
Unfortunate Facts About the Standard American Diet


The Standard American Diet, also referred to as SAD – talk about fitting – is unfortunately made up of the most common eating habits in the country. Instead of opting for the healthy, organic choices provided by God himself, those following SAD depend on unnatural, unhealthy processed options made with harmful ingredients that deteriorate overall health and well-being. These same individuals are not only relying on fast food for fuel, but they’re also eating substantial portion sizes that increase their risk for developing chronic conditions, wrecking their immune systems and gaining unnecessary weight.

The Truth About SAD
The Standard American Diet is comprised of a variety of elements that make it so dangerous. What’s worse, is most people following these eating habits are hurting their bodies three or more times a day, per each meal they consume. Here’s what makes the SAD so harmful:

It’s high in animal fats. It’s high in saturated, hydrogenated and trans fats. It’s high in processed ingredients. It’s low in fiber. It’s low in complex carbohydrates. It’s low in natural, plant-based choices.

With these elements, Americans can’t expected to get any of the vitamins, minerals and necessary nutrients they need to live long, healthy lives.

The Standard American Diet leads to obesity.

Conditions Acquired From Following SAD
Think about America’s current health care system. So much money is spent on cancer research, treating patients and giving them prescribed medications to get better, while these sick individuals are continuing to ruin their bodies with

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