
What Sizes Should You Order For T-Shirts? || OhCanadaShop

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OhCanadaShop @OhCanadaShop · Feb 11, 2023

If you've been given the task of ordering a large number of t-shirts for a group, company, charity, or fundraiser, you probably don't know where to begin. A large order can be placed when you have a list of the sizes that each person requires. But when you have to place an order blindly and cross your fingers that you get what you need, it's quite different.




There are in fact some rules to abide by. Please make sure to read this instruction before placing your order for bulk best t-shirts online in Canada.


Don't Rely on Speculation

It's simple to take the "easy" option, make a rash guess, and order 25 of each size when you need to place a huge order for shirts. The issue with this, of course, is that you'll likely have too few shirts in certain sizes and too many in others. People come in a wide variety of sizes and forms, and those sizes aren't always uniformly distributed. This strategy will almost certainly result in you spending more money and losing more time.


Additionally, you shouldn't assume that you'll only require, say, mediums and larges. Going this way implies rejecting smaller and larger persons, even though they may be suitable for the majority of the people you are ordering for.


Take a look at the numbers

For the sake of this blog article, we'll assume that you're ordering shirts to be sent or sold to customers in the United States. If you're buying for someone outside of the United States, these numbers will be different because average sizes vary from country to country.


The most typical shirt size, according to the statistics, is large. In actuality, it represents around 30% of shirt sales. The size medium, which came in at just under 28 percent, was a close second, while the extra large came in at 20 percent. For smaller and larger sizes, the percentages are significantly lower. Overall, it is broken down as follows:


XS: 1 percent, S: 7 percent, M: 28 percent, L: 30 percent, XL: 20 percent, 2XL: 12 percent, 3XL: 2 percent

According to that information, if you make a wild guess and just buy medium and large-sized shirts since those are the most popular sizes, you'll end up ignoring around 42% of the people you were originally buying shirts for.


Use a Basic Ratio

In general, when ordering wholesale sweatshirts or t-shirts, we advise adhering to a straightforward ratio. Remember that these figures are not fixed, so you might want to adjust them depending on a number of circumstances (more on that later). But generally speaking, it's best to stick to this ratio: 1-2-3-3-1

This ratio breaks down to:

1 Small, 2 Medium, 3 Large, 3 Extra Large, 1 Extra Extra Large


Each number should be multiplied by 10 if you need 100 shirts. Multiply by 100, then by 1,000, and so on. Even while extra big is statistically more prevalent than medium, we advise leaning that way. If you run out of mediums, a person who typically wears a medium can switch to a large or extra large. If their size isn't available, someone who typically wears an extra large would have a considerably harder time fitting into a smaller garment. Ordering at least one or two shirts in the unusual XS and 3XL sizes is also a smart idea. According to statistics, very few individuals are expected to require them. However, having a couple on hand just in case never hurts. Of course, you'll want to buy a few extra if you're buying several hundred or thousand.



Additional Points to Consider

Although knowing the figures greatly aids, common sense is still necessary. You should probably spend more money on the larger sizes and less on the smaller ones if you're purchasing shirts for a family reunion and you know that your relatives tend to be on the larger side. On the other side, you'll probably need smaller sizes if you're ordering t-shirts for visitors to a yoga retreat.


There may be a variance in shirt fabric types as well. If you decide to wear 100% cotton shirts, think about sizing up. This will make it more likely that they will still fit after washing. If you're purchasing more fitting styles, you might also want to order a little larger.


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