
Why News Wire Services Matter

How News Wire Services Can Help Your Business

News wire services put your press releases in front of people who want to read them. Using a news wire service is a good way to get your press release out there.

PR Newswire

PR Newswire is the largest global newswire service. It has over 1,000 customers and provides a wide range of services to clients in the business-to-business (B2B) market.

PR Newswire's clients include financial institutions; pharmaceutical companies; technology firms; retailers; governments, including state and local governments; trade associations such as the American Society for Precision Medicine (ASPM); media outlets such as Bloomberg News and Reuters News Service.


GlobeNewswire is a press release distribution service. The company was founded in 2000 by Cision, a global content services firm based in Austin, Texas. GlobeNewswire is a global news wire service that distributes press releases worldwide to more than 2 million journalists and media outlets through its network of offices across the US, UK and Australia.

In addition to being owned by Cision (which also owns PRWeb), GlobeNewswire also serves as an aggregator for other PRWire services like PRWeb NewsWire & Press Release Database; Weedwire Cannabis; CDPW World News Wire; WPP/Razorfish Group’s E-News Wire Service; News Distribution Systems Inc.; IHS Markit Group Inc., Tempo Marketing Solutions LLC; Sysomos Inc.; Fetch Data LLC

Cision PRWeb

Cision PRWeb is a news wire service. It's one of the top news wire services, and it's a good way to get your press release out there.

You can use Cision PRWeb for a number of things:

  • To post press releases on your website or blog (and have them appear in search results)
  • To add links to your social media accounts so that people can find you easily when they're looking for information about what you do
  • To create alerts for any new posts related to topics that interest you

EIN presswire

EIN presswire is a news wire service that provides information to the media industry in over 100 countries. It was founded in 1996 and is based in Germany with offices in Europe, Asia and the US.

EIN presswire focuses on providing news and information about companies that are publicly listed or traded on stock exchanges as well as private companies that are traded on over-the-counter markets such as pink sheets or dark pools.

Business Wire

Business Wire is a newswire service that provides corporate announcements, financial results and other business-related information to media outlets worldwide. The company was founded in 1961 by Norman E. Brown Jr., who had previously worked as an editor at The Wall Street Journal.

Business Wire currently has offices in over 100 countries with staff that includes over 500 journalists covering more than 200 countries across the globe (including India). It also employs over 3,000 people overall including sales representatives and support staff members who work directly with clients such as companies seeking to increase their public image or gain greater visibility among investors through press releases issued through this service provider's platform


RealWire is a newswire service for real estate professionals. It’s owned by Cision, Inc., which is a subsidiary of PR Newswire.

RealWire offers two ways to submit press releases: via email or as an attachment to your email from their website. If you choose to send them via email, they will use one of their reporters to review your release before it goes live on their site.

News wire services put your press releases in front of people who want to read them

Using a news wire service is a good way to get your press release out there

News wire services are a great way to get your press release out there. They're also a good way to get your press release in front of people who want to read it, and they can get your story read by people who need the information.

There are several different types of news wire services out there, but they all have one thing in common: they allow you to upload an article that has already been written by someone else (usually an editor), and then post it on their website for anyone interested in reading more.


It's important to be aware of what kind of news wire service you're going to use. If you want to place your release in front of the right audience, then you need to choose wisely. You'll also need to consider how much time it will take for them to get back with an answer (i.e., how quickly do they respond?). We hope this guide has given you some ideas on how we think about choosing a news wire service and what questions should be asked before choosing one!

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