
Additional Tips To Help You Commit To Setting Priorities

50 Short and Sweet Inspirational Quotes to Get You Motivated


Yes–there is such a thing as having too many priorities. And if you’re overdoing it with setting goals, you’re going to be vulnerable to distractions, burnout, and negative feelings. A long to-do list is not always better! How many priorities is too many?


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Stay realistic about your abilities, resources, and energy: I recommend focusing on no more than 3-5 priorities at any given time.


Identify What’s Urgent

An urgent task is something that needs attention right away. This could be a phone call that needs answering, or someone asking you to edit a project. Keep in mind that an “urgent” task is not necessarily the same thing as an “important” task. Tasks that are important help move the needle with your long-term goals and plans. This is why important tasks should usually take precedence over urgent ones.


Make A To-Do List

Put your organizational skills to work and prioritize tasks by always working from a list. When something new comes up, add it to the list before you do it. I recommend taking a few minutes at the end of each workday to write a to-do list for the next day.


Focus On What’s Important

Not all of your to-do list items have to get done right away. Figure out what’s most important and start there. Remember, the one task that is likely the most important at any given time is the one that’s going to contribute to your long-term goals. If a task is both important and urgent, it needs to get done right away. But if the items on your list are either important or urgent, do the important ones now, and schedule a time later for the urgent ones.


Break It Down

Painlessly set priorities by using the ABCDE method outlined earlier in this article. Then give yourself clear deadlines for each task. Working through a series of small, bite-sized tasks feels much less intimidating than jumping headfirst into big ones.


Be Flexible

I wish I could tell you that your plans are going to go off without a hitch, and you’ll easily achieve your goals in no time at all. But you and I both know this probably isn’t true. Life happens. Schedules change. Problems arise. This is why you need to be flexible–able and willing to pivot at a moment’s notice. Make it easier to adapt by proactively coming up with solutions to potential problems.



You don’t have to always do everything by yourself–especially certain tasks that might not fit your skill set. Learn the art of delegation to get more done in less time. To delegate effectively, find someone who has the skills and knowledge needed for this task. Then, if they’re available, be clear about the timeline, outcome, and other expectations you’re looking for. Make yourself available to answer any questions throughout the process.


Take Breaks

Taking breaks might seem counterintuitive if you’re working hard to achieve your priorities and goals. But in reality, rest and play are important parts of the process. Take off at least one day each week where you do nothing except rest–spend time with family or friends, move your body, participate in a hobby you enjoy, whatever it looks like for you. You will find that you feel refreshed and ready to jump back in.


Celebrate Progress

All work and no celebration is a fast track to burnout. Don’t forget to stop once in a while, look around at everything you’ve accomplished, and pat yourself on the back. Whether you take a vacation, treat yourself to a nice dinner out, or simply acknowledge that you’re doing a great job, it’s important to celebrate the progress you’re making toward achieving your goals. Congratulations on a job well done!

