a fraudulent document created by bribed US Federal Judge Payne & the Pearson lawyers, falsely claiming Sachs had 'agreed' to a lifelong ban on his own freedom to write & speak, to have his publishing company & reputation destroyed, & to be a lifelong slave to Judge Payne & Pearson lawyers, paying them hundreds of thousands until he was dead
- Paying extortion funds for a time, Polish citizen Sachs escaped to Europe where he became a major EU journalist on the extensive legal corruption within the US regime; a member of the house of Belgian's King Albert II likely prevented Sachs' murder; Pearson plc, Cornwell's other lawyers & Cornwell herself, poured tens of thousands of words of lies & hoaxes against Sachs on the internet, using techniques offered by Google to all child rapists, extortionists, terrorists and murderers who can show they bribe US judges & politicians
- Court filings to US Appeals & Supreme Court judges made by Sachs after his arrival in Europe, were never answered by those judges, who further 'ordered' that those filings be deleted from US court records & censored from the internet, so that in Pearson-Google US legal cases, the only court filings US judges allow are from people bribing the USA
- Sachs became an early journalist about the crimes of Google with its Wikipedia operation against EU citizens as they serve US political criminals, and this led to Google Inc joining Pearson as a full partner in the Pearson-Google terrorist scheme against EU nations, and seeking to totally destroy Sachs' new life in Europe and murder him
- Using more political-gangster lawyers led by Boston's Joan Ann Lukey, drawing on President Bush favours whilst stealing more of Cornwell's funds, Pearson-Google then bribed US Federal Judge Norman Moon, to hold a fraudulent in absentia 'trial', in order to spread libellous lies about EU witness Sachs, and issue 'orders to Google' to violate EU laws & block Sachs from replying to Pearson-Google internet hoaxes & defamations totalling tens of thousands of words; US DOJ Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was also bribed & paid by Google to issue a corrupt 'comfort letter' promising non-prosecution of Pearson-Google crimes
- Pearson-Google have maintained comprehensive campaigns to terrorise & threaten media, lawyers & government officials on two continents, threatening instant disbarment of any US lawyer, defamation & Google erasure of any EU lawyer; quick automatic 'conviction' & Google censorship of any EU media via fake US judge 'trial' held by one-way harassing e-mail; and defamation, career destruction or possible murder of EU officials, by killers holding USA passports & posing as tourists
- With EU citizen Sachs a major witness, informer & reporter to EU governments, intelligence agencies, & police units, & having registered criminal complaints in EU nations against Pearson-Google criminal actions, the tens of thousands of words of lies, defamations & hoaxes against Sachs, are criminal obstruction & perversion of justice, and also criminal attempts to intimidate EU government officials, and also lawyers in the European Union
- Criminal acts by Pearson-Google in this terrorist scheme included bribery of New York Times & UK Guardian staff members & other media figures, bribery of law professors, hiring of large teams of internet trolls & stalkers, extensively using Google's fraudulent 'Wikipedia', with bribed media reporters & internet hoaxers receiving Google's criminal promise to block all Dr Sachs' multiple websites so he cannot reply to lies & defamations
- Reports to the EU Commission authored by Dr Les Sachs, discussing Pearson-Google crimes, are major background to the courageous EU actions against internet monopoly Google, helping EU Commissioners & staff to understand the criminal nature of Google Inc
- Pearson-Google crimes of financial & other fraud against EU companies & citizens, related to Pearson-Google extortion & terrorism, are massive & broad, including defrauding EU companies & citizens into hiring corrupt USA-tied law firms; financial fraud of the EU public duped into donating to the fraudulent 'Wikipedia' encyclopaedia run by child-rape & gang-stalking criminals; and raising funds for terrorism & criminal gangsters via defrauding the public into purchasing books 'authored' by manipulated criminal psychopath Cornwell
A few items of 'smoking gun evidence in USA DOJ & EU police agency files, regarding Pearson-Google bribery - extortion - terrorism crimes
- Transcripts showing mentally-disturbed psychopath Cornwell committing repeated perjury in US federal courts, coached by her lawyers who bribed US Federal Judges Payne & Moon (Cornwell's perjury about her written threats to burn a Jew's books, Cornwell's impossible perjury claiming that Brussels EU citizen Sachs was 'sneaking into the USA' to 'stalk' her)
- Clearly fraudulent document created by bribed US Judge Payne & Pearson plc lawyers, claiming EU citizen Sachs had quickly agreed to lifelong ban on his own journalism & rights, plus that he would pay several hundred thousand to the judge's friends menacing to kill him
- Fraudulent 'freedom foundation' of Pearson lawyers Tom Roberts & German neo-Nazi Tim Schulte, friends of Judge Payne, posing as Sachs' lawyers whilst threatening to kill him
- Large string of criminally-harassing e-mails sent through Google G-Mail by bribed US federal judge Norman Moon, acting like a deranged criminal psychopath whilst enjoying his Pearson-Google bribery funds & payments, Moon also issuing his EU-attacking illegal 'court orders' to violate EU laws, & block an EU citizen from replying to lies by Moon himself & his friends
- Transcript from Virginia local courtroom, on day Sachs risked his life to confront Pearson terrorist extortionist & fraud Tom Roberts menacing to kill him, Roberts joking about killing Sachs, not realising that Sachs was about to escape to safety in Europe with the evidence
- E-mail electronic evidence proving Pearson-Google cyber-terrorism, with computer viruses e-mailed to destroy European computers, sent both by Pearson lawyer James Magner, & by US DOJ agents in corrupt employ of Pearson-Google
- Criminally defamatory articles with lies seeking to obstruct & pervert justice, published by bribe-taking media at the UK Guardian, New York Times - Boston Globe, & other media, directly receiving corrupting funds & payments from Pearson-Google
- Multi-year electronic records on the fraudulent 'Wikipedia' site continually receiving Google payments, showing multi-year trolling, stalking & obstruction of justice, with Wikimedia administrators sending hate mail directly from CIA contractor corporate accounts
- Continued criminal obstruction of justice for Pearson-Google crimes via bribed 'articles' on Pearson's own corporate websites
- Criminal obstruction of justice for Pearson-Google crimes via Google-owned websites using fake names, such as a 10,000-plus word rant of hate for her victim Sachs, written by Patricia Cornwell herself using fake name 'Sandy Corona'
- Hate mail received by Sachs from people around the world, believing tens of thousands of words of lies published by Pearson-Google on the web, whilst Google illegally blocked Sachs from replying, Sachs' own multiple websites with replies erased, in full violation of EU Member State laws, and EU & United Nations Human Rights Conventions
- Recorded statements of Pearson-Google criminals going about boasting of their crimes, giving such details as the names of the 'bag men' physically carrying the bribery cash to US judges (lawyer Conrad Shumadine of Norfolk handing bribery cash to US Federal 'Judge Robert Payne is my name, Federal bribery is my game'; lawyer Jimmy Morris of Richmond paying bribery cash to US Federal Judge Norman Moon)
Quotes from Pearson-Google bribery criminals, recorded by witnesses as these criminals go about boasting of their crimes & terrorist threats against EU citizens & governments
"Bribed American judges & Google, motherf-cker! What the f-ck are you going to do about it? I've got the whole US government backing me up, motherf-cker!"
"It's all really simple. You pay millions to bribe US Presidents, & you get to bribe the federal judges, & you get to bribe the federal prosecutors like that Fitzgerald I paid to lick my ass. What's so hard to understand, motherf-cker? … There is no f-cking 'US Constitution' … The 'Constitution' belongs to people like me, who own the f-cking US judges!"
"Everything we do is 'legal' because we're bribing American judges, that makes anything f-cking legal … Bribed American judges, motherf-cker! End of f-cking story."
"So you have evidence, motherf-cker? We'll have some of the judges I'm bribing take a look at your evidence & f-cking bury it, & that'll take care of your evidence, motherf-cker!"
"The best part of banning someone's freedom of speech is totally slandering the motherf-cker … I love being able to tell people I hate, You are totally slandered, motherf-cker, and there is f-cking nothing you can do about it!"
"Keep your mouth shut you stupid f-cker, can have you totally destroyed on Google!"
"Every dumbf-ck in the world believes Wikipedia! … I love planting sh-t on Wikipedia & watching the whole world lick up my sh-t … And my c-ntlickers at Google make sure all that sh-t is copied 100,000 times all over the f-cking internet."
"Bribed American judges, motherf-cker, that's the game we play … Do you know what an American judge is, motherf-cker? An American judge is someone who will do whatever I say to totally f-ck you up."
"Any lawyer tries to f-ck with my sh-t in America, I'll have my judges fix his f-ckin' ass, He'll hear me say, that's the last day you practice law, motherf-cker!"
"Of course I threatened to kill the Jew f-cker, of course I threatened to burn his f-cking books … I love humiliating that Jew f-cker! … I stalked that Jew f-cker for years … And look who's the 'stalker' now! Bribed American judges, motherf-cker!"
"F-ck you up, slander you, kill you, totally destroy you just like destroyed kike Jew f-cker Leslie Sachs … Same thing is gonna happen to you, motherf-cker!"
"No amount of money is ever going to compensate for destroying so many years of that Jew f-cker's life … So you keep slandering that Jew f-cker Leslie Sachs, slander that Jew f-cker all over the world … Keep on pounding that Jew f-cker until he is f-cking dead."
Dr Les Sachs
c/o Law Offices of George-Henri Beauthier, Berckmansstraat 89, 1060 Brussel, Belgium
Published by members of the Jewish community of Flanders
re lines above
National Bureau of Investigation - National Police Board
Jokiniemenkuja 4, FI-01301 Vantaa, Finland;
and His Excellency Per-Mikael Engberg, Ambassador of Finland to Belgium
Kortenberglaan 80, B-1000 Brussel, Belgium
Report on fraud and threats against Finnish citizens, companies and nation; police evidence and key facts for Finland's prosecution of Wikipedia fundraising fraud
National Police of Finland, and Your Excellency Ambassador Engberg,
Assisting your current national police investigation, this report provides you with important information, much of it already in police files of other EU nations - with documented evidence sources that may save Finnish citizens and companies from further billions of euros in losses, and perhaps even save Finnish lives, as Finns are further targeted by American fraudsters, financial thieves, murderers, racists and those who violate children - people who are ready to carry out threats against Finnish officials and interfere with Finnish elections and democracy.
Finland's national police have bravely begun enquiries into the fraudulent acts of Wikipedia - Wikimedia, which extend much further into crimes against Finns than you may yet realise. The main points are that, as other EU nations know, Wikipedia is long proven a fraudulent front for America's intelligence agencies - CIA - posing as a 'non-profit'. The 'clever, brilliant' CIA idea was to create a large sea of data, mostly fake-'neutral', a 'Trojan horse' trick to insert CIA lies on topics currently key to US political millionaires. Wikipedia is defrauding Finns into funding criminal acts against Europeans; American acts of terrorism; racism; violations of children; and losses to Finnish companies which may already be in the billions.
Wikipedia criminal activities against Finns are jet-fuelled by another CIA 'contractor', monopolistic search engine Google, itself established with CIA funds, implementing a late 1990s American plan to dominate the EU internet and spread lies via a 2-website duopoly. To deceive Finns and the EU, Google Inc hoaxes web users - it censors info exposing Wikipedia as CIA fraud, pumps Wiki to top of search, while Wikipedia publishes lies about criminal and terrorist acts involving Google - thus partners both in Finland's Wiki fundraising fraud, and many other crimes.
This is a subject I know very well, and about which I have substantial legal and evidence files. I am a Harvard classmate of many top leaders of the United States, and I personally know President Obama's counsellor who advises him on how to censor and hoax the EU internet about America's financial, terrorism and other crimes. A significant dissident to the USA, I was one of the earliest journalists exposing that Wikipedia was a fraudulent CIA-front website - that was before CIA's Google Inc began censoring and 'erasing' all my websites and major journalism, when I was helping to lead world awareness about America's judicial bribery horrors and US hoaxing of the EU and global internet. (More about me on final page below.)
In the past I was a nationally-known media figure in the USA, an anti-corruption book author, owner of a publishing company; but I barely escaped alive out of the USA from politically-related threats to murder me. After being 'too significant' a European critic of the US regime, the CIA criminals of Wikipedia and Google have now erased my journalism and smeared me with lies. In troubled health and thus perhaps 'hit' already with a medical-illness assassination strike, I may perhaps soon be dead, as the CIA's Wikipedia and Google very much hope.
People in Finland and globally, duped by Wikipedia fraud. The CIA criminals of Wikipedia have great success in duping Finns and others into trying to deflect Finland's investigation. Finns have been deceived and defrauded by: (1) Google hiding Wikipedia's crimes and CIA connections; (2) Google always pushing Finns to use Wikipedia, Finns unaware they are pushed to read a site with lies inserted by CIA-tied parties; (3) Finns the CIA laughs at as 'useful idiots', deceived into being lower-level Wiki 'volunteers' or into supplying Wiki content on non-CIA-topics, people who are 'thrilled' to see their words published worldwide on Wiki but ignorant they are helping the CIA's site for lying and murder; (4) Finns blinding themselves about Wikipedia crimes, unwilling to face they have been duped into supporting CIA-led murder, terrorism, child-molesting and deception, after investing many hours reading or 'helping' Wikipedia, donating funds, or supplying content.
Wikipedia and Google are very criminally aggressive in spreading lies about their own crimes, and erasing the truth about their witnesses and victims from the internet. So you cannot easily research facts about me, because CIA-Google and CIA-Wikipedia spread lies and libel about me, while Google illegally blocks all my EU websites so I cannot defend myself against Google-pushed lies and hoaxes. Articles supporting me are censored, while CIA-tied British and American media companies took Google-supported bribes to deepen the lies about me.
There is a major legal case upcoming in Belgian courts dealing with the Wikipedia - Google CIA criminal activities against me, and there will also be some publications in the near future regarding Wikipedia and Google criminal acts and fraud in Great Britain - how Google and Wikipedia joined with Pearson plc in defrauding British Telecom and all British citizens, and Wikipedia's fundraising fraud in the UK - which are directly relevant to your national police investigation in Finland.
Your Finnish police enquiry is important for Finland's economic and political future, but also dangerous for Finnish police and government - you are directly confronting the core criminal operations of murderers, terrorists and child-violators from America's top political families, and these people will have no hesitation about murdering Finnish police agents or public officials, with Wikipedia and Google ready to use monopoly powers to defame Finnish leaders during Finland's elections, or spread lies about how Finns are murdered by the USA.
You can expect US pressure and threats from the US regime, urging silence about these CIA internet tools that may have already stolen billions from the Finnish economy; or attempts to bribe Finnish officials - as Google's Eric Schmidt is currently attempting to befriend, buy and bribe UK leaders, to impede prosecution of the Google-Pearson-Wiki crimes bribing 3 American judges and attacking me. You can also expect Wikipedia and Google to commit the crimes known in English as 'obstruction and perversion of justice', as they supply deceptive information to Finnish police about their criminal actions defrauding and deceiving Finns.
The CIA's Wikipedia - who they really are and how it works. It is hard to search facts when Google Inc is censoring the internet to defraud the EU, but here is a brief summary. The CIA has long had a programme of media control - 'Operation Mockingbird', seeking to imitate Joseph Goebbels' Nazi efforts, especially via repeating lies over and over again in major public media. In the 1990s amid the internet explosion, "CIA seed money helped launch Google" (Watson/Steele, InfoWars), with agenda to endlessly promote the ultimate hoaxing site of all, the cleverly devious CIA's Wikipedia, now deceiving and defrauding many Finns.
Jimmy Wales and the violating of children. In the 1990s Wikipedia's criminal 'founder' Jimmy Wales, was selling internet pornography, and became known to US government as someone willing to violate children, tell lies, murder innocent people, and to be the largest global fraudster in the history of the internet. Wales accepted the 'deal' to be enriched posing as the founder-leader of the CIA's Wikipedia, and to be the 'face' of a global operation of terrorism, molesting of children and murder, using a CIA-orchestrated 'non-profit' spreading lies under fake and anonymous names.
The willingness to violate children and tell any lie to help kill innocent people or defraud any nation or non-US company, and a sadistic pleasure in doing so, is a common element of the top members of Jimmy Wales' Wikipedia 'team', as well as of their main support, the Google Inc legal department under David Drummond. The requirement to be either a top Wikipedia administrator, or a Google lawyer, is that of being a psychopath ready to lie, destroy and murder the most innocent of victims.
As veterans of US military and intelligence agencies publicly admit, "Many Wikipedia 'editors' are, in fact, terrorists, spies or highly disturbed persons" (Veterans Today). For example, top Wikimedia lawyer Fred Bauder - perhaps now assisting in deceiving Finnish police - had a history of charges of molesting women before joining Wiki, and is personally involved in lies and threats against me.
Top Wikimedia administrators with Jimmy Wales, show zero interest in 'knowledge' or correcting false information - instead, a perverted joy in publishing lies to slander and murder. The files for upcoming Belgian and EU proceedings show hundreds of complaints about the lies about me on Wikipedia; Wikipedia's continued refusal to remove lies and defamations; and a stream of hate mail and abuse from top Wikipedia administrators, such as David Gerard, Wikipedia chief in London. No Wiki figure ever expressed the slightest concern for truth, intellectual honesty, or correcting false information - All Wiki administrators who replied acted like arrogant psychopaths working for the CIA, which is of course who they are.
Wikipedia's leaders visibly enjoy the sadism of victimising someone whom they see as vulnerable and unable to fight back, thanks to Google promoting Wiki lies to #1 in web searches, plus Google repeating those lies on Wiki-copying sites all throughout the first several pages of Google search results, and 'erasing' a victim's replies.
Wikipedia long ago proven a site with thousands of CIA insertions. After my own early journalism showing how Wikipedia was CIA, Wired News published proof I was right, computer experts tracing thousands of Wikipedia published articles back to known US intelligence agency IP addresses. While receiving several hundred written complaints about Wikipedia's many CIA-backed lies against me, Jimmy Wales' top Wikipedia assistants even sent me e-mail from CIA contractor e-mail addresses.
The main purpose of Wikipedia, as with Google itself, is to spread lies and suppress the truth, to benefit current political or economic targets of the CIA and US top political families. Wikipedia seeks to push aside and erase the truth, and spread hoaxes about people whom Google has censored or given lower status on internet searches. Such lies can cause billions in damages to Finland and the EU; ranging from swaying internet users toward buying US-backed products while slandering or down-grading access to EU competitors, to hoaxes about US judge bribery practices, helping entrap EU victims in US courts, where billions are lost.
Very possibly, Finland will never be able to discover how many billions of damages and fraud have been caused by the CIA's economic warfare against Finland via Google and Wiki - losses to Nokia alone, 'out-marketed' by American firms who have preferred access to Google and Wikipedia, could be billions in total.
Wikipedia and CIA work for America's top political families. It is not easy for Europeans to digest, but the CIA is not so much a tool of 'Obama', as of US political oligarch families whom Obama himself obeys. These US political families are above any law, because they bribe, blackmail and even murder US judges, and US media is controlled via direct ownership, or intimidation and extortion through the judges - the instant destruction of myself and my publishing company is one example of this, occurring in a flash with US police at my door and a bribed US federal judge on the phone telling me I no longer had any rights, the US Constitution no longer applied to me. As my attackers have been recorded as boasting,
"Americans are so f-cking stupid. There is NO F-CKING US Constitution! (laughter) It's people like me who own the f-cking Constitution, because we own the f-cking federal judges! And there is f-cking nothing anyone can do about it!"
This arrogance of America's top political families, able to molest and kill children or anyone else, and commit criminal acts of fraud and terrorism against Europeans, is precisely the source of the arrogance of the CIA's Wikipedia and Google as they serve those political families, hiding crimes and defaming people via fake CIA 'Wikipedia biographies', while CIA-Google invites bribed US judges to 'order' Google to 'erase' truth and block victims from replying to Wiki-Google lies.
It is not easy for Europeans to understand that the USA is already a semi-closed society, its key mechanisms - media, civil society, lawyers and courts - no longer functioning except in submission to US political families. Europeans perceive a 'Hollywood movie' version of the USA, while the truth is hidden by CIA-Wikipedia, CIA-Google, and owned or intimidated media. Most forbidden is to expose the US judge-bribery system, where lawyers instantly lose their law licence if they try to fight it, and 'civil liberties' groups are threatened with bankruptcy and destruction. Also taboo is the topic of CIA media control and its Wikipedia-Google frauds attacking Europe and robbing Europeans of billions, as well as keeping Americans themselves deceived until they themselves become victims. That the US no longer has any independent judiciary, and CIA media-internet controls via Wikipedia-Google, are actually more forbidden topics than NSA surveillance.
The extent of US crimes hidden and obscured by Wikipedia/Google is huge, as these CIA tools serve the US political families who sponsor many murders of US senators, congresspeople, federal prosecutors and judge, ex-CIA director, journalists and investigators, etc. I myself was told in detail how I would suffer a fake 'suicide by hanging' in a US jail cell. US political families can quickly destroy Obama himself by impeachment scandal or outright murder, perhaps via fast-acting 'disease', if Obama does not submit. US political families even blackmail fellow billionaires who start to break ranks - no one inside the US can fight that mafia, and many are dead already.
Wikipedia and Google are serving the financial and control interests of these families, seeking to further profits of companies owned by these families - hence the leading role of Wikipedia and Google in economic sabotage of Finland and the EU. It is important to end the fairy-tale myth that Wikipedia or Google Inc are anything other than devious, lying criminal monopolies directly engaged in economic warfare against Europe and terrorist criminal acts against European citizens.
Wikipedia racism - Much is written about the heavy involvement of Mossad and Israel on the racist-sponsoring Wikipedia. Indeed, Wikipedia is used by Israel-Mossad, but Jewish Jimmy Wales also leads attacks on fellow Jews. Wikipedia does make bigoted attacks on Islam and Muslims, stirring up anti-Muslim hatred to make war and help kill Muslim innocents, as well as being a massive prop for the jailing of innocent black people, like black French citizen Léonel Cazaco, in the US slave-labour prison gulag, with 2.3 million inmates, 25% of all the world's prisoners. Jewish Jimmy Wales has attended birthday parties of the President of Israel, thanking him for his Mossad role. However, Wikipedia serves the CIA first, and Jimmy Wales helps sponsor threats to murder his fellow Jews when they are CIA targets and US dissidents - including myself, of Polish-Jewish heritage.
Wikipedia and Google even join in neo-Nazi hate crimes, supporting US court filings demanding book-burning of a Jew's books, filed to please a psychopath tormenting me with reminder of my Polish-Jewish relations killed by Nazis. Wikipedia already spreads lies on the Israeli internet to deceive about US crimes, as well as attacking Jewish dissidents. Wikipedia takes whatever role the CIA desires in racism against Jews as well as its habitual racist targets of Muslims and black people.
CIA-Wikipedia doesn't really need funds, it's just sport to defraud Finns and the EU. Wikipedia, and Google Inc as well, are both so important to CIA internet control efforts, they have access to unlimited billions from other CIA and US government operations. As much funding as Wikipedia needs to continue its CIA operations of hoaxing, deception, terrorism, murder and child-molesting, can be supplied through other of the many CIA-tied 'non-profit foundations', and donations from American political millionaires, all grateful for Wiki's role in hiding their crimes and publishing fake biographies of themselves.
The purpose of Wikipedia's fraudulent 'fundraising' in the EU, is partly to add credibility to its fake 'non-profit' profile, and partly for the fun and sport of defrauding EU citizens into paying for their own deceptions. There is a great pleasure of the CIA and their Wikipedia and Google leaders, in pushing their international criminality to the maximum extent possible.
Wikipedia is a leading element of US 'F-ck the EU!' policy, as stated by Obama's representative. As the American terrorist gangsters attacking me have been recorded as laughingly saying:
"Every dumbf-ck in the world believes Wikipedia ... Wikipedia is how America is going to control the internet for the rest of human history ...
"We're f-cking America and we control the whole world internet!"
It is similar with Wikipedia's main prop, Google Inc, a company which well knows it may not be possible to make that much money from 'Google ads' in a world of mobile phone users who barely see such ads, but as the CIA's internet control machine, Google already receives billions in cash and favours from carrying out CIA missions and providing services to American bribe-taking judges, eager to reward Google for its services to those judges and America's dominant oligarch families.
Google's ugly, murdering, terrorist, child-molesting-and-murdering role, for which it has a financial reward of billions, is openly acknowledged by US military-intelligence figures: "Intercepted emails expose Google as an intelligence contractor openly involved in aiding terror organizations throughout Africa, Asia and the world, working well outside any official oversight and authority, far beyond even the CIA’s wildest abuses" (Veterans Today).
As the CIA intends, Wikipedia - Google lies devastate lives and leave victims nearly helpless. Racist hate mail has poured into me from all over the world, from people believing impossible lies broadcast by Wikipedia and pushed by Google to the top of search results. Most people look no further than lies on Wikipedia - half the people I meet in Europe will never speak to me again after reading Wikipedia lies about me. For a long time, European lawyers were too afraid to help me, because 'no lawyer wants to help someone who is slandered all over the internet'.
Many deception techniques are used by Wikipedia to prop up their role as a CIA front organisation - the most important of these are outlined below.
Twenty major techniques of CIA - Wikipedia deception, used to defraud and deceive Finland, the EU and the entire world
(A) - General Framework of Wikipedia Fraud and Deception
(1) The quasi-'neutral' or 'harmless' 90%+ of Wikipedia, 'neutral point of view' allowed on topics not targeted by the CIA, is the Trojan horse for lies by American murderers, racists, child molesters, fraudsters, intelligence agents, and war-mongers
(2) The ONLY purpose of Wikipedia being 'anonymous' and using fake 'longtime Wiki user' names for its internet reference encyclopaedia monopoly, is to mask American murderers, racists, child molesters, fraudsters, intelligence agents, & war-mongers
(3) All Wikipedia top leaders, from Jimmy Wales on down, pretend they are 'stupid' - they continually pretend Wikipedia lies and hoaxes 'look fine in my opinion' and pretend to be unaware of CIA and international criminal activity on Wikipedia
(4) CIA contractor Google Inc continually carries out a CIA mission of pushing Wikipedia entries artificially to the top of search results, knowing full well it is promoting CIA lies for American criminals tied to top US political families
(5) Wikipedia data and CIA lies are offered 'free' to other sites to duplicate, and CIA contractor Google fills internet search results with duplicates of Wikipedia CIA lies, while normally deleting duplicates of sites which do not have CIA endorsement
(6) Beneath the top level of Wikipedia administrators who are entirely CIA criminals, non-CIA 'useful idiots' are cultivated at middle and lower levels to supply content and funds, edit non-CIA topics, and be duped into defrauding their fellow citizens
(B) - CIA control of targeted Wikipedia pages for American criminal families
(7) The under-10% of Wikipedia pages serving CIA target purposes, are closely monitored 24/7 by intelligence agencies or staff members of US corporations or millionaire American child molesters, murderers etc who have CIA support
(8) Robots and automatic techniques are used by CIA, and handed out to American child molesters etc as well, to ban, block and instantly delete truth on Wikipedia, permanently banning victims or critics who try to edit a page against CIA wishes
(9) Wikipedia articles on CIA-targeted topics, involves a close 'cherry-picking' of links to be used as Wikipedia sources, so that any links showing that Wikipedia is lying, are deleted, and only links which appear to support the lies on Wikipedia are used
(10) When CIA parties are desperate to spread gigantic hoaxes for which no link supports at all, Wikipedia just creates 'lies with footnotes' naming a 'source' such as the CIA-tied New York Times long associated with sponsoring CIA fake 'news'
(11) Lies and hoaxes originating in a CIA-lying Wikipedia page, develop a life of their own, and become their own sources; all US corporate media know Wikipedia is CIA, so they copy Wikipedia lies into articles, then later cited as 'sources' for Wikipedia
(12) CIA agents and staff members for American companies, murderers, child molesters etc., control not only a Wikipedia main entry, but also all 'talk' 'discussion' 'controversy' entries - Truly major critiques are totally 'erased' in favour of trivia
(C) - CIA-managed burial of millions of complaints about malicious Wikipedia lies
(13) As with the general lack of transparency of Wikipedia operations and governance, byzantine, complex, bizarre, changing procedures govern 'complaints' to Wikipedia, with most forms of complaining held as 'violations of Wikipedia rules'
(14) Overall, most of the literally millions of complaints made to Wikipedia about its lies that destroy and harm so many lives, are buried and ignored, with the victim being continually banned, blocked and perpetually frustrated in every attempt
(15) With Wikipedia's CIA managers ignoring complaints or even sending hate e-mails, victims are faced with Wikipedia threats trying to delete lying data - either they register and waive rights, or be robot-blocked and have private data exposed
(16) Interpretations of Wikipedia 'rules' are forever twisted to favour the CIA-backed American murderers, racists, child molesters, fraudsters, intelligence agents, and war-mongers, while used as clubs to smear and ban and block the victim
(17) Wikipedia's CIA-tied top lawyer sometimes offers a fax number, but blocks the sender after receiving a complaint from a party he wants to ignore, while CIA-Wiki managers pretend 'nobody is home - nobody responsible - nobody liable'
(18) Wikipedia and Google join in spreading lies and erasing truth about US judicial bribery to benefit American political families, and Wikipedia and Google co-sponsor bribing US judges to 'order' Wikipedia victims censored from replying to Wiki lies
(19) Wikipedia and Google have a CIA-sponsored policy to never apologise for their criminal actions to defame, destroy and defraud, regardless of how clearly those crimes took place with full approval of Jimmy Wales' top Wikipedia administrators
(20) When Wikipedia or Google are feeling under temporary police or legal pressure, they adopt a 'temporary fix' policy and rapidly 'clean up' Wikipedia pages and Google search results, but return to lying and defaming when pressure is off
Notes on major Wikipedia deception techniques, specific case evidence
Essentially all the above criminal techniques and practices of Wikipedia, are shown in clear documentary evidence in the long criminal file of the Wikipedia and Google attacks against myself, shown in upcoming court cases involving Wikipedia and Google and their role in the bribery of 3 American judges in partnership with Britain's Pearson plc, other bribed media and corrupt USA law firms, serving criminal psychopaths from top American political families bribing US Presidents, Senators.
Anonymity has a reverse role when used by a CIA-backed monopoly, veiling murderers, child violators, and agents of economic and political warfare. Although being anonymous is an important protection for dissidents and whistleblowers, anonymity becomes the tool of political murderers and psychopaths when implemented by a monopoly. There is absolutely no reason for 'anonymity' on the monopoly 'internet reference source encyclopaedia', other than hiding the criminal acts of agents for top American political families, and hiding identities of psychopath attackers to enable maximum harm and helplessness of the victims.
There is good reason for anonymity on most websites and web forums, which compete with other websites in the marketplace of ideas, and where opposing views are on equal standing to reply. But that is not the case with the Google-created monopoly of Wikipedia. As is well-known, by the very nature of monopoly power, monopolies need special laws, rules, regulation and supervision, or else monopolies become savage abusers of the helpless and the innocent.
Although anonymous dissidents in various countries could certainly contribute to an 'internet reference source', in every case, a monopoly 'encyclopaedia' claiming to be based in a 'free country', should have every page signed by either the organisation or an identity-verified human being, who accepts international responsibility for that content. Examples are the pages on the '' website, signed by real humans; or the high-quality 'IMDB' or 'Internet Movie DataBase', full of anonymous contributions, but every single entry is approved and vetted by IMDB editors who accept full responsibility and liability for published content.
Jimmy Wales and his CIA gang of Wikipedia internet fraudsters, murderers and child-violators, totally refuse to implement such common-sense measures for their criminal monopoly, in order to keep Wikipedia an active tool for the CIA and American psychopaths. Although knowing quite well who is publishing false and criminally libellous data with approval of Jimmy Wales and his team, and Wikipedia is savage and instant in banning and blocking victims who try to tell the truth, Wikipedia pretends to 'not be responsible or liable' for the criminal lies published by people they mask as 'Wikipedia community' and 'anonymous Wikipedia users'.
Although Google opposes anonymity for private individuals, victims and whistle-blowers, and tries to terminate the right of common people to be anonymous, the criminals of Google Inc and Wikipedia fully employ anonymity and use of fake names for their own criminal activities, for CIA agents and crimes, for psychopaths, extortionists, murderers and child-violators from America's top political families.
In attacks on me that will be documented in Belgian courts, Wikipedia and Google published tens of thousands of words of lies against me using anonymous and fake names. One malicious rant to defame me had over 10,000 words by itself, published by the lawyers of Google's David Drummond legal department on Google web servers to back Wikipedia, using the fake name 'Sandy Corona'. In a Google search for 'Dr Leslie Sachs', all my own websites were blocked and censored from search results, and #1 was Google's lies against me using the fake 'Sandy Corona' name. As my attackers have been recorded as saying, their goal in defaming me on Wikipedia and Google has been to "slander that Jew f-cker all over the world ... bury that Jew f-cker in so much slandering sh-t, no one will ever listen to that Jew f-cker."
Its Google-created monopoly of 'reference information', is what makes Wikipedia's anonymity a criminal tool for American murderers, fraudsters and child molesters.
Wikipedia's totally impossible 'lies with footnotes', repeated over and over again, believed by the entire world. Also upcoming in evidence in Belgian courts, is how Wikipedia continually repeats lies that were long ago instantly shown false by copies of United States courthouse documents. Not only did they refuse to remove the lies, but Wikipedia banned and blocked and erased anyone trying to correct the lie, or show the link to the court document proving that Wikipedia is lying.
For example, In the course of attacks against me by American psychopaths enjoying neo-Nazi fetish hate crimes, I received an extortion letter threatening a neo-Nazi book-burning of my books, followed later by actual US federal courthouse filings demanding book-burning of a Jew's books. These actions were done to torment a Polish Jew related to Holocaust victims, and to provide entertainment for an American political millionaire enjoying Jew-domination games (sometimes with her Jewish lesbian prostitutes, but with me in a much more vicious way).
At one point I publicised these threats of book-burning, with a sticker on one of my published books. To defame me on the CIA's Wikipedia, the story of this sticker was re-written to claim it was a sticker making some trivial 'plagiarism accusations' - as my attackers laughingly admitted, a "bullsh-t story" to make me seem like a "trivial, deranged, worthless Jew f-cker".
Copies of the original book and sticker, showing it to be about neo-Nazi book-burning threats and nothing to do at all with 'plagiarism accusations', have long been online. However, Wikipedia always blocked any attempts to link to or post the actual truth and proof documents, and continually invited CIA-backed criminals to keep publishing the lying 'plagiarism accusation sticker' story. Wikipedia's 'footnotes' connected to links which either did not talk about the sticker, or had copied lies about 'plagiarism accusations' from Wikipedia itself. Copied on many other websites, these lies deflected from the true story of extortion, banning of speech, and terrorist threats of murder, detailed in US court filings which US judges refuse to answer, which Google Inc blocks from search results, and which Wikipedia erases and blocks in its CIA-supervised campaign to defame me.
Wikipedia - Google lies about US judge bribery, helping to bribe judges to 'order' censorship about Wikipedia crimes. One of the major CIA agendas is duping EU companies and governments regarding US judge bribery, when the USA no longer has any independent judiciary. Google directly exchanges favours with bribe-taking US judges, with Wikipedia providing extensive hoaxing support, while witnesses, victims, journalists are 'erased' from Google, and slandered on Wikipedia. Wikipedia and Google are ferocious in this CIA project, for a USA where high judges are murdered if they rule against the government (John Roll), Congress members who supervise judges are murdered (Sonny Bono), US prosecutors are murdered, lawyers instantly lose their law licence, media are extorted and intimidated, etc.
Google duped British Telecom into suing Google in the USA, as BT was unaware of the Google - US judge bribery 'deals' to give favour to Google in US courts. All across Europe, individuals, companies and governments, defrauded by Wall Street firms or US companies or abused by the US regime itself, they are tricked by Google and Wikipedia into entering US courts, looking for 'justice' like in Hollywood movies, only to find the reality is what my own attackers have been recorded as smugly laughing and shouting, "Bribed American judges, motherf-cker!"
After becoming a political refugee from the US in Europe, with my credentials as a Harvard classmate of US leaders and among the most highly educated people who have ever lived inside the USA, I became well-known for my European journalism on US judge bribery, and US-CIA media control through Wikipedia and Google.
In order to spread lies about me, and to erase my websites from the web, Wikipedia and Google helped sponsor a fake in absentia US 'trial' against me, with laughable perjury I was magically evading the whole USA Homeland Security network, and sneaking into America from Belgium to 'stalk' a friend of the Bush family. The trial was held by one-way e-mail to Europe, with me getting a string of harassing e-mails from US lawyers and the bribed judge himself, acting like a pervert and sending me harassing e-mails through Google Gmail.
The criminally harassing e-mails from the US federal judge only stopped when I wrote to the judge painting a verbal picture of how, after a US revolution, dishonest US judges like himself might be hanging by their necks in front of the courthouse, dead bodies swinging in their black robes. (Like most Europeans I am opposed to the death penalty - but I was threatened myself with being hanged in a US jail cell in a fake 'suicide', and this did stop the bribed judge from his personal harassment.)
In addition to harassing e-mails, Wikipedia and Google also helped their US partners e-mail me computer viruses to destroy European computers, such criminality fuelled by a US Justice Department letter promising that no criminal acts against me will be prosecuted in the USA, and Americans are encouraged to harass me and take any action to destroy me or kill me. Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder fully supports Wikipedia and Google censoring and spreading lies on the European internet, to support hiding the bribery corruption of American judges.
When the bribe-taking US judges hold a fake international trial by one-way e-mail, the flow of court filings only go one way. Only the political millionaires paying bribes are allowed to make court filings, court filings by the victim are not accepted. Indeed my court filings to the Appeals and Supreme Courts of the United States, are never answered - US judges do not accept court filings exposing US judge bribery crimes.
Encouraged by Wikipedia lies before, during and after the bribery of US Federal Judge Norman Moon, Judge Moon was invited by Google and Wikipedia to use them to help cover for the misconduct of 'Judge Robert Payne is my name, Federal bribery game', and his boss, Appeals Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III, whose corruption I exposed, leading to Judge Wilkinson being denied appointment as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. This ironically led to my Harvard classmate John Roberts becoming America's top judge. US Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts accepts the US bribery system, and was personally terrorised by the political murder of Federal Judge John Roll, shot dead on the street after ruling against Obama in classic CIA-type assassination with a drugged-up 'lone gunman' taking blame.
Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia, and Google legal chief David Drummond, are among the world's worse 'cyber-stalkers', with Wikipedia being the leading website in the world engaged in criminal cyber stalking using anonymous and fake names. But as Wikipedia and Google joined in the bribery of US Judge Moon, receiving cash to 'order' Google to block my websites so I can reply to lies about me on the internet, one of the absurd insults signed by Judge Moon was that I was a 'cyberstalker' of the American psychopaths and child-violators threatening to murder me. Thousands of words of lies against me on Wikipedia and Google, but Wikipedia and Google help bribe a US judge to declare me a 'cyber stalker' because I dare to reply to the lies.
This was combined with the ludicrous US court perjury that I was somehow travelling from my safe haven in Europe, magically and secretly re-entering the USA, and physically 'stalking' a psychopath friend of George Bush around her house, before sneaking back into Europe. As my attackers say regarding the perjured 'stalking' and fake 'cyber-stalking' stories, "That's the way you've got to destroy a Jew f-cker like that, make him sound like a rapist or something."
Even the US government admits this is all perjury and a hoax by my attackers, but that did not stop Wikipedia and Google from repeatedly broadcasting these impossible lies (while I am banned from replying). It also does not stop the murdering US lawyer Joan Lukey (Ropes Gray firm of Boston / London, after being fired by WilmerHale for her role in terrorist acts against Europe), from using bribery cash to place news stories about me as 'stalker' with both David Mehegan at the CIA-tied New York Times, and with Alan Rusbridger at the UK Guardian, bribed by Pearson plc book contracts to support the Pearson bribery scheme of 3 US judges.
Meanwhile, for Google and Wikipedia, they use the Adolf Hitler excuse that 'We are just following orders!', pointing to US judge 'court orders' to block my websites on the European internet, despite the fact that Wikipedia and Google helped to bribe that judge, and that it is illegal to spread lies and hoaxes and censor the European internet because a half-crazy judge in America gets a bag of bribery cash.
But the lies of Wikipedia and Google against me, go far beyond mere 'court orders' of US judges they help to bribe. What matters to Wikipedia and Google, is spreading lies, slandering, hoaxing and stalking, to cover up for their own criminal actions.
Finland shows - and will need - courage to oppose these CIA criminals
There are many, many victims of Wikipedia (and of Google), many companies and many individuals throughout the world, who have been harmed, destroyed or killed. Damage to Finland's companies and economy may already be in many billions.
As you confront Wikipedia and Google about their fundraising fraud and other criminal acts in Finland, you will likely experience criminal efforts at obstructing and perverting justice. Wikipedia-Google criminals have been laughing at 'stupid British police', and these smug Americans are likely thinking they are 'so clever' with Finland as well. Perhaps they will claim the many crimes against me were some 'isolated breakdown of Wikipedia procedures' - Ha!. Or make fresh attempts to tell lies about me and defame me, via more articles from journalists or others who took bribes, or even from people who just copied 'lies with footnotes' on Wikipedia.
The US State Department, fully supporting the CIA's Wikipedia-Google activities, will be applying pressure to Finland's officials, to 'go easy' on their pet CIA project which is so globally successful. They would like Finland's officials to think about how their reputations and political futures in elections are dependent on Wikipedia and Google saying nice things about them, and not slandering them like I am slandered.
Criminal Americans are ready to fly to Helsinki with big bags of delicious tax-evading bribery cash, lawyers from American law firms like Ropes Gray, or Google company executives fearing billions of losses if their Wikipedia-CIA operations become more exposed and known through criminal convictions in Europe.
The US regime would like Finnish officials to remember how they can be killed, like so many others have died opposing CIA activities, just as I might be dead soon.
Whether through hoaxes and deceptions, or bribery, or intimidation, the American regime and CIA hope Finnish police and officials will agree to be submissive and do nothing about the defrauding of Finnish people, and the long-term rape of Finnish economic interests.
During the 20th century Finnish fighters became well-known and praised for great bravery against foreign invaders. Finland's police and officials, will need that same kind of bravery now, in opposing the CIA fraudsters and murderers of Wikipedia.
To assist as much as possible in ending the many criminal acts of Wikipedia and Google Inc against my fellow Europeans, this report is given to media and other organisations with full permission to anyone to share, republish or translate it freely in whole or in part.
Respectfully yours,
Dr Les (Leszek - Leslie) Sachs
- Scholar of the history of law and religion, with 7 earned academic degrees from 3 universities, the first two from Harvard University, alongside many US leaders;
- Former leading global journalist on US judicial bribery and CIA media control, author of articles now 'erased', with websites illegally blocked by CIA-Google, and continuously defamed and slandered by CIA-Wikipedia and associated extortionists, racists, and murderers of America's top political families;
- Author, 'America's Corrupt Legal System - A Danger to Visitors, Travellers as Well as USA Residents'; Foreign Companies Face Risk of US Court Corruption: Doing Business in the Big Bribery Nation'; 'Americans Murdering Their Judges, and the US Crisis of Judicial Corruption';
- Former USA resident who risked being tortured to death, attempting defence of human and Constitutional rights inside the United States, facing down terrorist gangster lawyers in a US courtroom, alone because US lawyers cowered in fear;
- Target of US threats of terrorist political murder, perhaps soon dead;
- Polish and EU citizen with the heritage of Jews of Warsaw uprising resistance; of Asian spirituality seeing the divine in animals, nature and ancient Arjuna's warrior spirit;
- Winner of US Department of Justice Superior Performance Award, in a long-ago, less-fascist USA, back when even America did not have the death penalty;
- Former nationally-known US anti-corruption book author, media publisher;
- Brussels, Belgium, photo chronicler of 'Historic Brussels' and martyrs of anti-Nazi resistance interred at the Ereperk der Gefusilleerden - Enclos des Fusillés.
Edward Snowden Correspondence and Key to Assange Freedom
Edward Snowden and Julian Assange Betrayed - Correspondence with Edward Snowden, and the key to freedom for Julian Assange
A member of our Belgian Jewish community is in touch with Edward Snowden in Russia, both sharing the role of being significant global dissidents who used to live in the USA.
We are publishing here a copy of some of that correspondence between those two figures, as it discusses the likelihood of how both Edward Snowden and Julian Assange are being betrayed and actively harmed by the American lawyers and US-UK media companies claiming to 'represent' them, including America's ACLU (America's Civil Liberties Union), the UK Guardian and New York Times newspapers, and Glenn Greenwald.
All these groups and journalists, are apparently hiding thousands of pages of legal files, about the corruption and bribery of US federal (national) judges who are the same judges who would put Julian Assange or Edward Snowden on trial ... even though these lawyers and journalists all know that exposing the crimes of the bribed US judges, is the quick key to releasing Julian Assange from threats that confine him to his refuge in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, and key to more safety and freedom for Snowden as well.
US Attorney General Eric Holder is accused of sponsoring criminal acts of deception against the UK, Sweden, Russia and other countries, hiding 'smoking gun' evidence of US judge bribery, in order to harm and destroy both Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Google Inc has agreed to censor and hoax the internet and hide dozens of web pages about this.
This bribery is said to be funded by Britain's Pearson plc, with the Guardian and New York Times accused of accepting Pearson-funded bribes to print fake 'news' to obstruct and pervert justice so that the UK will not prosecute Pearson's bribery of US high judges and government.
Mr Snowden is also facing the terrifying possibility that his name is being abused by these parties, New York TImes, Guardian and Greenwald, for the sake of entrapping other dissidents and whistleblowers into 'trusting' these journalists, who might then convey dissident names to the US regime in order to silence and murder them. It seems possible the Guardian and New York Times have already given Snowden files back to the US regime.
The correspondence with Edward Snowden makes reference to the police file with several EU countries, who are beginning investigations and prosecutions, starting in Finland, of the CIA-tied Wikipedia website, for fundraising fraud ... that police file significantly discusses the evidence of bribery of US federal judges who are the same judges who would put Edward Snowden and Julian Assange on trial in America, and how Wikipedia, actually an American CIA-controlled 'Trojan horse' for inserting lies on targeted topics, has been used to plant lies about that judicial bribery - the police dossier text is here:
Finland Police CIA Wikipedia Fraud Report
Also referenced below is this article by Hong Kong journalist Yoichi Shimatsu:
'Saving Agent Snowden From His Handlers Greenwald & Omidyar'
Here is a screenshot of a Google Inc 'search results' page, with tiny text at the bottom admitting that Google is censoring a large number of search results, about Edward Snowden's correspondent, a major witness to the crimes involving the same US judges who would put Edward Snowden or Julian Assange on trial:
'Live Photo: Google Inc. Caught Censoring EU Search Results on US corruption'
- Jewish Community of Flanders
Dear Mr Edward Snowden,
Welcome to Europe. I hope you are enjoying your new home among the great, passionate Russian people, a truly great nation.
As I have been dodging American threats to murder and destroy me for much longer than you - and I have key information about your own safety - what follows will help keep you alive in this world, and help restore your global rights
The key elements to share with you, are:
- Enormous dangers to your life if you leave Russia for any reason, despite any 'deal'; and
- How in fact you are being betrayed by your 'friends' in the US-UK media and lawyers, who are not only damaging efforts to stabilise your life, they are very likely hijacking and mis-using your name to identify and murder other US dissidents, a terrifying likelihood you must confront;
- How the corruption of some of your boasting 'Snowden journalists', who have helped murder innocent people, is creating questions as to whether you yourself are a US intel asset just as they are.
As you see, I am a Harvard classmate of top US leaders, knowing quite well some close personal advisors of the US current and previous US Presidents. - But I barely escaped alive out of the USA, and have been under major attacks in my refuge in Europe, as - before the CIA's Google Inc began to block all my websites - I was a leading global journalist, on topics even more forbidden than NSA surveillance, namely, the CIA's Google and Wikipedia hoaxing of internet content, and above all, the bribery of US judges for America's top political families.
Attached is a file I have provided to EU police agencies, as they begin prosecutions in several countries of the criminal fraud of the CIA's Wikipedia site, which I am sure you know is a 'Trojan horse' site for US intel operatives, so they can plant lies to support US war-mongers, murderers, extortionists and child-violators, who are connected to top US political families. Elements in the file strongly pertain to you and the US judges who wish to put you on trial.
But to get to the main points regarding yourself and your own safety.
(1) You need to consider how refugee from the US Bobby Fischer, turned up mysteriously dead shortly after receiving safe haven in Iceland. Similarly, I may be dead soon as well. You should be aware of the medical 'hit' technique, developed by CIA and Mossad over the years, various slow- or fast-acting diseases that can be sprayed and lead to death.
(2) It is quite unwise for you to depart a safe country like Russia or China or a few other places, that have good security for you, in favour of places such as in Central or South America, where, despite how friendly to you a government might be, there are plenty of US intel agents who can murder you on the street as a 'random act of unsolved violence'. - The CIA has stated Western Europe is the one place they hesitate to kill people - and I have had some protection here via a courageous figure associated with the House of the King of the Belgians - but I still may be dead here before very long.
(3) It is absurd to consider returning to the USA, even under an 'amnesty', 'deal' or similar. One thing clear from my correspondence with thousands of victims of the US legal system, and the survivors of those murdered by the US regime, is that there is no law or justice inside the USA from its police or courts. Back in the USA, despite full 'amnesty' for all your NSA actions, you can be instantly destroyed via corrupt police planting cocaine on your body or kid porn on your computer, and then you quickly become a fake 'suicide' in jail as they threatened to render me, or as your fellow computer expert Aaron Swartz recently died.
Now, for another major issue - difficult for you, I know - how the people you imagine have been 'supporting' you - the New York Times, the Guardian, Glenn Greenwald, and the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), your supposed 'lawyers' -
They are all betraying you, all of them, and what they are hiding from you and the world, can lead to you being seized and jailed for life inside America and likely 'suicided'.
The truth they did not tell you, is that all of them are associated with the CIA and US ruling families, and they have thousands of pages of files on the bribery and corruption of the Virginia - Washington DC area federal judges, who would put you (and Julian Assange too) on trial inside America - but they refuse to use those files to increase your safety and freedom.
Your alleged 'supporters', they have complete 'smoking gun' criminal evidence of corruption crimes involving these judges and high courts of the USA, proving judges involved in court fraud, perjury, obstruction of justice, unlawful deprivation of Constitutional and civil liberties, racketeering crimes associated with bribery, misbehaviour of judges acting like perverted lunatics and sending harassing e-mails to Europe -
Yes, the ACLU lawyers and all your 'Snowden journalists', have in their hands right now, sufficient material to instantly expose to the entire world, that the US national federal judges are corrupt beyond redemption, and that there is in fact no 'independent judiciary' in America, that in fact the judges of America are more corrupt than those of any other developed nation in the world.
They have all this proof, and yet all of them have agreed to help the CIA, to hide this truth, to harm you and millions of other victims, even though all of them, the Guardian, New York Times, Glenn Greenwald, and the ACLU, they know that the best thing they could do for your personal safety and freedom, is use their proof files to expose to the world that it is impossible for there to be a 'fair trial' for Edward Snowden.
They all know that using this material can lead to instant freedom for Julian Assange, from his plight of being unable to leave the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, as their proof files with 'smoking gun evidence' would show that US Attorney General Eric Holder was a lying fraud, when he attempted to deceive the governments of Russia, Sweden and Great Britain, with his lies about 'protections of law' in the American legal system.
And the truth is even hidden from the internet, because the two CIA websites having monopoly control censoring and hoaxing the Western internet, the CIA's Google and the CIA's Wikipedia, are blocking and 'erasing' websites showing proof of the crimes of the US judges who would put Edward Snowden and Julian Assange on trial.
As you will eventually see, just about everything in America's institutions are fake. Not only the fake 'respect for the Constitution' of the NSA and America's executive branch ... the USA is a country of fake 'independent courts', fake 'trials' worthy of the worst of Adolf Hitler's Nazis, fake 'leading civil liberties' groups like ACLU that suppress cases that could help millions, and fake 'brave media reporters', like the CIA-tied bribe-taking liars of the New York Times and Guardian, and it seems your Glenn Greenwald is also part of this game to deceive you and destroy you.
The reason I know so much about the thousands of 'smoking gun evidence' proof files held by the ACLU, Guardian, New York Times, and Greenwald, is not only my contacts with thousands of victims of the US legal system, and refugees from the USA around the world ... but also because I have given all of these people thousands of pages of those files myself.
You see, the same judges who would put Edward Snowden and Julian Assange on trial, are the same corrupt judges of Virginia - Washington DC area USA, who conducted the criminal scheme of extortion against me, and whom I surprised by escaping from their enslavement and escaping out of America. They quite regret not killing me while I was there, I was allowed to live in order to keep paying extortion money to friends of the federal judges they bribed ...
With a Canadian's help, one day I got over the border in a car one Saturday gambling night at Niagara - they didn't check me in the computer - and I got a flight out to Europe for Toronto, in those days long ago when outbound flights from Canada were not being checked.
Never expecting me to be able to escape from the USA, and from the banning of my freedom of speech, that was instantly imposed one day by policemen at my door and a bribed US federal judge calling me on the phone, the American criminals were very sloppy, and left quite a damning trail of their crimes against me.
And when I got to Europe, the US and CIA had the additional problem of my high academic credentials, my ability to communicate with and comfort thousands of victims of the US legal system ... so they have worked very hard to destroy me, with all their CIA assets.
Lies on the CIA's Wikipedia. Lies all over the CIA's Google, pushed to top by CIA-Google's lawyers. A fake 'in absentia' trial against me in Europe, held by US judges sending harassing e-mails to Europe, taking more bribes as they signed crazy, impossible perjured lies I was sneaking back into the USA to 'stalk' a friend of George Bush (a mentally disturbed psychopath author involved in crimes against bodies of children, whose books for Pearson plc in Great Britain supply millions to Bushes, Clintons, Obamas and US senators).
The CIA's Google illegally blocked my websites from Google search all over the world, not just in the USA, so I could not respond to tens of thousands of words of lies, that CIA-Google, the CIA's Wikipedia, and Pearson attackers were pumping about me on the web.
And not only the above - both the UK Guardian and the New York Times, accepted bribery cash from Pearson, to spread lies about me on the internet, both spreading the fake 'stalking' stories they knew were false, and trying to distract from the true story of extortion, court fraud and bribery of US federal judges.
New York Times management allowed staffer David Mehegan to be bribed by Joan Lukey (now at Ropes Gray law firm), and NYT multiplied these libellous lies in many syndicated venues. At the CIA-tied UK Guardian, editor Alan Rusbridger is bribed by Pearson company book contracts, his lawyer sent me neo-Nazi hate mail, deceptive Guardian stories were run by Guardian staffers Dan Glaister and Jean Hannah Edelstein, to obstruct and pervert UK justice over the crimes of Pearson, violating UK laws by their bribery of a foreign government, that of the USA.
Isn't it remarkable that these same two newspapers, New York Times and UK Guardian, which are the same papers taking CIA-tied bribery money to defame and try and murder me, both supporting global banning of free press and censorship against me ... these are the same newspapers in the fake 'Press Freedom' alliance with 'Edward Snowden revelations' ?
Glenn Greenwald was given access to all files on the crimes of the US bribed judges, but was always too frightened to do journalism on US judicial corruption. Now, he is embarrassed and worried that the global media will expose him as a fraud betraying Edward Snowden, because Greenwald is no 'brave journalist', refusing to expose the crimes of corruption of US judges who would put you and Julian Assange on trial.
Greenwald has worked in turn for three billionaire families - Bill Gates (Salon), the Rothschilds (Guardian), and now Pierre Omidyar in his new venture, the same Omidyar who is involved in cutting off funding to Julian Assange. Greenwald has won fast-track CIA-US-gov approval for his million-dollar book and movie contracts on 'Edward Snowden'. - Interesting that Greenwald, like Jimmy Wales of the CIA's Wikipedia, started out early in the pornography business ... and now they are both CIA-sponsored global media figures. Apparently Greenwald as a lawyer, was also at one point charged with unlawful invasion of privacy.
Recently there has been a farce in Britain, transparent to any schoolboy, of the CIA-tied Greenwald and the CIA-tied Guardian, being 'harassed' by CIA-tied British intelligence, most hilariously with the 'smashing the Guardian computers with Snowden info' video, trying to make the CIA-tied Guardian look more legitimate.
Edward, have you read the important article by Hong Kong journalist Yoichi Shimatsu, 'Saving Agent Snowden From His Handlers Greenwald & Omidyar' ? Shimatsu describes how Greenwald and the Guardian totally deceived you in Hong Kong, where you were actually safe. The Beijing government did not chase you away - Shimatsu says it was a CIA poseur working alongside CIA-Greenwald and the CIA-Guardian, tricking you into turning over your files to them, and forcing your flight to Russia, where they expected Vladimir Putin to be weak and give you back to Obama. But the great President Putin surprised them, as he often does.
From Shimatsu's view, Greenwald and the Guardian have already given most of your documents back to the CIA and NSA. That is why 'Snowden revelations' have been so meagre, and largely limited to revelations already covered by the previous 5+ NSA whistleblowers, who, however, did not have the media attention you have received.
And the ACLU - hahaha! - they have been corrupt since the 1950s, when they refused to fight Joe McCarthy. The ACLU is not interested in Edward Snowden's safety, in your civil liberties, or in civil liberties in general. They are frauds and poseurs, only pretending to 'represent' you because Edward Snowden was, for a time, heavily promoted in corporate media, and they wanted to pretend to be doing something.
The ACLU has actually supported banning me and murdering me, they gave 'ACLU lawyer' honours to a neo-Nazi from Germany with a fraudulent non-existent 'freedom foundation', Tim Schulte, who was one of the extortionists hired by Pearson plc to threaten to torture me to death, Schulte told me how I would have a fake 'suicide' in a jail cell (like the late hacker Aaron Swartz), if I did not stay quiet and pay extortion money to the friends of the judge who had instantly banned my freedom to speak and write to set up the extortion against me.
The ACLU has a consistent policy to never interfere with US federal judge bribery for top American political families. ACLU avoids using their many thousands of files about US judicial corruption, about extortion and disbarment and even jailing of honest lawyers who question judge bribery, about how US judges who don't submit are shot dead like US Federal Judge John Roll in 2011 after ruling against Obama, about how US Congressman who supervise judges are killed, like Sonny Bono, or threatened with death.
The corrupt ACLU does have a 'media-chaser' policy, hence, they pretend to represent Edward Snowden, but otherwise they look for cases like the 'Man Boy Love Association' so as to pretend to be 'extreme defence of civil liberties'. Meanwhile, the ACLU has a deal with the New York Times - they stay quiet while the NYT takes bribes and runs lying stories about bribed US judges, and in reward the NYT runs stories about the ACLU as 'America's leading civil liberties organisation'. - That's 'how the game is played' in America.
But the really frightening aspect of all the above - and requiring some urgent decision on your part, Edward - is that these CIA-tied 'Snowden journalists', are very likely using your name to entrap, betray and murder other whistleblowers in the US regime ... this may have been the main point of the last year of highly media-pumped 'Snowden revelations', to try to give more lustre to these corrupt CIA-tied news outlets known for spreading CIA lies.
With their new, undeserved and obviously fraudulent reputation as being 'brave Snowden journalists', the CIA's Guardian, the CIA's New York Times, and likely the CIA-tied Greenwald as well, are almost certainly trying to hoover in whistleblower and dissident contacts, which are then immediately transmitted to US government murderers.
New York Times and Guardian not only have been spreading lies to try and destroy and kill me, and help continue the illegal blocking of my websites by the CIA's Google ... the fact is they already have blood on their hands, having helped murder other dissidents, like Asian-American Sunny Sheu, killed trying to fight US judicial corruption, and being unaware of threats and dangers because Guardian and NYT join with Google to erase the truth from the internet.
It is possible there are already a string of dead bodies, of victims whose names the world will never know, who have died because they trusted contacting these so-called 'brave Snowden journalists'.
So, Mr Edward Snowden, it is time for you yourself, to confront the abuse of your name by these criminals at the New York Times and UK Guardian ... and for you to confront the betrayal by Glenn Greenwald and the ACLU, hiding the thousands of files already in their hands, proving with 'smoking gun' clarity, the absolute corruption of the US judges who would put Julian Assange and Edward Snowden on trial.
Or is it that, as some genuine US dissidents increasingly think, Edward Snowden himself is a CIA agent, as much a criminal operative of the US regime as the CIA's New York Times and the CIA-tied UK Guardian, and that you yourself are play-acting a 'limited hang-out', a partial, deceptive release of data done for other purposes ... like helping the Guardian, Greenwald and NYT murder genuine dissidents and whistleblowers?
Edward, it is clear the Anglo media is already reducing coverage of you, hiding Snowden stories that appear in Europe ... it was a 'pump' but now it is a 'dump', as if they have achieved their goals, or the CIA decided that the fallout from their CIA-supported media has 'gone too far'.
Hope you have a chance to read dissidents like Sibel Edmonds and others who argue 'Edward Snowden is perhaps not genuine ...' for reasons such as the following:
- Snowden 'revelations' are highly limited, it is clear now that most documents will never be revealed, and what was revealed, tho 'new' to most people because of corporate media coverage, was in fact 'old news' from previous NSA whistleblowers like Russell Tice
- Edward Snowden is linked to the family of America's most senior CIA advisor of four decades, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Snowden was a colleague of Ian Brzezinski at Booz Allen and journalist Mika Brzezinski has promoted Snowden's story
- Edward Snowden was rocketed to instant international fame by corporate and CIA-tied media like the corrupt New York Times and Guardian, which normally ignore or outright slander most genuine whistleblowers and dissidents like myself, and 'Snowden' journalist Greenwald won instant multi-million-dollar deals fast-track approved by the CIA-US-gov, and total US gov indulgence despite holding 'stolen' US espionage goods
- Aspects of the published Snowden CV and biography seem contrived, unlikely, fake
- Snowden seemed quickly eager to 'negotiate' to go back to the USA, or to countries which have large numbers of CIA agents on the ground ... and to leave a place like Russia where he is safer than anywhere
As to why the CIA would approve 'Snowden revelations' at all which seemed to so expose US government criminality, suggested reasons, aside from luring, entrapping, and killing other dissidents, include: Increasing global terror of the USA distracting from more serious revelations which are buried (like Tice's on how all US leaders are blackmailed by the NSA); advancing the CIA side of the old CIA-NSA turf war, given that NSA had perhaps used its data to conduct major financial criminality threatening to US ruling families; or for Edward Snowden to penetrate Russia or China as a double agent.
Well, Edward, you now really can appreciate the greatness of the Russian nation - President Putin and the FSB could see you are a major potential security threat to Russia ... but they let you stay, because they are strong and can handle it, and because they know that letting you stay helps the world right now, even if ultimately you are a CIA spy yourself.
Edward, if you are in fact a deep-cover CIA operative, and not a dissident whistleblower as most people hope ... you should reflect on the fact that you are still safer staying in Russia, and slowly making yourself into a European. Remember, the first rule of assassination is 'kill the assassins', and if you are a CIA spy and you go back to the West, the CIA are likely to kill you just because you know too much ... you can protest your loyalty as you die.
Recall how many of the soldiers who allegedly 'killed bin Laden' in Pakistan the other year, wound up being quickly killed themselves shortly afterwards. Not surprising after all those fake CIA 'bin Laden videos' they put out over time.
The main point here, needing your decision really, relates to this fact, that the federal judges proven to be involved in perjury and terrorism crimes in attacking me, and others as well, are the same judges whom YOU or Julian Assange would face in going on trial in the USA, there in the Virginia-Washington DC area.
Given they are hiding this fact, for purposes of using your name to identify, destroy and murder other dissidents and whistleblowers - and keeping in mind they have innocent blood on their hands already - it behooves you to directly confront the CIA-submissive zero-courage Glenn Greenwald, and the corrupt ACLU, and the media criminals at the Guardian and NYT, about their hiding the proof files of US judge corruption, which would be the key to restoring your own right to international travel without extradition, and the ability of your colleague Julian Assange to get out of his coerced confinement in his refuge in a London embassy.
Sadly I am too weak and ill to travel to Russia, though from knowing my Russian and Russian-speaking friends here in the Low Countries, I am sure I would enjoy being there or living there. I am not sure how much longer I shall be in this world. As I continue to be somewhat effective in raising awareness of US government crimes, despite the Google criminals blocking all my websites (they are not updated, as almost nobody can find them) ... it could be the Americans finish off the job of murdering me soon, and you will likely be in this world long after that.
Enjoy Russia, with its great people, and great culture. If you have some odd moments there, remember that they need to be wary of you, given the CIA-tied criminals in the West who are closely linked to you even now.
The Russian language is perhaps more natural to me with my childhood Polish ... to help you master it, sing along with some Russian vocal music. As well as pop stuff, Rachmaninoff's youthful opera Aleko is wonderful, as is Moussorgsky's masterpiece Boris Godunov.
Before 2020, the US empire may well be collapsed and gone, primarily for economic reasons, tied to the collapse of the petro-dollar (i.e., the propping up of the US dollar because of tying it to oil sales and international trade, allowing the US to import half a trillion each year without really paying for it). As that ends, and given the corrupt US regime, the US can easily implode into pieces ... and it would need to do so before I would ever go back there to that land of terrorism and bribed judges helping murder people.
So in the 2020s you may be travelling the world again in ease and freedom, the US empire long gone, with a little extra push from brave actions of a certain NSA contractor ...
Goog luck, Edward ... perhaps you will even take a lovely Russian wife during your time there. Russian ladies are terrific company, I know : - ;
Your fellow refugee from the USA
Dr Les (Leszek - Leslie) Sachs
- Scholar of the history of law and religion, with 7 earned academic degrees from 3 universities, the first two from Harvard University, alongside many US leaders;
- Former leading global journalist on US judicial bribery and CIA media control, author of articles now 'erased', with websites illegally blocked by CIA-Google, and continuously defamed and slandered by CIA-Wikipedia and associated extortionists, racists, and murderers of America's top political families;
- Author, 'America's Corrupt Legal System - A Danger to Visitors, Travellers as Well as USA Residents'; Foreign Companies Face Risk of US Court Corruption: Doing Business in the Big Bribery Nation'; 'Americans Murdering Their Judges, and the US Crisis of Judicial Corruption';
- Former USA resident who risked being tortured to death, attempting defence of human and Constitutional rights inside the United States, facing down terrorist gangster lawyers in a US courtroom, alone because US lawyers cowered in fear;
- Target of US threats of terrorist political murder, perhaps soon dead;
- Polish and EU citizen with the heritage of Jews of Warsaw uprising resistance; of Asian spirituality seeing the divine in animals, nature and ancient Arjuna's warrior spirit;
- Winner of US Department of Justice Superior Performance Award, in a long-ago, less-fascist USA, back when even America did not have the death penalty;
- Former nationally-known US anti-corruption book author, media publisher;
- Brussels, Belgium, photo chronicler of 'Historic Brussels' and martyrs of anti-Nazi resistance interred at the Ereperk der Gefusilleerden - Enclos des Fusillés.
33 And a very nice review of faker Assange data points was just published here:
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archived 25 May 2019 06:00:28 UTC