


Mr. T's 'If U Don't Worship Me U R An Evil Retard' $urvey = LOL!

Sent to white house:

'Mr. T.', This $urvey U posted is very insulting because it claims the only available options are to vote for Trump or Satan.

In fact there are MANY options like for instance Tusli Gabbard is against war...

& that's not 2 mention all the REPUBLICANS who would be BETTER than trump, like if Tucker Carlson ran for president! =) I would suggest making him Trump's V.P.! =D Would be INFINITELY better than getting all the WORST POSSIBLE ADVICE from (((Javanka))) & assorted 'bureaucratic tapeworms' like Boldon & Pompeo.

& what's with all the nonsense about it being 'wrong' 2 'give' Iran 'access' to billions? It's THEIR MONEY! It was $TOLEN from them by jew-merica, & O'Ba$tard simply let them have it BACK. Even Trump himself admits in that in (some of) his speeches: "We should have never given them their whatever billions of dollars back." Acting like your 'followers' are stupid is not an effective way to win more friends.

Also if there is a false flag 'against our troops' by the 'chicken hawk cabinet' or N E 1 else, instead of going against Iran you should prosecute (((Those People))) who were actually behind it, like that 9/11 inside job, which even jews themselves admit:


BTW: Instead of 'Isra-Hel Firsters' like (((Javanka))) & others, U should make (((Makow))) an advisor, as well as (((Brother Nat.))):

More info...



Check out this ClownWOrld krap =P


Certified Website of President Donald J. Trump

Official 2020 Trump vs Democrat Poll


  1. Who would you rather see fix our Nation’s shattered immigration policies?
    • President Trump
    • A MS-13 Loving Democrat
  2. Who do you trust more to protect America from foreign and domestic threats?
    • President Trump
    • A Corrupt Democrat
  3. Who would you rather handle our Nation’s economy?
    • President Trump
    • A Radical Socialist Democrat
  4. Who do you believe is more transparent with the American People?
    • President Trump
    • A Lying Democrat
  5. Who do you trust to NOT raise your taxes?
    • President Trump
    • A High Tax Democrat
  6. Who do you believe will ALWAYS put America FIRST?
    • President Trump
    • A Sleazy Democrat
  7. Who do you believe will keep their promises?
    • President Trump
    • A Lyin’ Democrat
  8. Who do you believe will fight for you every day?
    • President Trump
    • A Low Energy Democrat
  9. Who do you believe is better for America?
    • President Trump
    • A Low IQ Democrat
  10. Who will you vote for in 2020?
    • President Trump
    • A Radical Socialist Democrat
Silly me ~ how 'bout "I would prefer 2 vote 4 N E 1 even BETTER who comes along"?  =D  Just because U R a rotten banana in a toilet bowl full of poo doesn't mean U R awesome.  If U want the best president ever, vote 4 MEEE ~> Dood McMan, or other variations like "Deathrape2000" or "Velvet Jones" or "Sir Groovatron" or whatever.  =)
Bask in the glow of my infinite wiseness, like 'Sensible Anti-Invasion Policy'...
WHOOP! =8^)