
Junction of Oxford St and Regent St, smoke and fireworks edition.

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santeberry @user80114 · Feb 9, 2022



An iconic Junction of Oxford Street and Regent Street captured at night, yet edited with motion effects to show a smokey new years night with the view of fireworks. A unique short 4k video by Ummi. Tree of life is a symbol we have become accustomed too, so to brighten up this concept we bring you the unique Tree of Bling. One of a kind edit for you to cherish. 


View Video- https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/21565123352590499965514570148385980466211829295193931447312663719022012923905 


#Treeofbling #Spinningaround #Iconicjunctionofoxfordstandregentsst #Treeofbling#1 #Junctionofoxfordstandregentst #smokeandfireworksedition