About heart failure
Heart failure is a chronic medical condition in which the heart is unable to perform its work of pumping blood to the body's various organs. It can be caused by a number of causes, many of which seriously harm the patient's heart and heart muscles, putting their lives in danger. Many of the leading heart clinics provide treatment for heart failure. In case of heart failure, the patient must be rushed to the hospital, where a detailed diagnosis is performed for proper assessment and care is scheduled.
In terms of care, the problem can only be tackled after a thorough diagnosis, which allows the doctor to assess the severity of the patient's illness and the extent to which the problem has spread. According to a heart specialist in Mumbai, the earlier the problem is identified, the higher the chance of survival after treatment.
Blood tests, chest X-rays, electrocardiograms (ECGs), stress tests, cardiac computerized tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), coronary angiograms, and myocardial biopsy are all conducted in the best heart failure clinic in Mumbai advanced laboratories.
A Cardiologist divides heart failure into four stages based on the results of these studies.
Stage I- The patient is insensitive to any symptoms, and the issue is normally discovered suddenly.
Stage II – Patients normally do not have any signs, but they become apparent when the patient over-exerts himself.
Stage III - Patients have severe trouble managing day-to-day activities.
Stage IV - it is the most serious type of heart failure, in which the patient experiences chronic symptoms even though they are at rest.
The doctor devises a suitable medical procedure to be followed after the tests and screenings are completed and the stage is decided. Heart failure is a chronic condition, which ensures it will last a lifetime and will need to be managed for the rest of one's life. Treatment will be required to develop the symptoms as well as add years to the patient's life. Doctors are attempting to identify the underlying cause of heart failure in order to avoid further damage.
Initially, your Heart Specialist can recommend medications to help with the symptoms and to relieve pain and discomfort. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, Angiotensin II receptor blockers, Beta-blockers, Diuretics, Aldosterone antagonists, Inotropes, and Digoxin are examples of these medications (Lanoxin).
When all other treatment options have failed, surgery is generally prescribed. Wherever possible, the procedure aids in the correction of any irregularities or the restoration of normal heart function. The most common procedures used to treat patients suffering from chronic heart failure include coronary bypass surgery, heart valve repair operation, and TAVI surgery. These help to patch as well as replace the affected part. The operation can be performed using conventional open-heart surgery or modern minimally invasive cardiac surgery techniques.
Certain implantable devices are often used in certain states to help the heart perform its function. Ventricular assist systems are among them.
Healthy lifestyle improvements are also advised by the Best Heart specialists in Mumbai in relation to both of these treatment strategies in order to keep the condition under control. A healthy, well-balanced diet and an active lifestyle are two of them. Patients must avoid smoking, drinking, and consuming unhealthy fat items, as these can raise cholesterol levels in the body, which is extremely dangerous to the heart.