
Health hazards of Copper in drinking water + solution

Are you or anyone in your known suffering from menstrual disorders? Or possibly moods & behavioral imbalances? Or even major imbalances such as cancer or Alzheimer’s?

In this blog, I am shedding light on one of the major health epidemics that’s taking place these days especially in the USA — ”Copper Toxicity” caused by copper in the water that you drink.

What results in Copper toxicity?

Well, Copper is an essential nutrient required for so many different biological functions in our body. However, at unhealthy levels, copper is a major toxic heavy metal. Plus there is an inverse relationship between zinc and copper in the body. Often when a person elevates copper intake, the zinc level in the body becomes low. Zinc is another mineral essential to cellular function, regulation of the immune system, wound healing, and synthesis of neurotransmitters.

When copper levels are very high, and Zinc levels are very low,  it results in copper toxicity.

Major causes of Copper toxicity

Numerous studies & literature prove that Copper toxicity is a major cause of concern and may underlie many of today's diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's, major problems with brains, neurotransmitter function with cellular metabolism, severe levels of oxidative stress, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Hormonal imbalance, anxiety, bipolar disorders, Huntington's and Wilson's diseases + estrogen dominance, PMS, menstrual disorders and candida infections in women.

How does Copper get into our drinking water or tap water?

Low levels of copper can be found naturally in all water sources. However, the major source of copper in drinking water is corrosion of household plumbing, faucets, and water fixtures. Water absorbs copper as it leaches from plumbing materials such as pipes, fittings, and brass faucets. The amount of copper in your water depends on the types and amounts of minerals in the water, how long water stays in the pipes, the water temperature, and acidity.

What amount of copper is ok to consume?

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) is around 900 micrograms (mcg) a day for adolescents and adults.

How to eliminate copper from drinking water?

Well, the only way to get rid of those Copper in your tap water is by installing an RO filtration system.  RO purification is the only process that is highly capable of removing toxic heavy metals from the drinking water. However, choosing the right gadget is just another challenge. For this, I would suggest checking out this ZIP (Zero Installation Purifier) Countertop RO water filter from RKIN - (Formerly PuricomUSA). It guarantees a 95% elimination of copper & other heavy metals from your ordinary tap water. Unlike super fancy water filters, this one is pretty affordable + with these RKIN coupons, you can get a flat $30 off & free shipping on your ZIP RO water filter. Many people only care for their health when it’s too late. So, if you’re really concerned about your family’s health, do consider checking this amazing filter out!