
Proprietary Tools And Systems Of Advatix Global HR

Advatix Global HR is a leading human resource and organizational development consulting firm in the nation. At Advatix we offer customized HR solutions and organizational development services from drafting a job description to designing and implementing the best organizational structure for our clients. Through our proprietary system, we offer the best talent acquisition software to help our clients identify and retain top talent critical for the organization’s growth and success. With the least “average time to fill” in the industry, we are the best recruiting resource to the companies in the market. Our global recruiting teams constantly look for and identify potential candidates to fill your open roles. Our team of experts works closely with the recruiting teams to ensure the interview is conducted legally by asking the right questions and by expecting the right responses.



With the help of our unique, innovative recruiting application “Sena” powered with organizational development management software, we provide provides real-time candidate progress and  “performance results” in the categories that are most important in improving the recruiting results. The application Sena along with our People Experts and the Advatix “Boots on the Ground” service philosophy, the search for top talent will be more effective than ever before. Our analytical and compensation studies give the clients an edge in recruiting the top talent by providing valuable insight into what’s happening, compensation-wise, in their regions and our hands-on approach ensures that the top-level candidates meet our clients first.


Through our “Vidya” tool, the best Learning Management System, we ensure the most precious asset of a company, its employees have impeccable knowledge and information to lead their roles successfully and at a fraction of the cost of other systems. Vidya also helps to meet compliance requirements, provide job-specific training, or help the team-members grow on a personal level.


For original post :- https://globalstaffingconsultant.blogspot.com/2020/09/proprietary-tools-and-systems-of.html