
Methods of Fertility Awareness - Fertility awareness and its various methods


What is “Fertility”? It is a woman’s capability to produce offspring through combined

genes of the respective parents, also termed as Pregnancy, is every woman’s desire. Every

female desires a child to call her own. Fertility is the key to finding out whether the woman

possesses the capacity to give birth to a child.

The woman has to go through a series of practices to determine the correct or incorrect time of fertility. A female has different phases in her menstrual pattern, infertile, and fertile phases, respectively. There are methods to determine the fertile phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle. 


Let’s talk about these “fertility awareness methods” that help a woman either by producing an offspring or by avoiding the pregnancy phase.


Fertility Awareness Methods is also known as “The Rhythm Method,” tracks one’s ovulation phase. Ovulation occurs through the ovaries, releasing an egg every month. When in an average menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation takes place 14 days before the start of the next cycle. When the egg is released, it paves its way through the Fallopian tube to the uterus.

These methods are then used to rely on the observation of changes in one or more of the

fertility signs. The fertile days of ovulation are when a woman may get pregnant. Various

methods have emerged over the years to track one’s menstrual cycle.

There are several methods that can record the fertility period and a few of these methods are — “The Cervical Mucus Method”, “Body Temperature Method,” and the “The Standard Days Method.”


Let’s start with the most common and well-known Calendar method, “The Standard Days Method” - if one’s menstrual cycle is between 26-32 days long, she can use this method to track her periods and determine when Pregnancy is possible and when it is not.

Days 1-7 - A woman’s menstrual cycle is considered infertile.
Days 8-19 are considered fertile.
Day 20, toward the end, is considered infertile. This method is mostly used to avoid Pregnancy.

Whereas the “Cervical Mucus Method” is used to observe cervical secretions to check fertility.


Hundreds of cervix glands produce 20-60mg of cervical mucus, a day. This increases to 600mg during ovulation. The cervix connects the uterus to the vaginal canal. 

Mid-cycle, two hormones influence the mucus produced by the cervical glands— Estrogen and Progesterone. During ovulation, the hormone Estrogen turns the mucus thin and serum-like. 


This thin, serum-like mucus and the sensation of it passing down the Vulva is when a woman can determine the ovulation period of her cycle. The mucus indicates the starting of the ovulation period. During ovulation, Estrogen production drops, and progesterone starts to increase. 


The high progesterone causes a distinct change in the quality of mucus at the Vulva. Nevertheless, “Basal Body Temperature” or “Body Temperature Method” refers to the temperature of the woman’s body right after waking up from a long sleep. In women, ovulation will trigger a rise in Basal Body Temperature or BBT, between 0.2 and 0.5 degrees Celsius. This temperature shift may be used to record the onset of post-ovulatory infertility.


There are various other Fertility Awareness methods. These methods can be used to an advantage as — they have no side effects, it’s practically cheap or free, no devices, strong

drugs, regular doctor visits aren’t required either. It is useful for couples trying to avoid

Pregnancy, as well as couples who have religious concerns related to birth control. But, in case you are facing issue, it is advised to visit Dr. Shweta Goswami for a checkup.

However, these Fertility Awareness Methods also have some cons. It is quite challenging for women with irregular menstrual cycles. A woman must keep a consistent and accurate record of her cycle and requires diligence from both parties. A lot of other techniques are used to determine or avoid Pregnancy. How much does it take to go through this process? Fertility Awareness is free to inexpensive! Health centers, some churches, and pregnancy services provide free sessions and consult on these various methods to confirm fertility.


If these Fertility Awareness Methods are used correctly and consistently, rates of

effectiveness may rise up to 90%. The effectiveness depends on your dedication to track and

record your fertility pattern or use birth control during your fertility period. These methods

are a gateway for the women toward a better understanding of their body and menstrual

pattern. Hence, keeping your cycle and health in check is beneficial for every woman.


Looking for more knowledge on fertility awareness? Visit the best IVF center in Noida to know more about it.