
The next image is plate 35 from Thor Heyerdahl’s 1952 work American Indians in the Pacific. Figure 1 shows a pre-Inca Peruvian head with fine, wavy dark blond hair.

And below is another scan of figure 1 from plate 35.

Next is plate 36 from American Indians in the Pacific. Figure 3 is a head with fine, wavy blond hair from the Paracas culture (1200–800 BC to 100 BC), which preceded the Nazca culture in the southern coastal region of Peru. Figures 1, 7, 9, and 12 also show examples of blond or dark blond hair from pre-Inca Peru.

And below is a larger scan of the Paracas head in figure 3 from plate 36. Note also the narrow-faced European, non-Amerindian morphology of the skull.

The next image shows a Paracas mummy with blond hair and white skin. Here again, the cranial morphology is distinctly European and not Amerindian.

Below is a mummy of a child with fine, wavy blond hair from the Nazca area.

And here is a close-up of the child’s blond hair:

According to this page, five blond mummies were found during the dictatorship of the left-wing Peruvian general Juan Velasco Alvarado (1968–1975), and Alvarado ordered these mummies to be destroyed.
On this page of this website I found the below photograph of another skull from the Paracas culture with blond hair.

The page also shows the next photograph of an obviously European Peruvian mummy head with white skin and light brown hair and beard. The following photograph shows the same head as it is now displayed in a museum in Ica, Peru, after the hair and skin were artificially and fraudulently darkened to make the head look more Amerindian.

The chronicler and conquistador Pedro Pizarro, cousin of Francisco Pizarro, wrote the following about the Incas in his 1571 work Relation of the discovery and conquest of the kingdoms of Peru:

The people of this kingdom of Peru were white, swarthy in color, and among them the Lords and Ladies were whiter than Spaniards. I saw in this land an Indian woman and a child who would not stand out among white blonds. These people [of the upper class] say that they were the children of the idols.

Below is an ancient Peruvian mummy with red hair. This is the same mummy that the liars at New Scientist magazine claimed to have “long black hair” on this page.

Next is a photograph of a Chachapoya skull with red or reddish-brown hair from the Laguna de los Cóndores site.

And the next photograph is of a head from the Nazca culture with red or reddish-brown hair, white skin, and European facial features.

Below is a mummy of a Peruvian child with fine red or reddish-brown hair from around 1334 AD.

Next is another mummy of a child with fine red hair from Paramonga, a city of the Chimu culture (1100 AD to 1470 AD), which succeeded the Moche culture in the northern coastal region of Peru.

Below is a mummy with fine, wavy red hair from the Wari culture (500 AD to 1000 AD), which was contemporaneous with the Tiwanaku culture further south.

One of the first people from Spain to see the ruins of the capital city of the Wari culture was Pedro Cieza de León, and in the first part of his 1553 work Chronicle of Peru, he wrote the following about the people who built the city:

The largest river near the city is called Viñaque, near which there are some great and very ancient edifices, which are now in ruins, but appear to have stood for many ages. When the Indians are asked who built these ancient monuments, they reply that a bearded and white people like ourselves were the builders, who came to these parts many ages before the Incas began to reign, and formed a settlement here.

And finally, below are mummies with fine, wavy red hair from the Nazca culture’s Chauchilla Cemetery, which was established around 200 AD and used for 600 to 700 years.


It is staring you right in the face, the evidence is ABSOLUTELY overwhelming. This isn't even half of what's out there - there are swastikas, figurines with clearly blue eyes and a straight Caucasoid nose, New World crops in Egyptian mummies (just forget the contamination argument) - you name it. The ONLY way you can avoid believing in this, is cognitive dissonance, because the truth, for whatever reason, is painful to accept. Do those remains look Amerindian to you? It may be an uncomfortable thought, for obvious reasons, but it happens to be the truth. 

So, I ask you, read this post, and come to your own conclusions - if you do not conclude there was West Eurasian influence, you're wrong and have a distorted mindset.