
1 in 5 Children are Sexually Abused

Sexual abuse speaks volume about the kind of society we live in today. Every parent has the responsibility6d995b1610effb4fd329a38cb81ef93f.jpg of protecting their kids from perpetrators of this evil act. Even in places that we once considered safe like church, children are at the risk of being sexually abused. Your child could be in danger and you don’t even realize it. That is why you must always be on the lookout for any symptoms of sexual abuse.


But how do I know when my child is sexually abused by my priest? If you notice any of the following symptoms in your child, then it is time to take a closer look.


Injuries: When you notice injuries on their body, especially their genital organs, then that's an indication pointing you to something is definitely wrong. Most sexually abused victims often experience bruising, soreness, broken bones, and difficulty in walking. Some even experience internal bleeding and also sexually transmitted diseases or sexually transmitted infections. You should carefully watch out for the presence of these things, as they are significant indicators of sexual assaults.


Isolation: It is common to see victims of sexual assaults withdraw away from the society into isolation. They also tend to change their behavior, which is usually accompanied by anger, depression, irritation, fear, etc.


Lack of trust: Victims of sexual assaults find it difficult to trust anybody. They tend to see people as being capable of doing them harm. It becomes a real challenge for them to trust freely and maintain a healthy relationship.


How can I help a sexually abused child?

  • Speak to the child: Once you can confirm your suspicion of a sexual assault, you should speak to the child. You must let the child understand that she can trust you enough to open up to you. Remember that lack of trust is a common symptom among sexually abused victims. You need to assure the victim of your willingness to help him or her.
  • Contact a priest abuse lawyer: Regardless of your economic and social status, you might not be able to fight this case yourself, especially if the culprit involved is a well-known priest. You would wise to you reach out to a priest abuse lawyer. A priest abuse lawyer would be able to help you get the case looked into properly.
  • Get a therapist for the victim: While a priest abuse lawyer california is busy handling the case to ensure that the culprit is being brought to justice, the presence of a therapist would also go a long way for the victim. Sexual abuse can cause a lot of emotional damage, hence the need for therapy to overcome the effects of abuse. During this period, you have a significant role to play in the life of that child. You need to stand by the victim and let her know that she is still loved.


Vanderhyde Law
310 4th Ave S, Suite 5010,

Minneapolis MN
United States
Toll Free Number 1-866-777-2557